Chapter 86
Then the three of them walked towards the antique city.

The antique city is actually a street, most of which are antique shops, pawn shops, and the most attractive stone gambling.

The so-called gambling stone is a kind of rough stone pulled from the mine, which may contain gems, and you can buy it at a high price. If there are gems in it, you will make a lot of money
If not, I can only blame myself for my bad eyesight and consider myself unlucky
People passing by on this street are basically either rich or expensive, with gorgeous clothes, but there are also some gamblers who want to reach the sky in one step.
With Ye Xiao's eyesight, he was able to tell the authenticity of these antiques along the way. They are basically imitations or fakes, and there are very few genuine ones.
But there are still some people who love antiques and buy them at high prices, Ye Xiao shook his head when he saw them.
Qin Yan's house has no shortage of antiques, and I don't like them, so the three of them didn't go in, and Qin Hao excitedly dragged Ye Xiao towards the stone gambling place.
There are more people here than can’t be crowded. There is a pile of gravel in front of you. There are big and small stones in different colors.
After confirming that the stone in hand is extraordinary, I will pick it up and buy it, and cut it on the spot
After watching for a while, very few gems were unearthed. According to Ye Xiao's perception, the aura of this pile of stones is very weak. Even if there are gems, they are just ordinary products and have little meaning.
"The rough stones here are very cheap, so naturally there won't be any good gemstones. Let's go, brother-in-law, I will take you to a more advanced place."

Seeing Ye Xiao shaking his head and guessing what he was thinking, Qin Hao suddenly smiled badly.

Ye Xiao nodded, Qin Hao's purpose is not pure.
Continue to walk inside and there are fewer and fewer people. After turning the corner, it is suddenly clear that this is a small square with a pile of stones piled up on the square.
These stones are obviously larger and shiny than those outside, both in size and color.
At a glance, one can feel the strong aura coming from the nostrils, that is to say, there must be spirit stones in this pile of stones.
Here is a brief explanation, the bricks and stones worn by women, gems and so on are not spirit stones, only stones that contain the aura of heaven and earth are spirit stones
"Xiaohao, this is Zhu's stone gambling field, right?"

Qin Yan frowned, showing displeasure, he didn't want to see Zhu Gang at all.

"Yeah, my brother-in-law is so good that he can cut out a lot of gems and make the Zhu family bleed, so help me vent my anger by the way."

Qin Hao said with a smile, and flattered Ye Xiao along the way.

The corners of Ye Xiao's mouth twitched when he heard this, this kid really held grudges, he had already helped him to cheat Zhu Gang a few times and he still had such a big resentment, but such things as wearing a cuckold can indeed make you angry for a long time.
But this kid Zhu Gang not only has thoughts about Qin Yan, but also covets the entire Qin Group. He really needs to be taught a lesson, or even killed.
As the eldest son of the Zhu family, he has a high position and authority, and few people dare to disobey him. If the wind comes, the rain will come, but recently he has been more irritable
Ever since that Ye Xiao appeared, he has been devastated everywhere, his fiancée has been robbed, golf is not his opponent, the charity party has been tricked, everything has made him lose face
He made up his mind to find a killer to make Ye Xiao disappear, but not only failed, but the most bizarre thing is that Huang Quan, who regards his reputation as his life, did not assassinate Ye Xiao, and returned the money he paid together with the liquidated damages.
How did Zhu Gang know that the country is being rectified now, and it is too late for Huang Quan to avoid the limelight, so how could he dare to assassinate at will, and the target of the assassination is the general manager of the Qin Group.
It's easy to become a target.
It even made Zhu Gang vomit blood. He wanted to beg the death god in the family to help him, but now he was nowhere to be seen. It was said that he was in retreat. The one who disturbed him the most was his younger sister Zhu Yan, who was said to be very close to the death god.
He knows his sister Zhu Yan very well, and he is a little panicked. If the god of death, Kuangya, really supports his sister, his chances of winning are very small
Agitated, Zhu Gang looked outside and saw the three of Ye Xiao, and was stunned for a moment.
"Brother Zhu, how about we go out for a drink at night, I heard that there is a batch of original goods from Tianshan Renjian, let's try it."

Xiang Shao said with a smile.

But I was a little surprised that I didn't get any reply from Zhu Gang. After following Zhu Gang's gaze, my complexion also sank.
Looking at Zhu Gang and Xiang Shaoye Xiao's playful smiles, it's really a narrow road to enemies, I didn't expect these two people to be here.
"Ye Xiao ate my leg."

Suddenly a clear voice came from behind, and then a leg wind hit.

Ye Xiao subconsciously slapped it, and immediately realized what he was doing, and hurriedly withdrew his strength. Even so, the person who kicked his feet fell to the ground and made a sound of ouch
Ye Xiao turned around with a wonderful expression: "Why is Miss Bai you?"

The one lying on the ground was Bai Ruotong, the eldest lady of the Bai family, still wearing black clothes, short hair and earrings, her delicate face was like a thrush, but she was full of tears from the pain.
Rubbing her sore buttocks with both hands, she feels aggrieved. Ye Xiao spanked her when she lost the race last time, and vowed to take revenge the next time she sees Ye Xiao
When I saw Ye Xiao just now, I wanted to attack from behind, but I fell to her ass again. Her ass is really unlucky
No, it was really unlucky to meet Ye Xiao. I was going shopping with my best friend on Sunday, so I came here to touch a few stones to gamble on my luck. How did I meet this hooligan?
"Does the ass still hurt?"

Seeing Bai Ruotong's appearance, Ye Xiao accidentally said this sentence
Bai Ruotong stared at Ye Xiao with a blushing face, she was so angry that she couldn't speak, it was on purpose, this man must have done it on purpose
"Ye Xiao, you strike too hard!"

Qin Yan complained, and immediately came over and pulled Bai Ruotong with a smile, "Ruotong, you are here to go shopping today, why are you kicking Ye Xiao from behind?"

Both of them are the daughters of the five major families in Haidong City, so they are naturally very close
"Sister Yan, hurry up and leave Ye Xiao, he is a bastard"

Bai Ruotong held Qin Yan with one hand and rubbed her butt with the other, glaring at Ye Xiao angrily.
"Why is Ye Xiao such a jerk?"

Qin Yan asked curiously
"She, she, he doesn't have the style to race with me, and still beat me, isn't he a man!"

Bai Ruotong originally wanted to say that Ye Xiao spanked her, but he didn't have the nerve to say it, and the words turned into racing cars.
Ye Xiao rubbed his nose, winked at Bai Ruotong tacitly and made a grimace, and Bai Ruotong puffed up his cheeks in anger, feeling annoyed in his heart
Qin Yan looked at the two of them suspiciously, then smiled lightly and said, "You can't blame Ye Xiao, it's about business after all!"

Bai Ruotong stopped talking, and just looked at Ye Xiao with murderous eyes.

"Ruotong heard that you know a lot about jade, so come here to gamble on stones this time too!"

Qin Yan turned around and asked.

"Know a thing or two, I just came here to try my luck."

Bai Ruotong said softly, but looked sideways at Ye Xiao, raised his chin slightly, like a proud little swan
(End of this chapter)

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