My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 601 Rice Noodles and Rice Noodles

Chapter 601 Rice Noodles and Rice Noodles

After returning to Huizhou, Dong Shanhe worked more diligently and worked overtime. What he wanted to do most now was to build his own battleship. In addition to being a hardcore BB party, Dong Shanhe also wanted to By the way, I have the experience of building warships proficiently, so that I can prepare for the next thing.

It’s fast, it’s slow, Dong Shanhe actually wants to work in the space 24 hours a day, but the real world can’t make Dong Shanhe happy, even so, Dong Shanhe can still insist on working in the space every day Twelve hours of hard work.

However, this hard work was fruitful, that is, Dong Shanhe completely copied the Missouri within half a month, and even copied the Missouri shells.

But what embarrasses Dong Shanhe is that the whole ship needs more than 1000 crew members to start, and he is alone, without a single crew member, so there is no way to open it even if he wants to.

"Damn it, after I worked so hard to build it, I can't start it. Isn't this fatal!" Dong Shanhe said while lying on the recliner, looking at the battleship that had been launched, dumbfounding.

Dong Shanhe never thought that there would be such a day when he encountered difficulties, and they were very difficult, so difficult that he had almost no way to face them.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, it's all right after you have this thing!" Running across the waves of the ocean and shuttling between the rolling waves has already achieved Dong Shanhe's goal, let's talk about other things,

After building this battleship, Dong Shanhe rested for two days, and he did not immediately continue to build ships or aircraft.

Dong Shanhe has not yet considered what he wants to sell to the Chinese government. Let’s sell the Ford class. This one alone can sell for 300 billion US dollars, or even more, but Dong Shanhe did not choose this. You must know that this is his trump card , he is still waiting for more money in the future.

Dong Shanhe knew that according to his temperament, he would still be short of money in the future, so he couldn't sell all his most valuable things all at once. Would he still do business in the future?
"Then what should I sell?" Dong Shanhe lay on the recliner, thinking slowly.

"Let's sell the plane first!" Dong Shanhe thought for a long time, and finally decided to sell the plane first, which is something that the Chinese government currently lacks.

"First come a hundred F22s, one for [-] million dollars, if you like it, if you don't want it, you won't give one." Dong Shanhe planned to buy as many as he wanted, and if he didn't buy one, he would buy none. No, don’t think I’ll just buy one or two and go back to do reverse research. There’s no door. What Dong Shanhe intends to do is to make money. It’s better to spend money to buy these advanced machines than to let those bastards eat, drink, and raise mistresses. Military equipment comes well.

Is $200 billion a lot?Does it count?In Dong Shanhe’s opinion, it doesn’t count. The four trillion U.S. dollars in the national treasury have been stored for a long time. Money can only be money if it is circulated. If it cannot be circulated, it is a piece of waste paper.

Is it true that the Chinese government doesn't want to use the money to buy all kinds of good things in the United States?It's a pity that people don't sell them. No matter how rich you are, you won't sell them no matter how much you pay. This is embarrassing.

So Dong Shanhe appeared in time, as long as he appeared, he could sell all the advanced equipment of the United States, and the Huaxia government did not need to worry.

"If it wasn't for selling nuclear submarines, I would have sold you dozens of Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines." The Ford-class aircraft carrier and the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines were Dong Shanhe's last trump card, and they were also ones aimed at making the whole world fearful. Things, especially the Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, if you really give Bei Bangzi one, you can see what kind of situation it can stir up the situation.

"One hundred F22s is worth 200 billion U.S. dollars, one hundred C5 transport planes is worth 300 billion U.S. dollars, and one hundred C17 transport planes is worth 150 billion U.S. dollars. That's a total of 650 billion U.S. dollars. Well, almost." Dong Shanhe felt that the money should be about the same.

Dong Shanhe felt that this money was underestimated. You must know that the price of a Raptor aircraft is 17 million U.S. dollars. He only charged a cost price, and did not even add the design cost. This is very conscientious. And the [-] million US dollars is still the purchase price of the United States. If other countries purchase it, the price will be higher, just like the C[-] transport aircraft. Australia is also a good brother, [-] million US dollars, Ah San, what?[-] million dollars a plane, love it or not, don't get out.

Dong Shanhe felt that he was very conscientious as long as he only wanted one cost price, but Dong Shanhe never thought about how many planes he sold?One hundred C5 transport planes?The American government does not have so many!Why do you need so many transport planes?
After thinking about this idea, Dong Shanhe felt relaxed. Anyway, there is still a long time, and he still has plenty of time to do this.

It took half a month to complete a [-]-ton warship, and the small aircraft number was not easy.

Dong Shanhe tried to build a C17 transport plane in just one night, which is considered very fast.

"No, I plan to buy HTC this year. It will cost at least 24 billion U.S. dollars. This is not a small number. I build one every day, which is a bit slow." But Dong Shanhe understands that even if he goes all out and works in the space [-] hours a day, there is not enough time in one day to build three.If only at this speed, Dong Shanhe would need at least a hundred days to get all the planes ready.

But can Dong Shanhe stay in the space 24 hours a day?No, now Dong Shanhe is in his office in the company building.

"Miss Chen Xiaoyun, please be more cautious, please sit down!" Dong Shanhe really had no choice but to deal with the girl in front of him. You picked it.

