My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 41 Enjoy Cooking

Chapter 41 Enjoy Cooking

"Uncle Zhang, don't just look at the black goat, I'm still waiting for you to kill a sheep for me?" Dong Shanhe, the only Uncle Zhang he knew who could kill pigs and sheep, of course begged hard.

"It's easy to say!" Uncle Zhang also wanted to see how this black goat was different from other goats.

After Dong Shanhe saw that Uncle Zhang agreed, he directly lifted the black goat with its legs tied up from the tricycle.

Don't look at Dong Shanhe's easy lifting, but it's not the case when Zhang Chengting lifts it up, "Oh! It's really heavy! At least eighty catties!" Zhang Chengting refuses to accept the old, but he can't do it.

In the end, Dong Shanhe helped him carry the black goat to its place.

Uncle Zhang took up the knife and let the blood flow from behind the goat's ears, and the blood sprayed far away, "What a pity, what a pity!" Zhang Chengting called it a pity.

He could tell that this black goat was not bred in captivity, but free-range. It was strong, and its blood would be more nourishing than ordinary goats, but it was a pity that a lot was spilled.

Five or six minutes later, the black goat didn't move. Zhang Chengting hung the black goat on a hook, cut a cut in its neck with a sharp knife, stretched his right hand down the cut, and the goat skin was separated from the house.

"Uncle Zhang's craftsmanship is amazing!" Zhang Chengting's eighty-pound black goat was completely skinned and disemboweled within 15 minutes.

Dong Shanhe didn't want anything other than the sheep itself, and it took a lot of work to ask Uncle Zhang to slaughter the black goat. It's embarrassing to give money, but all the sheep's skin, sheep's offal, and blood of the black goat were given to Uncle Zhang.

"I have been learning how to butcher pigs and sheep from the adults in my family since I was fifteen or sixteen years old. It has been 30 years now. I don't have any skills at all." Uncle Zhang is very proud when it comes to ancestral skills.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm going back now, let's drink together in two days!" Dong Shanhe took the black goat off the hook and put it on the tricycle.

Although the black goats are wild, they basically don’t feel much smell. After cleaning up, the black goats only weigh about forty kilograms. Dong Shanhe carried them to the tricycle with one hand. Uncle Zhang returned the tricycle to clean it. There are two snakeskin pockets on the bottom.

"I won't drink with you boy, and you can't drink. When your father comes back, I'll drink with him!" After drinking a few times, Zhang Chengting never drank with Dong Shanhe again. you drink.

"All right, all right! When my father comes back from Xijiang, I'll let him come to drink with you with special products!" Dong Shanhe smiled and rode away on a tricycle.

"This kid!" Uncle Zhang looked at Dong Shanhe's back, and began to pack up the things Dong Shanhe left behind.

"This black goat skin is pretty good. I'll make a vest for my daughter-in-law when it's tanned tomorrow!" Zhang Chengting walked into the door with a basin in his hand.

Dong Shanhe ran all the way, and it was already five o'clock when he returned to Swan Bay from Zhang Chengting's house.

"Honey, what shall we have for dinner?" Originally, Dong Shanhe wanted to make a roasted whole lamb for his wife, but there was no room at home, and there was room outside, but it was not suitable. "It would be great if the villa could accommodate people now!" Now that the villa can accommodate people, Dong Shanhe has already set up a charcoal grill on the roof and started barbecue.

"I want to eat mutton fried with scallions, cumin mutton, mutton soup, and more," Liu Miaomiao said the names of several dishes in succession.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it for you!" But the first thing to do is to chop the whole sheep into pieces.

"Oh, the sheep's head is at Uncle Zhang's place!" Dong Shanhe wanted to make a sheep's brain soup for his daughter-in-law, but at this moment he remembered that he didn't want the sheep's head.

"Forget it, there's another chance!" Dong Shanhe exhaled, and began to unpack.

The work of dismemberment was not easy, it took Dong Shanhe an hour to complete it, and Liu Miaomiao also stood in the kitchen watching Dong Shanhe toil for an hour.

But when he put down the knife in his hand, Liu Miaomiao quickly wiped his sweat with a towel.

"Okay, okay, you go to the living room first, I will cook in a while." Dong Shanhe dismembered the whole goat piece by piece, four lamb legs with bones and meat, the same goes for the lamb chops, and the rest Dong Shanhe picked out all the mutton.

"Sheep skeleton stew soup, mutton can be stir-fried or made soup!" Seeing his simple skills, Dong Shanhe planned to learn skills from the chef, otherwise how would he cook for his wife and children in the future.

Dong Shanhe already enjoys the fun of cooking, especially cooking for his family, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Unlike some people, Dong Shanhe has a very strong machismo, and thinks that cooking and housework are women's obligations. Although Dong Shanhe has also made such an agreement with Liu Miaomiao, the current agreement does not count.

It is said that men at work are the sexiest, and Dong Shanhe who is cooking is also the sexiest in Liu Miaomiao's eyes.

Especially when Dong Shanhe got the space, his skin gradually became whiter, his muscles gradually became more prominent, and more importantly, he became rich. Dong Shanhe didn't feel this change, but Liu Miaomiao, who slept with him all day long, already had it. deep feeling.

"Honey, what are you looking at?" Dong Shanhe asked while using the cooking machine.

"Of course it's up to you!" Liu Miaomiao replied without thinking.

"Hurry up, we're going to make cumin mutton soon, don't choke you!" Dong Shanhe pushed Liu Miaomiao out of the kitchen.

After waiting for another hour, Dong Shanhe brought four dishes and one soup to the table. "Honey, let's go buy a car tomorrow, will you go?" Dong Shanhe asked while eating.

"I won't go. I'm almost exhausted after running all day today. I need to sleep a little longer tomorrow. Go by yourself!" Liu Miaomiao didn't know much about cars, so she didn't plan to go. As long as Shanhe likes it.

Hearing that his daughter-in-law would not go, Dong Shanhe suddenly became happy, he was really afraid that his daughter-in-law would go with him.

When buying things, in the eyes of women, there is only one thing that is most important, beautiful appearance. As for the performance, brand, fuel consumption and configuration of the car, it is not considered at all. Oops.

Just like a daughter-in-law always buys a mobile phone from a blue-green manufacturer, mainly because of its beautiful appearance and beautiful selfies, without other considerations. Unmoved by it.

"Then you should sleep a little longer tomorrow. You have been walking for such a long time today. Don't move your fetus!" Dong Shanhe's sister-in-law had her fetus and stayed in the hospital for more than a week before saving the baby. Can't be careless.

Thinking that it has been six and a half months now, Dong Shanhe feels scared after thinking about it. He must never take his wife to play for such a long time in the future.

"Husband, I'm sleepy, you should go to bed later!" After eating, Liu Miaomiao pushed her hands, yawning and going to sleep.

"Go to bed quickly, I have to go there again!"

 In a hurry yesterday, I wrote the maintenance fee as liquidated damages, which has been changed.

  As for my family, I have always called my sister-in-law a sister.

(End of this chapter)

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