Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 89 The Killing Is About to Begin

Chapter 89 The Killing Is About to Begin

"Hey, Qin Hao, do you smell a sour smell?"

Ye Xiao suddenly looked at Qin Hao and asked.

"Sour? No!"

Qin Hao was puzzled and immediately saw Qin Yan's gloomy little face, and immediately reacted, the corner of his mouth smiled and gave Ye Xiao a self-seeking expression
"Tell me, are you having an affair with that Bai Ruotong?"

Qin Yan pursed her lips and her beautiful eyes were wide open, as if the jar of vinegar had been turned over, her right hand desperately pinched and twisted Ye Xiao's waist.
"No, you think too much."

The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth twitched, even if Zhan Longjue broke through to the third floor, if he kept pinching the same spot, he would still be bruised.
"Brother-in-law, that Bai Ruotong is so beautiful, she must have a good figure, I'm so envious."

Qin Hao smiled and didn't forget to make up the knife, and Ye Xiao kicked in anger
This guy is a typical white-eyed wolf, ungrateful.
On the way home, Qin Yan was still depressed, which made Ye Xiao extremely depressed, woman, the sun was shining one second before, and the next second it was cloudy
Back at the Qin family, Qin's mother prepared a table of rich meals. Ye Xiao was really hungry, and he ate hungrily. The taste was not bad.
Qin Yan poked her chopsticks into the rice fiercely, muttering in a low voice: "Bastard, big villain, big radish, man meat are all the same, eat what's in the bowl, look at what's in the pot, Still waiting for what's in the tank"

Qin Hao bowed his head to eat and his face cramped from laughing, Qin Lie and Qin's mother also had a strange expression.
But it's no surprise.

I feel relieved that my daughter is going to drive more and more like a normal girl now.

Happy and relaxed.

"Ye Xiao eats more dishes, I made them myself, try them."

Qin's mother kept adding vegetables to Ye Xiao, and said with a smile.

Ye Xiao agreed with a smile, and buried himself in his meal.

"Eat, you know how to eat, it will kill you."

Qin Yan muttered softly, and immediately kicked her under the table. Ye Xiao had been prepared, and clamped Qin Yan's beautiful legs, making her unable to move.
What follows can only be understood but unspeakable.deleted this paragraph
After the meal was finished in this delicate atmosphere, Ye Xiao couldn't wait to pull Qin Yan into the room. Qin Yan's room was not big, but the decoration was very warm, with pink as the main tone.
Ye Xiao couldn't wait to turn into a war wolf, and the battle became fierce as it started.

Looking at Qin Yan and Ye Xiao who was sleeping soundly, she smiled slightly, women are really the grace of the Creator, they have endless aftertaste.

Duan Shui brought a towel and Ye Xiao washed Qin Yan's body, then leaned over and kissed Qin Yan lightly on the forehead, covered the quilt and prepared to leave, a killing is inevitable tonight
When Ye Xiao left, a happy smile bloomed on the corner of Qin Yan's mouth
Walking to Qin's courtyard, Luo Yexiao stopped in his tracks, glanced at the dark place, and said softly: "Come out."

As soon as the words fell, an old man appeared from the shadows, it was Zhu Jiakeqing Mr. Liu.
"Are you alright?"

Ye Xiao frowned. The old man had been staring at him and peeping at him. If it wasn't for his status as a guest of the Qin family, he would have been wiped out with a wave of his hand.
"I am Liu Xiangyang, a guest of the Qin family, please teach me how to break through to the fourth-level warrior."

With burning eyes, Liu Xiangyang bent down and said softly.

He has been trapped as a third-level warrior for more than ten years. If he does not break through, he may not have a chance in the future. After all, he is over fifty years old.
Although Liu Xiangyang's strength is not good, but his vision is not bad. Although he didn't see Ye Xiao make a move last time, he felt a great aura from Ye Xiao
This made him believe that the master last time was Ye Xiao, so he couldn't wait to come out and ask.
Ye Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Follow me."

Liu Xiangyang followed Ye Xiao into the car without the slightest hesitation and left without asking any questions
At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, in a courtyard in the suburbs, all the members of the special operations team arrived, even the two elders, Wang Pu and Liu Geng, also came.
When Ye Xiao appeared, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet. He looked at Ye Xiao with a little fear, and Wang Pu also smiled and said, "Here we are, hurry up and make arrangements, the old man has to go back to sleep."

Ye Xiao nodded and began to assign tasks.
Liu Xiangyang looked at everything in front of him with shock and horror. There are so many third-level warriors and fourth-level warriors who respect Ye Xiao so much, especially the fear in their eyes naturally did not hide from him.
And the aura of those two old men is so profound, they must be fifth-level warriors.
The fifth-level fighters are all so polite to Ye Xiao, which at least shows that Ye Xiao is a fighter of the same level.
Liu Xiangyang was frightened, such a young fifth-level martial artist is really rare
At the same time, he was also surprised that Ye Xiao's identity was actually a member of the special operations team. Liu Xiangyang and Qin Lie had discussed the current situation in Haidong City and this rectification task.
They all think that it is more dangerous now and it is better to keep a low profile.
But it never occurred to Ye Xiao to be the person in charge of the rectification task
Liu Xiangyang knew that these were all secrets, so he didn't dare to tell them. Ye Xiao dared to bring him here, naturally he was not afraid
Then he smiled wryly and shook his head. He couldn't help but admire Qin Lie's vicious eyes. At that time, he was worried that the Zhu family's death god would kill him. Now it seems that the Zhu family's death god is nothing in front of Ye Xiao. He is vulnerable.
Soon Ye Xiao assigned the task, and with the sound of the start, dozens of special operations teams began to pedal to various places under the leadership of Wild Lion, Cheetah, Yang Jie and other experts.
And Yu Lu followed Ye Xiao, preparing to go to a stronghold in the Nether Palace. According to Yang Jie's investigation, many experts gathered here.
That being the case, it was natural for Ye Xiao to go. There are not many people in the special operations team, and there are not many experts, so too many casualties cannot be accepted.
The black car quickly disappeared into the night like a ghost, and a killing was about to begin
(End of this chapter)

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