Chapter 22

"Never mind him, I'll go back and see if my wife is awake." Looking at his phone, Dong Shanhe knew that more than an hour had passed, and his wife should have woken up. Going to sell the tree.

Back home, Liu Miaomiao had already woken up and was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone. "Hurry up and turn off your mobile phone. Don't you know that the electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones is very high? It is not good for the fetus at all." Looking at his wife playing with her mobile phone, Dong Shanhe He scolded her again.

"How much radiation can a mobile phone emit? Who told you that playing with a mobile phone is bad for the fetus, so don't just think it's the truth after reading random things on the Internet every day." Although Liu Miaomiao said this, she still put down her mobile phone.

"How is yours pretending?" Although Liu Miaomiao can't talk about space, he can still use something to refer to it.

"Ahaha! Wife, we are going to get rich. Let me tell you, we are really going to get rich. I don't even have any walnuts. Get up quickly, and I will take you to see it." When Liu Miaomiao mentioned this, Dong Shanhe was like getting a toy. Like my children, I was very excited.

"What's so exciting, go out, I want to change clothes." Liu Miaomiao took off her pajamas and threw it on Dong Shanhe's head.

"Hey, I'm an old couple, why are you still shy? It's not like I haven't seen it before. I'll change it for you!" In the end, Dong Shanhe was kicked out of the bedroom by Liu Miaomiao.

Five minutes later, Dong Shanhe brought his daughter-in-law to land No. 5, "Look, my wife, this is the place I discovered the latest, it is an absolute treasure!" Although standing in front of the pine forest, Dong Shanhe still did not forget to dig out the land. Take out your phone and show your daughter-in-law the photos you took before.

"Husband, what is this place? I remember that the places I went to before were all walnut forests? How did this place appear?" In the space, Liu Miaomiao can talk about the space without any scruples. Dong Shanhe has already discovered this situation.

Dong Shanhe took his wife's hand and explained to him bit by bit.

"Honey, what you said is true?" Liu Miaomiao screamed in surprise and almost pierced Dong Shanhe's eardrum.

"Be quiet, be quiet, look, the birds and beasts in this mountain forest have been scared away by you." Following Liu Miaomiao's scream, the already quiet birds and animals ran away in a panic again, watching fluttering The fluttering flying birds, Dong Shanhe said with emotion, "Daughter-in-law, some of these birds are delicious. When do you think we can buy some gas dogs and beat them down for a tooth and tooth sacrifice?" Taking advantage of the good opportunity, Dong Shanhe hurriedly asked.

In fact, Dong Shanhe didn't need to ask. When he has money in the future, he can do whatever he wants, but Dong Shanhe, who is used to discussing life with his wife, still hasn't changed.

"When you have money, you can buy whatever you want!" This time Liu Miaomiao never said that he would buy a house for his children first. He knew that with this treasure mountain, even selling trees would be enough to buy several houses for his children. Yes, in fact, Liu Miaomiao himself also wants to try something new.

"Husband, I'm going back first. You can go back after you stay for a while. I'll go back and pack up. I have to go to my aunt's house later." Seeing the flying birds and animals but not being able to eat them, Liu Miaomiao wanted to go back. It's not a beautiful place for her, it's better to go back and rest, it's tiring to stand like this all the time.

Dong Shanhe took Liu Miaomiao back home without saying a word, and then started another trip up the mountain with a kitchen knife from the kitchen.
At noon, Dong Shanhe made a phone call with his aunt and agreed to go there in the evening. It was not yet four o'clock, and there was still an hour to go when he left at five o'clock.

"I'll take the 100-meter mountain top in an hour." Dong Shanhe, carrying a kitchen knife, began to move forward quickly.

In less than half an hour, Dong Shanhe arrived at the top of the mountain. As far as the eye could see, the entire top of the mountain was covered with large expanses of pine trees. The tall and towering pine trees were no smaller than the pine trees in the Northeast that Dong Shanhe had seen on TV.

"This mountain is estimated to be less than 500 meters. Why is there such a big difference between the top of the mountain and the bottom of the mountain?" The forest at the foot of the mountain is full of tall bushes, while the pine forest on the top of the mountain has only short bushes, and more There are still weeds and some small saplings whose names I don't know.

Compared with the mobile phone Baidu, Dong Shanhe did not find a single golden nan tree, yellow flower pear tree, small-leaved red sandalwood tree when he went around the whole mountain, and he did not even find the second-class boxwood and agarwood trees.

"Pine trees are worthless!" For Dong Shanhe, pine wood is rarely used in the local area except for making coffins, and these big pine trees can sell for up to 1 yuan each.

Originally, 1 yuan was hard work for Dong Shanhe for three months, but now he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth, and it costs tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. It seems that 1 yuan is no longer money to him but A number, even Dong Shanhe didn't notice this change in himself.

"It seems that after I go back, I need to improve my plant knowledge. Even if the genuine product is placed in front of me, I probably don't know it. This effort is in vain." Dong Shanhe stood under a pine tree and kicked kicked.

"Hey, what is this?" A small clump of green plants caught Dong Shanhe's attention. The green plants are not tall, about 34 centimeters above the ground, with wide, fat green leaves and small purple-white flowers. Dong Shanhe was overjoyed for the bright red berries. I studied this thing carefully for a while. It was some farming novels I read when I was still in school. I imagined that I would get a space and plant some precious things before. , and the thing in front of me is one of them, ginseng.

"It seems that God can't bear to let me go back so disappointed!" Dong Shanhe lay down happily on the ground and prepared to dig out the ginseng. This ginseng is very good whether it is given to his sick grandfather or sold for money. excellent.

Dong Shanhe first dug with a kitchen knife. After feeling awkward, Dong Shanhe returned home to find a small shovel and went back to the pine tree to start digging ginseng.

Ginseng is not easy to dig, and Dong Shanhe knows this, because the fibrous roots of ginseng are very long, and the roots of ginseng must be well preserved, so a large area must be dug. It's a bit big for him, he doesn't know if he can dig out this ginseng before five o'clock.

Dong Shanhe, holding a shovel, was not in a hurry. He first drew a circle around the ginseng with a radius of one meter. After all the preparations were completed, Dong Shanhe began to dig.

Dong Shanhe first used a shovel to loosen the soil. Fortunately, the soil near the ginseng was very loose, so it was easy to dig. After half an hour, Dong Shanhe finally saw the appearance of ginseng. The cylindrical ginseng has the same color as the skin, and the whole body There are folds, there are three branches at the root, and many fibrous roots are buried in the soil. Dong Shanhe is overjoyed to see this situation. This ginseng is too big. The body of the raw ginseng is taller than a palm. I don’t know that it has grown. How many years.

"Looking at it like this, I know that it has at least a few hundred years of history, and it is heavier than the six-two-weight ginseng king. I don't know how much it can be sold for, so let's forget it. There are plenty of ginseng, so I will use this one for grandpa first. "Dong Shanhe looked around and saw that there were still a few ginseng trees not far away.

Dong Shanhe’s grandfather was diagnosed with gastric cancer in his third year of high school. Later, he saved his life by cutting half of his stomach. However, after the operation, his grandfather’s appetite was not very good. Now eight years have passed, and his body has gradually lost weight. Dong Shanhe followed his grandparents for six years when he was in middle school. For Dong Shanhe, the health of his grandparents is extremely important.

Carefully digging the fibrous roots, it took Dong Shanhe nearly an hour to dig out the ginseng tree, and carefully tied the fibrous roots.

After Dong Shanhe left the space, it was almost 05:30.

(End of this chapter)

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