My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 31 Opening an Online Store as a Wechat Business

Chapter 31 Opening an Online Store as a Wechat Business

"Can you eat wontons? Where is it made? How does it taste? Hurry up and it's not clean?" Dong Shanhe stood at the door and asked ramblingly.

"You don't even look at what time it is. If you don't come back, I'm going to starve to death, so I can only go buy something to eat." Liu Miaomiao gave Dong Shanhe a supercilious look, and walked towards the living room.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm sorry for being late, my good wife." Dong Shanhe hurriedly apologized.

Then Dong Shanhe snatched the takeaway carton containing wontons from Liu Miaomiao, walked into the kitchen, and started cooking for her.Dong Shanhe would rather give his daughter-in-law noodles to eat than let her eat outside food.

My nephew had a hemangioma on his neck after his sister-in-law ate out and didn't know what he ate.

In the past, Dong Shanhe was always worried about whether the vegetables and fruits he ate had pesticides?Are there heavy metals?How harmful is it to the fetus?He can't promise.In today's society, there are not many people who want to eat pure natural and pollution-free green food.But when Dong Shanhe got the mysterious space, he no longer worried about it.

"Husband, I want to eat dumplings at night. You make shrimp dumplings for me. I have already bought the dumpling wrappers and they are in the refrigerator."

His wife's order was bigger than the sky. After Dong Shanhe heard it, he immediately took out more than 20 large freshwater shrimps from the refrigerator, and began to make dumplings for his daughter-in-law.

"This meat is not very good, and I don't know if this beef is good. I will go to the space later to see if there are wild boars, wild sheep, etc."

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when Dong Shanhe finished making shrimp dumplings, and he brought a large bowl of shrimp dumplings to his wife who was sitting on the sofa. Dong Shanhe said hello and went straight to the space.

After coming to the space and understanding the mountains and rivers, I discovered a rather miraculous thing, the space turned out to be pitch black.

"It's dark, what's going on here? How can there be darkness in the space? I haven't encountered it so many times before, how can it be dark now?" This mysterious space is really weird, day and night The alternation of the sky is not regular at all. If you want to be dark, it will be dark, and if you want to be day, it will be day.

Dong Shanhe complained and returned home from the space. He couldn't do anything in the dark space, so Dong Shanhe had no choice but to cancel his observation on the other side of the river.

"Honey, why did you come back so soon? Have you finished your work?" Liu Miaomiao asked while eating.

"No, no, it's dark in the space, and I don't know what's going on? So I came back, let's talk about it at night! If it doesn't work, I have to go tomorrow night." Dong Dong Shanhe responded and sat down Start eating at the table.

Although Dong Shanhe likes to eat dumplings with vegetarian fillings, if there are no dumplings with vegetarian fillings, he can also eat dumplings with beef and shrimp fillings.

Sitting on the sofa after eating, Dong Shanhe felt that the life of an otaku was not easy at all. At first he thought he was an otaku, but now he remembered that he was not at all.

After eating and sleeping, and then having no entertainment and needing to accompany his wife, Dong Shanhe always felt that the time passed very slowly, just like now, after eating, he didn't know what he could do or what he wanted to do.

It's only eight o'clock, so you can't go to bed right now.

The bored Dong Shanhe had no choice but to sit on the sofa and watch entertainment programs with his wife.

"It seems that I really need to find something to do in the future, or I am really too boring now." Dong Shanhe felt very emotional in his heart, this kind of life is not the life he wants.

After finally staying up until 09:30 in the evening, Liu Miaomiao fell asleep and Dong Shanhe was relieved.

"Finally, I can go online to play computer, mobile phone and games." After putting his wife to sleep at ten o'clock, Dong Shanhe sat in the study and played computer.

When his daughter-in-law is awake, Dong Shanhe can't play on the computer at all, because Liu Miaomiao doesn't want to.In her words, the most important thing for you now is to be with me, not to play with the computer, can the computer give you children?If you can have children, marry her!Why marry me!What else can Dong Shanhe do?
Read books, chat and play games, and brag in the group by the way.

"It seems that I should find something for myself to do." After opening the Douyu video, Dong Shanhe remembered that his mobile phone in the space has Internet access, so he can do outdoor live broadcasts in the space.

Although Dong Shanhe doesn't pay much attention to the reward money for the live broadcast, he thinks it is also a very interesting thing.If you want to open an online store to sell walnuts, you can broadcast live in the walnut grove in the space and tell everyone that there is your own walnut grove, and then tell everyone the address of your online store, so that there are pictures and the truth. And it's a live video broadcast, so I can pick walnuts in the walnut forest on the spot and taste them for them.

"However, if you want to open an online store, you and your wife won't be able to do it at all, and you won't have enough manpower. Why don't you hire two people to work for yourself?" Dong Shanhe thinks that this is still very reliable.

"I'll discuss it with my wife tomorrow morning, and then rent a storefront. You can do this. Although you don't make a lot of money, you can also treat it as a business."


Speaking of doing it, Dong Shanhe directly opened Alibaba, Taobao to apply for an online store, and also applied for an official account on WeChat by the way. He also wants to do WeChat business.

"At that time, I can post some videos or photos on WeChat and let them buy them." Dong Shanhe thinks he is still very smart.

It was already 12 o'clock after Dong Shanhe's online shop and official account were all applied.

"Go to the space and take a look to see if it is night or day?" Dong Shanhe, wearing slippers, came directly from the study to the space.

When I came to the space, the sky had gradually brightened. Although it was still a little dark, it was no longer the darkness of the night, and the hazy sun had risen not far away.

After returning home, Dong Shanhe returned to the space after changing his clothes and boots.

Taking out the pump he carried with him, Dong Shanhe took the rubber ear to the river and started pumping up.

It took about ten minutes for Dong Shanhe to fully inflate the rubber boat.

"I want to see what's on the other side of the river this time?"

 Thanks for the support of Little Matches Selling Girls, thank you!

  I would also like to thank the few friends who gave me rewards.

  Finally ask for a ticket for collection. . .

(End of this chapter)

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