Chapter 43 Jeep SRT
"Sir, welcome!" Dong Shanhe came to the Jeep 4S store after arriving at the Motor City.
He likes jeeps, especially hard-core off-road vehicles. Cars like the Porsche Cayenne that can only be run in the city and shaken by a little girl are not in his consideration. At least he has to buy a BMW X6.

"I still have no money!" If Dong Shanhe had 1 million yuan in his hands, he would never come here to buy a jeep, but would directly take the money to the provincial capital or Shanghai to buy an AMG.

"Do you have a Grand Cherokee here?" Dong Shanhe asked after entering the door.

"Sir, please wait a moment, we still have a Grand Cherokee here." Dong Shanhe didn't understand why all the salesmen who sold houses were girls, but all the salesmen who came to the auto shop were men.

Looking at the suits and ties, "Don't women naturally have no love for machines?"

Dong Shanhe sat on the sofa and picked up the newspaper to read. On the first page, the leaders had a meeting again. On the second page, the state invested heavily in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. "It's all nonsense!"

Seeing that the national football team lost again at the end, Dong Shanhe just threw the newspaper away, "Everyone with such a high salary has played like this, it's better to go home and take the children!" Dong Shanhe really I suspect that these national football players don’t contribute at all. If they get injured while playing for the national team, how will they earn money in the future? Anyway, the national football team has been in decline for so many years, and it doesn’t matter how they play.

"Hello, sir, here is our brochure. You can tell me any car you like." Dong Shanhe listened to the orderly talk of the salesperson beside him.

"You still have a Grand Cherokee SRT here?" Dong Shanhe was quite curious. You must know that Qicheng is a third-tier city, which may not even be considered a third-tier city, but this Jeep 4S shop actually owns a Grand Cherokee SRT. It's strange, this car costs 120 million!If there are more than 100 million people in a small place like Qicheng, they will definitely not buy a jeep, either a BMW [-] Series or a Mercedes Benz.

"Our Jeep 4S store in Qicheng is a chain across the province. This car was still in Luzhou last month, and it was just transported to Qicheng for an exhibition."

After hearing the introduction from the salesperson, Dong Shanhe felt that this was the case.

"How much is this car?" Dong Shanhe asked directly pointing at the car.

"The total price is 120 million. This car is currently the best car among the Jeep off-road vehicles. It is a large off-road vehicle with a V8 engine, 468 horsepower, a displacement of 6.4L, eight gears, and an automatic manual. Five doors and five seats, sir, if you buy it and drive it, it will definitely be cool!" Dong Shanhe really wanted to give this salesperson a thumbs up.

I am not the kind of person who looks like a rich man, but with his eloquent bragging, I also feel that I am a rich man.

"I drive out to show the wind, but if I kick the accelerator, it's all money!" Dong Shanhe knew that with a displacement of 6.4 liters, [-] oil per [-] kilometers can't stop it, even though the price of gasoline has dropped a little A little bit, but that's a huge expense.

"Can you get a better discount?" Dong Shanhe originally wanted to buy a Grand Cherokee, but he didn't expect such a car to exist here, so he bought an SRT as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"The big deal is that I don't want to buy the Free Light, the free guest, and replace it with the Great Wall Haval!!" Dong Shanhe thought in his heart.

A car is like a concubine to a man. Once he meets a car he likes, he will definitely buy it cruelly.

"It cost 750 million yuan to buy a villa, 50 yuan to buy a house in the school district, and there are 200 million yuan left, which is enough!" Isn't it just money!No more to earn.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I can't decide this, I need to ask the manager for instructions." The salesperson apologized to Dong Shanhe and hurriedly walked back.

Although Dong Shanhe has not seen the appearance of SRT until now, he has made up his mind to buy it.

"Hello, little brother! I am Xu Xiangliang, the manager here. Welcome to our Jeep 4S store. Just now I heard Xiao Dong say that you want to buy an SRT. You are so young! If you buy this car in full, I can decide the rest You don’t need to pay for the expenses.” Hearing what Xu Xiangliang said, Dong Shanhe’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

Dong Shanhe couldn't believe it. You must know that the 120 million is the price of a bare car. If you buy it in full, you will need to spend more than [-] yuan, purchase tax, vehicle and ship use tax and other messy things.

"Of course, you need to pay the purchase tax yourself. I don't dare to save 10 yuan for you, but you don't need to pay for other expenses, such as commercial insurance." Dong Shanhe thought to himself , How much is the commercial insurance, I calculated in my heart, a total of more than 9000 or almost 3 yuan is needed.

"Plus we'll give you a three-year free maintenance package on your car, which will also leave you with a lot of money."

"Okay, that's it! Pick up the car for me!" Dong Shanhe took out his bank card and said to Xu Xiangliang.

"Xiao Dong, hurry up and drive the car over and fill up the gas!" Xu Xiangliang said to Xiao Dong beside him.

"This young man is not bad, he is still in the same family as me!" Seeing Xiao Dong running back in a hurry, Dong Shanhe praised him.

"After the car arrives, I will test drive it carefully. If I find something bad, I won't buy it!" Although the jeep is guaranteed, it still needs a test drive.

"That is, that is, although our Jeep cars have always been quality assurance, we will definitely satisfy our customers." Xu Xiangliang said with a smile.

He really didn't know that there was such a number one person in Qicheng, who was young but very generous, and he could buy more than 100 million cars as soon as he stretched out his hands.

After five or six minutes, a black car stopped at the door of the 6S store, five meters long and two meters wide, with a huge off-road vehicle lying across the door.

After taking the key and running for two laps on the road, Dong Shanhe readily paid the money and bought it after feeling that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Mr. Xu, choose a good number for me!" It only costs 500 yuan to get a card, but a good number can cost more than 500 yuan.

In the end, Dong Shanhe chose a license plate of 55168, which is a homonym for Wuwu yilufa, which means he made it all the way.

Sitting in the car, Dong Shanhe caressed the leather seat, feeling [-] excited, even happier than buying a house.

A man can live without a house, but not a car.

But only people like Dong Shanhe can say this. If those young people who are not married say this, they will definitely be slapped by their mother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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