Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 953 is coming to an end

Chapter 953 is coming to an end
Please enter text.Please note: According to the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations, please do not upload any pornographic, vulgar, political and other illegal content, we will review and report according to the regulations. "What is Seven Blood Summoning Spirit?"

Someone was full of doubts. In his opinion, Ye Xiao's actions were very sparse and ordinary. Forging a sword and dripping blood to summon a spirit is normal. There is nothing to be fussed about!

"Human blood contains the soul of a person. There are unrivaled powerhouses who can be reborn even with a single drop of blood. Therefore, in order to better unite with the master's mind and spirit, swords will be dripped with blood. Generally speaking, the heart is used. Blood from the tip of the finger, blood from the tip of the tongue, blood from the tip of the tongue, the effect of the three types of blood is similar, the choice of which depends entirely on the preference of the swordsmith!" A middle-aged man with cheeks who is very familiar with the art of casting looked at him in amazement. Ye Xiao: "But no matter what kind of blood you choose, it must not exceed three drops!"

"Why can't it exceed three drops? It should be that the more blood, the higher the spirituality!"

People continued to ask questions, and the doubts in everyone's hearts were revealed.

The cheeky man shook his head slowly and said: "Every weapon from hollow to spiritual is a process from small to large and from weak to strong. To put it simply, the weapon just built is a newborn baby. Blood is formula breast milk, a baby needs very little formula breast milk, if you forcefully feed him a lot of formula milk, it will only end up with indigestion, or something bigger!"

After a pause, he continued: "So, generally speaking, three drops of blood is already the limit. Because the power contained in the blood is too strong for those unrivaled powerhouses, even a single drop of blood is not enough. Forging weapons requires many necessary methods. Among them is the method Ye Xiao is using now, summoning spirits with seven bloods!"

"The seven blood summoning spirit uses the blood of the heart. Although this blood is not the most spiritual, it is the purest. The seven blood summoning spirit uses a secret method to calm the irritable factors in the blood, making the spirituality of the whole blood peaceful and docile. Taking it slow makes it easier to absorb and nourish spirituality. I don’t know the technical taboos. These are just summed up by myself, so they may not be accurate. The method of operation has been lost for a long time, and it has not been rediscovered in a young man before now."

Everyone's eyes flickered and their faces were dull, and the shock in their hearts could be imagined. How could it be possible that Ye Xiao knew the long-lost Seven Blood Summoning Spirit.

Looking at Ye Xiao's familiar movements like a butterfly piercing flowers, this is simply a top-level casting master, not the kind of half-understood half-understood.

This shows that Ye Xiao has definitely studied the art of casting.

Immediately, a terrifying thought flashed through everyone's minds. Could it be that Ye Xiao will win the largest foundry master conference this time.

My God, this kind of thing hasn't happened in Tianwu Domain for many years.

The big figures on the rostrum also had different expressions.

Li Luo, the elder of Global Baixiaosheng, had a smile on his face, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally let go, just like the situation in front of him.

Even if Ye Xiao didn't win the championship in the end, it still shocked everyone enough.

No one will make irresponsible remarks and ridicule after the meeting.

Universal Baixiaosheng's disciple also became extremely excited from dissatisfaction before, as if Ye Xiao had already won.

Hong Zekui's complexion was not very good-looking, he sipped his tea and did not speak.

Hong Renxuan clenched his fists tightly, and he also knew that it was impossible to make Ye Xiao look ugly today, so Dang still stubbornly shouted: "Hmph, Ye Xiao will definitely not be the opponent of the casting masters!"

Unfortunately, no one agreed with him.

It looked extremely embarrassing.

The game continues.

Ye Xiao's face was surprisingly serious and serious, and he skillfully grasped the formula with both hands, while Meng Na also fell into a mysterious state.

Only the blood dripping on the sword body was beating, glowing brightly under the sunlight, making it look extremely coquettish.

At the same time, one does not know when it started.

When the breeze blows, it seems to be able to bypass Ye Xiao's position.

"This guy is really handsome when he is serious!"

People say that serious men are the most handsome. This sentence is very suitable for Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao's style is very different from the past, which makes Yao Lu's beautiful eyes shine.

Alarm bells rang in Yang Chong's heart, and he couldn't help but said, "Lulu is so handsome when I'm serious!"

Said still pretending to be very serious.

Yao Lu chuckled, and said, "You're not serious, you're owed, do you know?"

"This guy really knows how to hide! Alchemy, casting, cultivation, he is really omnipotent, really perverted!" Lin Feng said leisurely: "Although it is already perverted enough, it feels like this is just the tip of the iceberg. terrible!"

"I've said it before, some people are born destined to soar in the world, we just applaud after a while!"

It was rare for Yang Chong to be serious, and he said slowly.

With the passage of time, the foundry master meeting gradually came to an end, but the square of Nuoda was unusually quiet.

The surrounding temperature drops rapidly.

A few hundred meters away is the gentle spring breeze, but here is the bleak autumn wind.

This is because, with the gradual formation of many weapons, enlightenment.

That natural sharpness, coldness, sharpness, and breath filled the air.

Soon a foundry master was finished. What he cast was a silver gun, which looked like a silver dragon in his hand. It was cold and shone with white clouds.

Especially at the tip of the spear, it seems to be a poisonous snake spitting out its core.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that what this master forged should be a low-level spiritual weapon. The weapon has already been enlightened, otherwise it would not have such aura.

Immediately, many warriors who used guns had their own whims in their hearts, and came up with the idea of ​​this gun, although it was not casted by its spiritual method.

Less in control.

But after all, it is a weapon of the spiritual level, which can still enhance a strong combat effectiveness.

Next up is another cast master complete.

What he cast is armor, although it is made of cold iron under the sea, but it is light and soft and comfortable to wear, and there are black lights flickering from time to time.

It shows that this armor is not simple.

It should also be a low-level spiritual product.

But compared with the silver gun, it is better, the reason is very simple, the casting of armor is more difficult.

Soon, other foundries were also finished.

Basically, they are all spiritual level weapons.

The luster is varied, and it is extremely rare for so many spiritual level weapons to appear together.

Many big figures on the rostrum sighed in their hearts. If these foundry masters could be used by them, it would be terrifying to improve their strength.

But it was too difficult, every casting master was sought after by many forces.

Looking around with flickering eyes, I saw that Master Yang, Master Xu and Master Li almost completed the casting at the same time.

And it seems like a coincidence.

All three of them forged swords.

There will be more in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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