Chapter 2 Strange World

Talking in a whisper, Liu Miaomiao fell asleep quickly. Pregnant women are already very sleepy. If it wasn't for waiting for Dong Shanhe to come home, Liu Miaomiao would have gone to bed at nine o'clock, and now it is almost twelve o'clock.

However, Dong Shanhe didn't feel any drowsiness. Dong Shanhe who drank alcohol always had two problems. He fell asleep after drinking, and he couldn't sleep if he woke up.

Feeling his wife hugging him, Dong Shanhe was also very helpless.

My wife and I are from the same town, two years younger than myself, and we are classmates at the same school, also two years younger than myself. We met through a blind date, dated for more than half a year, and have been married for more than half a year now. Mr. Dong Shanhe I feel sorry for her.

Up to now, I have no ability to give her a home in the city. The house I live in now belongs to Aunt Dong Shanhe. My uncle has been in the construction industry for more than ten years, and his net worth is already several million. There are six or seven houses under his name. Working hard in the city, my aunt looked distressed, so she let herself live here. Although the aunt treated him very well, Dong Shanhe could feel that his wife still cared a little, after all, it was not his home.

"Baby, don't worry, I will definitely earn money and give my child a good future." Dong Shanhe gently kissed Liu Miaomiao's forehead, swearing in his heart.

Lying on the bed for an unknown amount of time, Dong Shanhe fell asleep in a daze.

"Ah!" Dong Shanhe sneezed, and felt a bit cold and swishing. Dong Shanhe thought it was his wife who was wrapped in the quilt, and stretched out his hand to pull the quilt to the left, but he didn't feel anything.

Feeling in a daze, "It doesn't seem right!" Dong Shanhe suddenly opened his eyes, stunned.

Dong Shanhe really didn't know what to say, he was dumbfounded by the situation in front of him.

"Where is this?" Dong Shanhe exclaimed.

Looking down, it turned out that he was still naked, but lying on the edge of a forest.

Some yellow grass did not make Dong Shanhe feel his feet, so he stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh vigorously, "hissing" pain came, Dong Shanhe knew it was not a dream.

"Could it be that the pie fell from the sky, or is it made of gold?" Dong Shanhe, who has been reading online novels since [-], immediately thought of the plot in the novel.

"I'm an old bird, so I can't panic, let's find out the facts first." As a veteran who came from the Great Master Zichuan's Ascension to the Dragon Road, Dong Shanhe can be said to be familiar with [-] articles on the Internet, and he knows all kinds of routines clearly , the situation in front of me is no different from that of Geng Tianwen, it seems to give a space.

"But people's space is very small, and there is a spring. I don't have anything here except the woods, and the space is relatively large. Forget it, let's think about where this place is first, no, or Let’s think about how to go back first, if my wife wakes up and finds that I’m gone, it will be bad.”

Dong Shanhe is very clear that Liu Miaomiao, who is still pregnant, is very dependent on him. Even though he is almost 25 years old, he is like a child who has to be coaxed every day. The phone call, Dong Shanhe can be described as painful and happy.

"But how to get out?" Dong Shanhe faced this question, if he couldn't go out, even if it was a golden mountain for himself, he would starve to death.

"Go out, go out, I want to go out." After reading [-] Tang poems by heart, he can chant even if he can't write poems. After reading so many novels, Dong Shanhe is still clear about the routines, and immediately thinks of the methods in other novels. , that is, while shouting and thinking inwardly.

Sure enough, everything was a routine, and this time was no exception. When Dong Shanhe opened his eyes again, he found that he was lying on the bed where he was sleeping, and his naughty wife was sleeping on his side. Everything was as before. Same.

"It's not honest to sleep." Liu Miaomiao likes to sleep under the quilt. Dong Shanhe suffers from this, almost every time he sleeps, he has to be woken up by the cold. Later, Dong Shanhe found a way to solve this pain.

Gently tucking in the quilt, Dong Shanhe put on his pajamas and got out of bed. The dim light of the night light was enough for him to walk quietly to the bathroom.

Dong Shanhe plans to enter the space again, this time he has to take a good look, so this time he learned to be smart, put on his pajamas, and if he meets other people in that space, he will not call the police if he sees himself naked. Grab it yourself.

As for going to the bathroom, it is easier to explain. If my wife wakes up and finds that she is not around, I will have an excuse, "Even so, I can't stay there for too long. Anyway, I can travel between the two worlds at any time. I just don’t know if there is a limit on the number of times you can come and go?” Dong Shanhe thought about it carefully, there was no movement, and there was no space spirit. It seems to be an unowned place, and there will be no restrictions.

Dong Shanhe, wearing shoes and clothes, reappeared in the space, still at the place he went back to last time.

"It seems that whether it is this world or the earth, no matter where you leave from, you will still appear there when you come back." This time, Dong Shanhe intends to take a look at the forest in front of him. Who made him appear? There is nothing else in the place except the grove in front of you. The grove spreads a little bit backwards along the low slope, and behind him is an open space of more than ten meters, and behind him is a small river. Although Dong Shanhe is a little short-sighted, But it was still possible to see clearly that the river was not even ten meters wide at its widest point.

The tree in front of me is not very tall, "This place does not look like a place in the cold and sub-frigid zone of Northeast China. This tree is obviously not a coniferous forest like pine trees, but a broad-leaved plant." With a little bit of geography in his mind Knowing that, Dong Shanhe can still see that the place he appeared in is neither cold zone nor tropical zone. He appeared in this place in his pajamas, but he didn't feel a bit cold, nor did he feel much heat, as if everything was just right.

The trees in the forest are at most ten meters high, and some trees are even shorter. Dong Shanhe walked into the forest without hesitation.

"Next time I will buy a machete, so that I can defend myself if I encounter trees or large animals." There are weeds everywhere under the woods, and Dong Shanhe stumbles as he walks.

I found a tree that looked four or five meters high, but I planned to find out what kind of tree it was. If I could cut it down and sell it, I could sell it for a lot of money.

The tree is not thick, it seems to be [-] centimeters in size, and it forks at a height of one meter. The off-white bark is smooth and hairless, like feather-like leaves, with green fruits hanging on it.

"Huh? What is this? My God?" Dong Shanhe saw something that surprised him.

(End of this chapter)

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