Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 930 Three Great Sword Sects of Zhongzhou

Chapter 930
"Be careful, this is a rock snake, it's hard to deal with!"

Yang Chong's complexion changed slightly and he reminded loudly that the main target was Ye Xiao, worried that Ye Xiao would suffer a lot if he underestimated him.

There are many difficult monsters in the wilderness forbidden area.

Because these monsters contain the blood of their ancestors in their bodies, they will experience the phenomenon of "returning to their ancestors", so their strength and potential will be very strong.

Rock snakes fall into this category.

It is poisonous, has a strong defense on the outside, and lives in groups.

very dangerous.

But according to the previous rules, rock snakes should not appear in this area.

Otherwise, I wouldn't go this way.

But it's normal, as I said before, everything in the wilderness forbidden area is moving.

It was only when he approached Ye Xiao that he could see the appearance of the rock snake. It was not big, only more than one meter in size, and it was covered with tiny scales, densely packed, emitting a black light, which made people shudder.

The most palpitating thing is naturally the rock snake's eyes, glowing red, exuding blood and cruelty.

"The green lotus fills the sky!"

Ye Xiao roared, and the Blood Drinking Sword was unsheathed instantly, and the blue-red sword light exploded in the void in front of him, and the blossoming lotus flowers spun quickly, and shot away immediately.

He met the rock snake that was rushing.

Chi Chi Chi!

Dozens of rock snakes were cut in half by the sharp sword energy, green blood splashed everywhere, but to Ye Xiao's surprise, these broken rock snakes did not die immediately.

Still wriggling, as if trying to reconnect.

On the other side, Lin Feng, Yang Chong, and Yao Lu also used their own moves.

Lin Feng is good at knife skills, but the knife he holds in his hand is very strange.

The first is that it is very short, and the second is that there is no back of the blade, there are blades on the top and bottom, and there are blood grooves on the front and back.

Under the urging of the true essence, the short knife slashed quickly with a black light, which was extremely powerful.

With Ye Xiao's eyes, it is natural to see that Lin Feng has a deep knowledge of swordsmanship.

Of course, Yao Lu needless to say, what he is good at is fists, his hair is dancing and his fists are clenched tightly, he is as domineering as a queen.

Every punch that strikes can sag the space.

But Yang Chong is using the soaring swordsmanship, the sword energy is stored and ready, and it explodes violently, it really feels like it is skyrocketing, unusually sharp and beacon.

Although the Rock Snake's defense was strong, it couldn't withstand the strong attack of several people, and all of them broke and fell to the ground, raining green blood.

But there are too many rock snakes, and there is nothing wrong with them.

And the most troublesome thing is that although Lin Feng, Yang Chong, and Yao Lu's attacks are strong, they cannot kill the Rock Snake with one blow.

The broken Rock Serpent was quickly healing its connection before attacking again.

This is the scariest thing about rock snakes.

In terms of real strength, it is actually only equivalent to a seventh-level warrior.

"Don't love to fight, once you are surrounded, you have to take off your skin if you want to escape!"

Yang Chong was a little anxious and shouted loudly.

The situation is indeed a little dangerous. Although the rock snake can't kill them, it can seriously injure them. Once this state meets other warriors.

That is extremely dangerous.

In the forbidden area of ​​the wilderness, no one will show mercy just because you belong to an ancient family. Here, there are only murders to seize treasures, and the strong prey on the weak.

Several people nodded, obviously thinking about it.

Ye Xiao's expression froze, and he immediately stirred Jingyun, and the two sword souls of Shimmering Gold merged into Sha Jun's sword soul tremblingly.

The pitch-black killing sword spirit spun rapidly, and with the swing of the blood-drinking sword, it continuously shot out sword marks, criss-crossing and fighting in front of it.

Immediately, dozens of rock snakes were cut and scattered on the ground.

The broken body squirmed a few times on the ground, then stopped moving, completely dead.

This is the role of the killing sword soul.

As long as any life is cut, it will take away its breath of life, and it is impossible to connect, fuse and resurrect.

If it was replaced by Destroying Sword Soul, then even the body would not exist.

Killing is just killing life.

And destruction means destroying everything, life will not exist.


Lin Feng and Yang Chong were a little surprised when they saw this, especially Yang Chong, who basically didn't know Ye Xiao, and only now did he know that Ye Xiao actually possessed the killing sword soul.

Moreover, it has reached the top level of Tier [-], and will break through to Tier [-] at any time.

It's also incredible.

Lin Feng knew a little about Ye Xiao, after all, he was his direct competitor, but he only knew Ye Xiao's strength when he saw and felt it with his own eyes.

Against it, he has little chance of winning.

"Qinglian Slash!"

"Battle Dragon Kill!"

Ye Xiao was like practicing swordsmanship, all the tricks poured down one after another, so densely packed that the rock snake couldn't get close at all.

It was completely wiped out.

This situation lasted for 5 minutes, and I don't know how many rock snakes died under Ye Xiao's sword.

There is no doubt that rock snakes have high IQs.

Facing Ye Xiao like this, he was finally frightened. With a sharp sound from his mouth, the rock snake stopped attacking, but directly burrowed into the ground, and disappeared into the crevices of the rocks.

"Ye Xiao, you really taught me a lot, it's the first time I saw a rock snake run away!"

Yang Chong patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Ye Xiao smiled and didn't speak, and then they continued to move forward, but they were still in the area where the rock snake was, so they couldn't be careless.

And the rock snake seemed to be really scared of being beaten, and it really didn't come out.

After walking like this for half an hour, when he was about to walk out of the rock snake area, Ye Xiao suddenly frowned and looked to the southwest.

There is a powerful sword aura spreading from the beacon tower somewhere. Judging from the degree of condensed sword aura, this sword aura is thick and concentrated, heavy, and has a feeling of being as immobile and vast as a mountain.

It should be the soul of the sword of the earth, and its rank is at the top of the third rank.

"It's him!"

Yang Chong naturally felt it too, with a strange expression on his face, full of fighting spirit in his eyes, and muttered to himself.

"It's indeed him. Other than him, the sword qi doesn't have this smell. Every sword qi is as heavy as a mountain!"

Lin Feng also narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Hearing this, Ye Xiao was full of doubts, and couldn't help asking: "Do you know this swordsman?"

""Earth Splitting Sword" Yu Zun!"

Yang Chong said calmly.

"One of the "Three Great Sword Sects of Zhongzhou"!" Lin Feng looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile, "They are Yang Chong of the "Sword of Soaring Sky", Yu Zun of the "Sword of Earth Splitting", and "Sword of Despair" Absolutely Wushen!"

After a pause, he continued: "But because of your appearance, maybe one more person will be added!"

"I have fought against Yu Zun several times, and I always lose. I am not his opponent. I was suppressed to death. Don't mention how aggrieved I am!" Yang Chong shook his head with a wry smile and continued: "But Yu Zun wants to win against me. It's not that easy, but compared to the 'Despair Sword' Absolute Wushen, we are a bit overconfident, he is the king of the younger generation of swordsmen in Zhongzhou!"

There is one more chapter tonight, and the excitement is coming soon, I will work hard to write it, thank you for your support all the time, I know the rest!
(End of this chapter)

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