My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 33 Visiting Little Cousin

Chapter 33 Visiting Little Cousin

"Wife, what are you looking at?" Just lying on the bed, Dong Shanhe saw his daughter-in-law staring at him with staring eyes.

"What were you doing just now? Why didn't you hug me to sleep?" Liu Miaomiao asked while propping her head on one hand.

"Guess what?" After Dong Shanhe finished speaking, he pulled the quilt to cover the two of them.

"Woooooo~~~Asshole!" "Didn't I respond to your request?" "Get out!" "Don't get out!"

At 07:30 in the morning, Dong Shanhe and Liu Miaomiao had finished washing and were ready to eat and take the train to Xiangcheng.

The distance from Qicheng to Xiangcheng is only [-] kilometers, and it only takes an hour by train.

"This is a shitty place, the high-speed rail station is still so far away!" Dong Shanhe complained dissatisfiedly during breakfast.

Isn't high-speed rail designed to serve the public?Why is it so far away? It takes an hour to take a bus from the train station, so Dong Shanhe would never take the high-speed rail if he didn't go far.

"Daughter-in-law, are you ready?" Looking at his daughter-in-law who was putting on makeup, Dong Shanhe shouted impatiently.

"Daughter-in-law, how about we buy a car?" Dong Shanhe, who was sitting on the sofa, asked.

"Okay, after we buy the house, you can buy a car!" Liu Miaomiao never blocked Dong Shanhe's idea of ​​buying a car, but if you want to buy a car, you can buy a house first.

"It's coming soon!" Dong Shanhe knew that the time was coming soon, and in another week, he could get the money.

"Today is the 9th and 17th, soon!" Dong Shanhe muttered in his stomach.

By the time Dong Shanhe and Liu Miaomiao went out, it was already 08:30.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, there are obviously more pedestrians on the street than before, although there are still more than ten days before the Chinese New Year.

When he was in school, Dong Shanhe felt that the big cities were very nice, and the feasting and feasting were much better than his hometown, whether it was eating, drinking, having fun or being promoted and made a fortune, but when he really stayed, he couldn't stay there after a year.

It took more than ten minutes by bus to arrive at the train station. "Small cities are good because they are close!" In fact, an hour's bus ride is nothing?And take the subway for an hour!
"Slow down!" Holding Liu Miaomiao, Dong Shanhe went to collect the ticket first.

Dong Shanhe, who was carrying a backpack, escorted Liu Miaomiao to get on the train safely. Since Xiangcheng was the last stop, there were not many passengers on the train. Outside, then pull out walnuts and snacks for her to get ready.

Pregnant Liu Miaomiao feels very hungry, and sometimes she will feel hungry half an hour after eating, Dong Shanhe also took her to the hospital for examination, and everything was normal, so Dong Shanhe had to prepare snacks for her Eat, and make supper for her when she is at home.

Dong Shanhe saw two young girls, at most 20 years old, sitting across from them. The two communicated in a low voice, and occasionally raised their heads to look at their daughter-in-law, and then at themselves.

If it weren't for his daughter-in-law by his side, maybe Dong Shanhe would really communicate with them, talk to them about life and ideals.

Not long after, Liu Miaomiao felt sleepy and fell asleep leaning against Dong Shanhe.

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, get off the train, get off the train!" Dong Shanhe didn't shake his wife until the train stopped.

After leaving the train station, Dong Shanhe took his wife to take a taxi to his sister-in-law's house.

My sister-in-law's house lives on the sixth floor in the community opposite Xiangcheng University.

"You go up in the elevator, and you get down on the sixth floor. I'll go up the stairs." Dong Shanhe led Liu Miaomiao in the elevator and pressed the buttons for her, and said something to her.

"You come together!" Liu Miaomiao asked puzzled.

"You little fool! Can we still go up there empty-handed? Aren't the things still in place? There are cameras in the elevator." Dong Shanhe scratched Liu Miaomiao's nose, said dotingly, and then let go of the elevator door left foot.

In the stairs, Dong Shanhe watched first, then sat down and listened carefully to see if there were any footsteps, and finally quickly brought up the things he prepared last night from the space.

In addition to the prepared black fish, Dong Shanhe also brought four of the soft-shelled turtles caught last time.

"Xiaohe is here, come in quickly!" It was the uncle who opened the door. Dong Shanhe didn't expect that he was also at home. The uncle had been working in the Shangdu of Henan Province.

"Miaomiao is here too, come in!" the little uncle hurriedly greeted.

"Sister-in-law, grandma, I'm here!" After entering the door, Dong Shanhe went straight to the bedroom with his things.

In the bedroom, my sister-in-law was lying on the bed and talking to her grandma, while the little cousin who had just been born was sleeping next to her.

"Xiaohe, why are you here? You also brought Miaomiao, it will be bad if you get a bumpy ride!" the sister-in-law scolded.

"I'm in a hurry to see my little cousin!" Dong Shanhe smiled.

"Why did you leave the hospital so early? I remember that it would take three days to leave the hospital? My little cousin still needs blood tests in three days!" Dong Shanhe asked as he put down his things.

"Come here, what else do you bring! Chen Zhong, hurry up and bring a stool for your brother and sister!" The sister-in-law said to the eldest son beside the bed.

Chen Zhong is the eldest son of my sister-in-law. He is 15 years old this year and is in the third grade of junior high school. He is lying on the bed and looking at his younger brother.

"Oh, Mom, why don't you open your eyes?" Chen Zhong who stood up asked as he walked out.

"Newborn babies are like this, how can they open their eyes in two days, and you were like this when you were young." Grandma said at this time.

"Your aunt told me yesterday, and your grandfather also called me. He didn't love you for nothing." Looking at her grandson and granddaughter-in-law, grandma sighed.

She feels that her second grandson's life is not very good, and she has no ability to help.

"Grandma, you and grandpa have taken me and my brother for so many years, shouldn't you be filial to you! I was sick and spent money in the hospital, and my father, uncle, and three aunts caught a few fish for grandpa, eldest aunt, second aunt, and uncle." What's the point of sending it, did your grandson do something wrong?" Dong Shanhe stood at Chen Zhong's position just now and looked down at his little cousin.

"Am I afraid that you will spend money indiscriminately from time to time? Do you have a lot of money? You are going to have a child soon. It is not easy to earn some money." Listening to grandma's words, Dong Shanhe really wanted to tell grandma that he would be rich soon. , but still held back the words.

"Grandma, you can't earn enough money in your life. Although the two of us don't earn much, we still have some money to honor you." Liu Miaomiao continued.

Listening to his wife's words, Dong Shanhe really wanted to praise him, he was not very good at talking, and sometimes he really needed his wife's help.

"Chen Zhong, take these things to the kitchen and make them for my sister-in-law later." After moving the bench, Dong Shanhe grabbed Chen Zhong and asked him to take the things he brought to the kitchen.

Chen Zhong was ten years younger than Dong Shanhe, and Dong Shanhe had taken care of him for a while when he was a child, so he was never too polite when talking to him.

"What did you bring? Why don't you just bring something? Don't you feel tired after such a long journey?" "Mom, there are so many fish!" Chen Zhong, who glanced at the convenience bag, exclaimed.

 It's so uncomfortable to code while watching the national derby. In order to watch the game well, this chapter is for today.

(End of this chapter)

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