Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 92 I Have Another Name

Chapter 92 I Have Another Name

Yang Jie's eyes flicked over Hei Lang, Hui Lang and the others, and his brows were frowned. There are six fourth-level fighters and more than 20 third-level fighters gathered here.
More than 40 second-level warriors.
Although Ye Xiao is very strong, can he solve it?Yang Jie has no idea, but he also understands that if he really kills all the killers in front of him, even with Huang Quan's strength, he will be hurt and his vitality will be severely damaged
Ye Xiao slowly got down from the car, and thirty members of the special operations team gathered behind him, their eyes flashing over the leaders of Hei Lang, Gray Wolf, Blood Wolf and others with a half-smile.
Blood Wolf looked at Ye Xiao with a surprised expression, and said uncertainly, "You are Ye Xiao?"

"Like a fake replacement!"

Ye Xiao nodded and smiled.

"It turns out that you are a member of the special operations team. I said why the assassination failed one after another. I guess Hades was also kept in the dark."

The blood wolf suddenly realized that Zhu Gang paid Huang Quan to assassinate Ye Xiao. It was the blood wolf who was in charge of taking the order, but lost three of his men and failed.
It has always been thought that the Temple of the Underworld is playing tricks, but now it seems that the Temple of the Underworld does not know Ye Xiao's identity
"No matter who I am, if you dare to assassinate me, you will definitely die. Your fate has been determined tonight!"

Ye Xiao said lightly, but the coldness in the corner of his mouth was about to freeze.
"I'm not ashamed, I don't look at the situation in front of me, I didn't want to kill you but you took the initiative to send it to your door, then don't blame us, and you, Ye Xiao, this time you are courting death."

The blood wolf said with a ferocious expression, his pupils flickered fiercely, and the corners of his mouth had a cruel arc. With a wave of his big hand, nearly [-] killers surrounded [-] people from the special operations team
They all stared at them murderously, and the special operations team was just a group of sheep waiting to be slaughtered in their eyes.
Ye Xiao looked at Yang Jie, Li Shen, Chen Cheng, and Wang Yuan and said indifferently: "You take people to defend and minimize casualties, and also be careful not to let them escape, not to leave a single one alive."

A few people nodded, but the Blood Wolf Hei Lang and the others were about to taunt when they heard the words, but they saw Ye Xiao rushing towards them with a domineering aura all over his body.
The ruthless posture seems to ignore them at all. Although the blood wolf, gray wolf and others were surprised by Ye Xiao's strength, they were full of anger
Several people looked at each other and rushed towards Ye Xiao together, as for the others, they rushed towards Li Shen, Wang Yuan, and Chen Cheng.
Both of them understand in their hearts that the four-level fighters are the real decisive factor in the entire battlefield.
Ye Xiao faced the attack of the black wolf, the gray wolf, and the blood wolf. The three of them are the best among the fourth-level warriors, and they have extremely rich killing experience.
Definitely not to be underestimated, but meeting Ye Xiao is another matter
It was still the Huang-level martial artist who used the Broken Heart Palm in conjunction with his body skills. Under the offensive of the three of them, he approached abruptly, and pushed it horizontally with his palm, which immediately disintegrated the offensive of the three of them.
Blood Wolf and Gray Wolf were startled. Even the second pavilion master would have to avoid the edge for the time being when the three teamed up, but they were defeated by Ye Xiao head-on. They were indeed very strong.
Putting away the shock in their hearts, the three of them launched a fierce offensive again, trying to regain the initiative
The three of them are all practicing orange-level martial arts, and the orange luster is dazzling and powerful, but Ye Xiao does not evade the golden luster that soars into the sky and intertwines with the orange luster.
The completely different breaths mixed together, making a chi chi chi chi sound.
"Beat me!"

Ye Xiao's dark eyes became brighter and brighter, his left palm was reflected on his right hand, and the golden palm was like a long dragon with teeth and claws.
Completely devoured the three of them, bang bang bang.
Three muffled groans followed by three figures flying upside down. Blood Wolf, Gray Wolf, and Black Wolf fell heavily to the ground, looking at Ye Xiao with horrified expressions.
The sudden situation caused other battlefields to stop. Seeing the three black wolves, gray wolves and blood wolves struggling on the ground, the killers of Huang Quan all gasped.
They are very clear about the strength of these three commanders, and they are definitely the best among the fourth-level warriors, but this kind of master is still a team of three, and they can't hold it for a minute.
How terrifying is this strength?
At this moment, even a cruel killer started to be terrified of Ye Xiao.
Ye Xiao stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the three blood wolves sarcastically, and said indifferently: "You think I can't do anything about you if you gather together? Although Huang Quan is strong, it's not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Gray Wolf looked at Ye Xiao incredulously: "Did you gather us together on purpose?"

"Of course, otherwise, you would be hiding everywhere, and it would be a lot of trouble for you."

Ye Xiao smiled lightly, the people in front of him are dead in his eyes
"The master miscalculated!"

Hei Lang suddenly said in a deep voice.

"No, your pavilion master didn't miscalculate. You are really strong when gathered together. The special operations team is not your opponent, but you don't know that there is another me."

Ye Xiao sneered, then slowly approached the three of them, and said in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "Before I die, I will tell you one more thing. Besides Ye Xiao and Zhanlong, I have another name, God of Death."

"What, you are."

The blood wolf turned pale with shock, Ye Xiao's palm came down before he could say anything
The head shattered like a watermelon, red and white everywhere, extremely disgusting and frightening.
Ye Xiao's face was splattered a lot, and his whole body was full of murderous aura. In the eyes of Gray Wolf and Hei Lang, Ye Xiao was the god of death from hell.
They claim to be life harvesters from the underworld all day long, but they are nothing in front of the god of death.
Ye Xiao once again slapped the gray wolf and the black wolf with two palms, and then turned his attention to the other killers, all of them terrified.
"Break out, everyone disperses and flees"

The red wolf can't see through Ye Xiao's strength, but to kill the gray wolf, the blood wolf and the black wolf so easily, even the second pavilion master can't do it, maybe only the pavilion master can do it.
In this case, it is definitely not an opponent. If you don't retreat, the whole army will be wiped out, so it is better to retreat now, maybe you can escape a few
(End of this chapter)

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