Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 9 Music Plays Elegantly

Chapter 9 Music Plays Elegantly

The next morning, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, thriving!
The quilt slipped off to reveal half of Han Yue's body, her smooth skin, like jade fat, was white and red under the sunlight!

Ye Xiao was furious, and threw his hands down again amidst Han Yue's lazy resistance.

After a long time, the fighting stopped.

After getting dressed, Han Yue ate breakfast and went to work. She continued to cherish her flight attendant dream, but her walking posture was a bit awkward!

In fact, with Han Yue's various conditions, he would definitely kill a large number of flight attendants in an instant.

But the stewardess has a clear sign, at least 38C is required, and Han Yue is unqualified.

In fact, you can also enter, but Han Yue was made things difficult.

How could Han Yue be willing to be ruled by the aviation manager, so she has never been able to become a flight attendant.

This is the main reason!
After eating and drinking, Ye Xiao received a call from Qin Yan.

This made Ye Xiao quite surprised, the reply would be over soon, so he hung up the phone.

After going out, he stopped a taxi and rushed towards Qin's house.

One and a half hours away finally arrived.

The Qin family is located in the suburb of Haidong City, where rich people are concentrated, with a good environment, good security, and all kinds of things are good.

After getting out of the car, Qin Yan was standing pretty at the door, her hair draped over her shoulders, extremely beautiful, like a fairy descending to earth.

"You came!"

Qin Yan trotted over and said with a smile.

"Well, come and treat my daughter-in-law!"

Ye Xiao said with a smile.

Qin Yan glared at Ye Xiao with her beautiful eyes, spat lightly, and the two of them walked in immediately.

In the courtyard of the Qin family, the sun is shining brightly, the pavilions and fountains are well arranged, and the scenery is very good.

There are more than a dozen handsome men and beautiful women sitting or standing.

The men are gorgeously dressed and have a noble temperament. They are all noble sons.

The woman's eyebrows are picturesque, Yingying and Yanyan are all famous ladies!

But Ye Xiao didn't catch a cold. These so-called celebrities were basically black fungus.

There are a lot of instruments on site, including pianos, flutes, etc., and there should be some kind of concert going on.

"These are all my friends. They came here to congratulate me when they learned that my illness was cured. When we are idle and bored, we play music to relieve boredom and cultivate our sentiments!"

Qin Yan said with a smile.

Ye Xiao was noncommittal, he had no interest in music or anything!

What kind of music can be as good as papa papa papa, that is the most moving sound in the world.

Next, Qin Yan introduced these handsome men and beauties to Ye Xiao, who were the sons of this group, the daughter of that high official, etc., anyway, they were all very prominent.

"Ye Xiao, sit here!"

Qin Yan pointed to the seat on the right.

Ye Xiao nodded, sat down, and held his chin to smoke.

And he stared at Qin Yan seductively, without any concealment.

Several boys frowned and looked unhappy, their brows were full of contempt and disdain!
"Sister Yan, it's probably inappropriate for you to have Master Ye here. Although he has amazing medical skills, he probably doesn't know anything about music. Isn't it boring to be here!"

A man stared at Ye Xiao and said ironically.

"That's right, music is a matter of elegance and art, how can any rude person understand it!"

A girl frowned at the cynical Ye Xiao with her legs crossed, and said displeasedly.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly, spitting clouds and mist and didn't bother to pay attention, a bunch of bastards.

Those handsome men and beauties glared at Ye Xiao. If it wasn't for Qin Yan's face, they would probably drive Ye Xiao away.

"How is your piano skill? Come and play a piece for me. I didn't sleep well last night. Let me squint for a while!"

Ye Xiao said nonchalantly.

"it is good!"

Qin Yan smiled, then looked at the others and said, "Come on, let's play the piece we practiced just now!"

"Hmph, what an insult to music to play to such a brutish brute!"

"The quality is too poor, it's really playing the piano!"

"If you don't know some medical skills, what's the big deal!"

Although these people were reluctant, they gave Qin Yan some face and started playing.

The piece is a chord, played by piano, erhu, flute, beizi and so on.

The tune has highs and lows, the treble is high, the bass is smooth, and the midrange is very stable.

Very good, but the rhythm is wrong
"Why are you shaking your head, do you understand?"

The man looked at Ye Xiao who was shaking his head, stood up with an angry face and reprimanded loudly.

"That is, if you know a little bit of medical skills, you will be crazy. Do you know what music is?"

The young woman also had a displeased face and said angrily.

Qin Yan did not speak, but smiled and said, "Ye Xiao, is there something wrong with our performance!"

"Your playing skills are impeccable, but you pay too much attention to technique. No matter how elegant and artistic the music is, in the end it's just a catharsis of emotions. Music without emotion is just superficial and put on airs!"

Ye Xiao said slowly, and immediately stood up.

Qin Yan stepped aside knowingly, and Ye Xiao sat next to the piano with a sneer on his face, and immediately started playing.

The piece played by Ye Xiao has no name, but it is his only companion in the endless years in the wasteland!
When bored, lonely, and confused, I will take out the flute and play it.

People's state of mind always needs to be polished and experienced.

The difference is that the reed flute used to be used, but now the piano is nothing more.

At the beginning, I was a bit uncomfortable, and the sound broke directly, making everyone laugh out loud, amateurs, absolute amateurs, waiting to see the joke.

But at the moment when the piano sounded, everyone fell into inexplicable pondering, and the leisurely sound of the piano brought everyone to a strange environment.

Where is the vast expanse, desolation, and no one for thousands of miles!

The boy sat on the top of the cliff, blew the reed flute, and the robe behind him clanked.




This is the feeling of everyone, they seem to be able to hear the sound of the wind blowing in the picture scroll, and they are personally on the scene.

The chirping birds also landed on the treetops, listening quietly
Qin Yan's eyes were red and tears fell, Ye Xiao, is this your innermost world?

Are you so lonely?

Qin Yan knew that Ye Xiao was an orphan, and he must be very miserable and lonely, but she didn't see it at all.
It turned out that this man used his arrogance, lust, and domineering to cover up his loneliness and cowardice.
Qin Yan suddenly had the urge to hold Ye Xiao in her arms to comfort her
(End of this chapter)

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