Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 956 Everyone Can Never See the Snow in Their Life

Chapter 956 Everyone can't finish seeing the snow in their life
"Auntie?" A sarcasm appeared on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, and he said softly, "Tell me something!"

"You don't seem to have a good impression of the Aya family!"

Ling Xingtong said with a smile.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Ye Xiao took a sip of wine and couldn't help asking.

"Qingyun has a good vision, he is indeed an outstanding young man!"

Ling Xingtong sized Ye Xiao up with her beautiful eyes, and said that she didn't answer the question.

"Uh..." Ye Xiao was a little dazed, his tongue curled up, and he couldn't help but said, "You can't help but see me!"

"Yeah!" Ling Xingtong fluffed her hair by her ears coquettishly, and said with a smile, "If you were a few years older, maybe I would really fall in love with you!"

Maybe it's because he drank too much wine, and it seems that he has been holding it in for a long time.

Ye Xiao couldn't help swallowing.

Immediately with a cold snort, Ye Xiao's evil fire dissipated without a trace. When he looked up, he saw Ling Xingtong's icy eyes, and he looked away guiltily.

"What a pervert!" Ling Xingtong smiled and shook her head and said, "Go to Ling's house in a few days, do you have to come to a conclusion about the matter with Qingyun?"

"Conclusion? What conclusion?"

Ye Xiao was puzzled.

"You're a pighead, don't you want to be with Qingyun?"

Ling Xingtong couldn't help but patted Ye Xiao's head, and said angrily.

"Together? Will your Aya family agree?"

Ye Xiao said angrily.

These big guys are extremely save-faced, would they agree so easily?
And it was also mixed with the Hong family.

It is even more troublesome.

"I think it will!" Ling Xingtong said with a smile: "I'll tell you where the big brother is. You just need to be prepared. Dare you go!"

"What is there not to dare to go?"

Ye Xiao sneered: "As long as I don't want to go, there is no place I dare not go, and there is nothing I dare not do!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Ling Xingtong with a slightly possessive gaze.

Ling Xingtong smiled sarcasticly and didn't mind, instead, she used her body to show her beautiful side, which is the biggest difference from other innocent girls.

"Qingyun is my niece. Although I only met once, we chatted very well and had similar encounters. When I was traveling in the early years, I also met a man. I was very happy with him. I feel that the time has passed. It goes by so fast!"

Ling Xingtong leaned on the pillar, and continued: "He is just a disciple of an ordinary family, and his cultivation talent is not good. When he learned of my identity, he flinched, even though I told him that no one can take us Separate, die together if you can't be together, but he still didn't respond!"

"In the end he died of depression, and I have been alone until now!" Ling Xingtong said with a faint smile: "Sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't pushed too hard, or if he had been braver, the result would have been different. Now!"

"will not!"

Ye Xiao shook his head, looked at Ling Xingtong who was puzzled and said: "People who are timid are born, this can't be changed at any time, maybe I can't do anything for Qingyun, but I can be afraid of nothing for him, Death only makes our love more faithful."

Ling Xingtong was not angry, and still said: "I know everything about you and Qingyun, you are very good, and he has a good vision, so I will help you only on this matter!"

"Thank you then!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

Ling Xingtong suddenly stopped talking, she looked like a little girl who had lost her love, looking at the blue sky, she remained silent for a long time.

Ye Xiao was silent for a moment, then said softly: "We can't see all the snow that falls in a person's life. Everyone spends the winter alone in their own life. Life is beautiful and there will be regrets in the end. It will be more perfect if there are regrets!"

Ling Xingtong nodded, turned around and walked away gracefully, a sweet voice came: "I really want to see you soon!"

Ye Xiao smiled, walked back and continued drinking.

At this time, the conference was coming to an end, many people were drunk, and some were still fighting wine.

The foundries were the loudest.

They were arguing about who should practice the Seven Blood Calling Secretary first.

All the old guys had anxious pale faces, as if they were children.

People can't help but laugh.

In the end, Ye Xiao came over and settled the matter.

It was late at night when we got back to the room.

The two beautiful maids, Meng Na and Qiao Yun, have prepared the bath water.

Washed up.

Ye Xiao came to the practice room to practice.

Cross-legged on the cushion, Ye Xiao took out the extraterrestrial iron. This iron is only enough to make a sword. It is not very big, but it is extremely heavy.

At least it weighs a thousand catties!
From time to time, the surface of Ruxue has silver light flashing, it really looks like stars and jades!

And the surrounding aura is constantly gathering.

A small aura cloud is formed.

Ye Xiao couldn't help sighing that the top-level spiritual iron is extraordinary, but it's a pity that it is a bit difficult to melt the alien iron with his current pill fire.

And the timing is not right.

Put away the extraterrestrial iron and Ye Xiao continued to practice. First of all, Zhanlongjue is mighty, but there is still some distance from breaking through the sixth floor.

It seems that we need to find a time as soon as possible to refine the Sky Spirit Fruit into a elixir.

Once he breaks through to the ninth level warrior level, and cooperates with the destruction of the sword soul, there are not many people in the entire Tianwu domain who can pose danger to him.

Then use the Jian Huang Ding to continuously temper the four great sword souls.

Raising their purity.

Then practice artistic conception, especially the artistic conception of wood.

The last is to integrate Qinglian Mie, and strive to integrate the third move as soon as possible.

Ye Xiao just went to bed when it was almost dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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