Chapter 26
Although there are more than a dozen people who are thinking of buying, Dong Shanhe will not just sell it so easily.

This transaction is not very simple. First, Dong Shanhe is not sure whether these people really want to buy it, or whether they plan to come for a fishing law enforcement. The second is how much these people can pay. At present, Dong Shanhe does not know this ginkgo tree How much can the tree sell for, but I guess it can sell for five or six million.

The third is that Dong Shanhe has no way to get this ginkgo tree out of the space alone. He has never tried it, so Dong Shanhe is not sure that he will be able to bring this ginkgo tree to the real world. .

"It seems that if you want to buy a house of your own during the Chinese New Year, you really need to dig another ginseng tree." Dong Shanhe didn't want to sell ginseng. He didn't know who to sell it to, nor how to sell it, let alone Sell ​​these life-saving treasures.

"Child, ginseng, child, ginseng." After repeated consideration, Dong Shanhe decided to dig a ginseng tree first and sell it.

No house, no land, no money, this is the greatest unhappiness, don’t you see the word happiness when you take it apart, there is a soil on the top, and a RMB mark on the bottom?
For the sake of children, let alone selling ginseng, even selling blood, Dong Shanhe will be obliged when needed.

"Sleep and sleep, let's take a nap first." After eating and washing the dishes, Dong Shanhe went to take a nap with his wife in his arms.

"Wife, let me listen to the child." Dong Shanhe lay on the bed with his ear pressed against his wife's belly, wanting to listen carefully to the child's movements.

"What kind of movement can the child make? It's only six months old. It's still early. He hasn't turned around yet? The movement will gradually increase after turning around." Liu Miaomiao gently stroked Dong Shanhe's face.

She never thought that God would bring endless luck to her family, and even give her husband a mysterious space. Liu Miaomiao no longer worries about the child's house in the future, but imagines that after the child is born and can walk on the ground, Travel with kids.

As for the idea that a man will turn bad if he has money, Liu Miaomiao just interrupted this idea after thinking about it for a while. She knew that Dong Shanhe was a man, although he was bohemian on the surface, but deep down he was a very conservative person. You can know his strong machismo conservative thinking when you go out and wear a skirt.

"Wife, do you think our child is a boy or a girl?" Dong Shanhe continued to stick to Liu Miaomiao's stomach and asked.

"Then do you like boys or girls?" Liu Miaomiao didn't answer, but asked Dong Shanhe instead.

Dong Shanhe answered without the slightest hesitation, "I like both boys and girls, but it is best to have a boy and a girl, so that the children will have a companion." When Dong Shanhe had no money in the past, he would not be beaten to death. Speaking of having two children, raising one child is tiring enough. If it’s a daughter, it’s okay, at least the couple can afford to raise her. If it’s a boy, the money for raising her is the same as that of a girl, but more I bought a house.

"I want a daughter, at least I can talk to me when I'm old." Liu Miaomiao said while reaching out and knocking Dong Shanhe's hand that was stroking her stomach in circles.

"Don't grope, the doctor said, don't grope, it's not good for the child to turn around." Dong Shanhe listened to Liu Miaomiao's words, took his right hand away from his stomach, and then, um, moved it up.

"Get out!" Liu Miaomiao snorted, seeing that Dong Shanhe's mischievous hands didn't stop at all, so he let him go.

"Husband, I've already thought about the girl's name, but we have agreed that if I have a daughter, I will name it, and if I have a son, I will name it for you." At this time, Liu Miaomiao remembered that she hadn't And Dong Shanhe division of labor.

"Well, well, it's all up to you, so what's the name you gave your daughter?" Dong Shanhe raised his head, left from his stomach, moved up and came to Liu Miaomiao's side.

"Dong Xinyi, what do you think of the name Dong Xinyi?" Liu Miaomiao opened her mouth and said the name she had been thinking about for a long time.

"It's good, but there are too many Chinese characters in this name. If you write your own name a hundred times like we did when we were young, we will cry in embarrassment." Dong Shanhe thought of how he was punished by his teacher when he was young, and said. He even laughed when he said that.

"Don't laugh, what's your name?" Liu Miaomiao slapped Dong Shanhe, but she didn't find it funny at all. How could such a solemn name be so casual.

"Oh, I've thought of two names, one is Mingyuan and the other is Zhiyuan, but I haven't made a thorough decision on which one to choose." Dong Shanhe was also hesitant to think of a name for his son. Dong Mingyuan and Dong Zhiyuan For the two names, he thinks this one is good, and he thinks that one is good, and he has not decided on it.

"In fact, I still prefer Zhiyuan. This Zhiyuan is not the warship, but from Zhuge Liang's book of commandments. The journey of a gentleman is to cultivate one's morality by quietness, and to cultivate virtue by frugality. If you are not indifferent, you will not be able to show your ambitions. If you are not quiet, you will not be able to The two words in Zhiyuan." After saying this to his wife, Dong Shanhe finally made up his mind to call him Zhiyuan, and maybe he will call him Mingyuan after he has a second son.

"I've even thought of a nickname, so I'll call it Xiaoxiao." Dong Shanhe pointed at the little guy in his stomach while talking.

"Xiaoxiao, it doesn't sound good, what is the name Xiaoxiao, can the child still be called Xiaoxiao when he grows up?" Liu Miaomiao was dissatisfied with 1.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Ming, get up, I'm going to bed, I'm so sleepy when I wake up so early in the morning." Seeing his wife disagreeing, Dong Shanhe immediately changed the subject.

"I think that's what I think, I will definitely give the child a good nickname." After speaking, Liu Miaomiao also hugged Dong Shanhe to sleep.

Since pregnancy, a daily nap is essential, and I will sleep for a while more or less.

After the two of them woke up, it was already 04:30 in the evening.

"Wife, let's go to the movies tonight!" Dong Shanhe just got off the bed and had a whim. Except when he was chasing his wife, he went to the cinema with her to watch a movie. At other times, Dong Shanhe never took his wife there. Saw the movie.

This time, Dong Shanhe planned to take his wife to watch a movie. Before he had a baby, and while his wife was still able to move around, Dong Shanhe knew that it would take at least two years after the birth of the child before adults could be regarded as a little freer.

"Okay, let's go to the movies together tonight." Liu Miaomiao agreed with a smile.

After changing his clothes, Dong Shanhe sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone, turning his head to look at the bathroom from time to time.

It has been 20 minutes since his wife went in to make up, and Dong Shanhe has been waiting anxiously.

Seeing that his wife hadn't come out yet, Dong Shanhe had no choice but to continue to browse Weibo and Moments.

As for the hundreds of private messages on Weibo, Dong Shanhe also read them one by one. Dong Shanhe also distinguished those who really wanted to buy them and which ones were fun to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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