My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 4 Eating more walnuts is good for the fetus

Chapter 4 Eating more walnuts is good for the fetus
It was already 08:30 when Dong Shanhe came to the construction site, and he was still too sleepy to keep his eyes open.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Sun, good morning!" Dong Shanhe and the other two colleagues greeted each other and sat down in their seats.

Gong Yang is an old employee in his 50s. He has worked in the construction industry for 30 years. He is very experienced. Gong Sun is also in his 40s. Li Gai should be patrolling below at this time.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Sun, I'll go down and have a look, you are busy!" Dong Shanhe said hello to the two masters who were reading and left the office.

Who let the air conditioner in the office be too warm? If I sit all the time, I might fall asleep in a while, so I should go out and let the cold wind blow outside.

Sure enough, Dong Shanhe saw Li Gai below.

"Morning Gai, what's the matter?" Seeing Li Gai standing still, Dong Shanhe stepped forward and asked.

Li Gai took out a pack of cigarettes and tossed one to Dong Shanhe, "What can happen? The management is so strict every day. If there are still problems, it means that our management work is not up to standard."

"You go ahead, I'll go over there to have a look." Dong Shanhe and Li Gai greeted each other and walked towards the other side.

I still have a lot of things to do, and now is not the time to chat.

After separating from Li Gai, Dong Shanhe walked around the construction site carefully. After finding no problems, he found a secluded place and disappeared.

Since entering the space last night, Dong Shanhe's mood has been unable to calm down for a long time. Although he no longer had the original excitement, Dong Shanhe still couldn't help being ecstatic from the heart when he thought of gaining a space.

No one can refuse the pie that falls from the sky. Although Dong Shanhe doesn't know what this space is, since it is already his own, he must make good use of it.

First of all, we need to pick more walnuts for my wife to eat. This is also for the sake of the children, and Dong Shanhe cannot be ignored.

After carefully looking around, there was no one, Dong Shanhe said silently in his heart and went into the space.

"Why is it still daytime?" After coming to the space, Dong Shanhe found that the sky was still daytime, but if it was daytime in the space last night, it should have been dark here after eight or nine hours.

Although Dong Shanhe couldn't figure out what was going on, it was not a big deal to Dong Shanhe, so let's find out slowly in the future.

Coming to the walnut forest again, Dong Shanhe started picking walnuts.

Dong Shanhe, who lived in the countryside since he was a child, knew how to climb trees, so he climbed to a tree and began to pick it.

One, two or three, Dong Shanhe always felt that it was too slow to pick like this. After 10 minutes, he didn’t even pick a hundred. If these are just eaten by himself, there is no problem, but if they want to sell them in the future, they have to How long does it take to pick?

Thinking of this, Dong Shanhe realized that although the world is good, if he comes here by himself, he can't do anything. Even if there is an endless plain across the river, he can't plant [-] mu of wheat for him.

"It seems that God has given me space, but doesn't want me to make a fortune?" Sitting on the branch of a tree, Dong Shanhe thought sullenly.

Seeing a convenience bag from the supermarket in his hand, Dong Shanhe stopped picking walnuts in depression, but sat on a tree branch and began to eat.

"Not to mention, this wild hemp walnut is fragrant, but it's too difficult to crack the shell. It seems that I need to buy another clamp."

After sitting on the branch of a tree and eating a dozen walnuts, Dong Shanhe felt much better, "People can't be too greedy. Since God has given me this space, I still need to explore everything by myself. It can't be so simple. .”

Dong Shanhe doesn't believe that this matter is so simple, or even if it is the way it is now, he has already taken advantage of it, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

If you come here with a bamboo pole and beat the walnut tree hard, you can get a hundred and eighty catties in half a day. Even if you sell it for 20 yuan per catty, this is 2000 yuan, and you can earn 2000 yuan for nothing in a day. , it costs 6 yuan a month, so after a year, you can buy a house in this city.

Thinking of this, Dong Shanhe suddenly regained his energy. What is there to be dissatisfied with? How could he eat a fat man in one bite? This is not winning the lottery prize.

Weighing the weight of the convenience bag in his hand, Dong Shanhe felt that it should weigh four to five catties, and then he got down from the walnut tree.

"No matter what you say, this tree can pick more than ten catties of walnuts, and this walnut forest is as large as a hill. There should be thousands of walnut trees. If there are 20 catties of walnuts and 100 yuan per catty, then With [-] million in hand, let alone the money to buy a house, you have the money to buy a car.” Thinking of this moment, Dong Shanhe smiled happily.

Putting the convenience bag under the tree, Dong Shanhe left the space immediately.

Appearing in the small house again, without a single person, Dong Shanhe took a deep breath, "Next time, you must not enter the space at a crowded construction site. If you are discovered, you can escape, but what about your family?" ?” Although Dong Shanhe wasn’t sure if this space could bring people in, he couldn’t take the risk.

He glanced at the phone first, and the number on the screen of the phone showed [-]:[-], then Dong Shanhe glanced at the phone again, it was the same time.

"It seems that the time in the space is the same as the time outside." Patting his buttocks, Dong Shanhe walked out of the small room happily, and lit a cigarette by the way.

Although Dong Shanhe doesn't smoke very much, and he doesn't dare to smoke at home, but his work requires him, and Dong Shanhe has already learned about smoking and drinking.

After finally getting off work at 11:30, Dong Shanhe drove home on a battery scooter, and he had to go home to cook for his wife.

When he got back to the door of the house, Dong Shanhe had an extra bag per catty in his hand. This was taken out of the space when no one was paying attention, and it only took ten seconds to go back and forth.

"Wife, wife, come out to eat!" Dong Shanhe started to shout after entering the house.

"What? Oh! Why are there so many walnuts?" Liu Miaomiao asked in surprise.

Then his face turned black, "Hemp walnuts are so expensive, why do you buy so many? I've been eating walnuts for three months, so I don't have to. I wanted to tell you that I don't need to buy them in the future."

"You can eat it if I give it to you. Eating more walnuts is good for the fetus." Dong Shanhe still said with a smile, and didn't find anything wrong with Liu Miaomiao's tone.

"Originally your salary was not high, and I can't go to work now. With this few money, we don't eat or drink. Walnuts are so expensive, so what to eat, so many people who don't eat walnuts have no children. Meet a fool."

Seeing that his wife's tone was wrong, Dong Shanhe remembered the excuse he made up before saying, "Wife, I didn't buy this, it was a gift from the construction unit. How could I be willing to buy hemp walnuts, it's so expensive!"

(End of this chapter)

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