It's just that Dong Shanhe is not such a person, "Beauty Chen Xiaoyun, I am not a casual person." Dong Shanhe said to Chen Xiaoyun seriously.

"You are not a casual person. You are not a person when you are casual. Don't think that I don't know something." Chen Xiaoyun said with narrowed eyes, but Dong Shanhe didn't understand at all what it means that you are not a person when you are casual. Anything?

It's a pity that Dong Shanhe didn't know what Chen Xiaoyun knew, and Chen Xiaoyun happily didn't tell Dong Shanhe, just wanting to see what would happen if he found out about this one day in the future?
"Come on, what's the matter?" Chen Xiaoyun was finally sitting on the chair, staring at Dong Shanhe intently, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

"I asked you to investigate the matter of HTC?" Dong Shanhe's first smartphone was HTC's mobile phone. It's just that he has changed from sausage rolls to rice noodles over the years. We can only blame HTC for committing suicide and killing a large number of users.

At that time, HTC dominated the Android mobile phone market. When Samsung did not exert its strength, there was only one HTC in the market. Even after the rise of Samsung, HTC still occupied more than half of the market share. However, this bitch Wang Xuehong didn't care at all. In the inland market, your eyes are only on the United States, so what if you graduated from Stanford?Is it stupid to study?Or was he fooled by the influence of people from the Green Camp in Wanwan?You don't even know where you can make money?Fools know that places with a lot of people make the most money, but unfortunately Wang Xuehong just doesn't like it, so much so that he handed over a billion-dollar market to others, so that the second largest smartphone company at that time became a trivial company, even Parts of the company were sold.

For HTC, Dong Shanhe can only be angry and indisputable. Rather than being like this, he might as well buy it himself. In this case, he may be able to revive it.

Dong Shanhe has a lot of ways to make his mobile phone department popular, and he can even catch up with Apple mobile phones, but all of this requires a complete HTC.

It's not impossible for Dong Shanhe to start from scratch, but if he wants to become a blockbuster, he still needs a complete company, a complete industrial chain, a complete sales channel, and a fairly well-known brand.

"Boss, I've done some research on HTC. Inside the company, many shareholders are planning to sell. HTC's annual revenue is only 600 billion Taiwan dollars, which is less than 150 billion yuan. Their market value is now It is less than 200 billion U.S. dollars, and I estimate that they will be even more sad by the end of the year, when the market value is estimated to drop to 100 billion U.S. dollars." I have to say that a company with a market value of 500 billion U.S. dollars that year has now become so lonely. Look, Dong Shanhe is still very heartbroken.

"The God of Management was so powerful back then, but it's a pity that he is a short-sighted trash who gave birth to a woman." Why don't you graduate from Stanford University, not as good-sighted as yourself, a trash university student.

"Hehe, boss, are you discriminating against our women?" Chen Xiaoyun didn't know what to think, and suddenly turned to this topic.

"Go away, don't interrupt, let me tell you quickly, when we can take down this company, I still have things to do." Dong Shanhe plans to start transforming the company after he acquires HTC, and establish two Brands, one is the original ham sausage, and the other is a new brand that I plan to establish, maybe it will be called Yinhe.

"Boss, do you men like sports, military, electronics, history and politics?" Chen Xiaoyun asked curiously.

Not only Dong Shanhe, but many, many men Chen Xiaoyun met have this problem. If you talk to him about cosmetics, luxury goods, fashion, etc., he doesn’t know anything. If you talk to him about sports, military , history and politics, they would spout on and on.

"This is not what we men like the most. Guess what it is?" Dong Shanhe asked Chen Xiaoyun with a smile.

"What do you like?" Chen Xiaoyun didn't realize it for a while, what else could she like, she almost said it!

"Men like women the most, nothing else." Before Dong Shanhe could finish speaking, Chen Xiaoyun threw over him with the asking price on the desk.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's talk about serious business!" Dong Shanhe shook his clothes and said while sitting on a chair.

"There is one thing you need to do now, that is, you secretly buy the shares held by some shareholders of HTC. As long as you are willing to sell, you can buy them. If you don't have enough money, you can take it from me." Dong Shanhe said very proudly So, that means that, again, money is not a problem.

Money is not a problem, but the problem is that there is no money. Dong Shanhe is now empty-handed, let alone 200 billion US dollars, even if it is 20 billion US dollars, there is only a few hundred million US dollars in pocket money.

Dong Shanhe didn't even know how he spent his money, but he knew that he had to get money quickly. If he didn't get any more money, the duck might fly away.

"Okay, I promise to handle this matter well, boss, don't worry!" Chen Xiaoyun replied seriously.

It's just that after answering, she turned into a funny look again, "Boss, if I complete this matter, what reward will you give me?" Chen Xiaoyun asked with a smile.

"What reward do you want?" Dong Shanhe asked back.

"I haven't thought it through yet?" Chen Xiaoyun was not stupid, how could she say it directly.

"Then wait until you think it over." Dong Shanhe said as he stood up. He stopped and said, "I only give you three days to think about it. Don't wait when it's too late." Dong Shanhe How could it be possible to give her time to think slowly, what if she thought about it for a lifetime?
"Boss, you're so boring, why can't you favor others?" Chen Xiaoyun said with a pouted mouth.

"Uh, you are in your 30s, can you stop acting like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, it's not natural at all." Dong Shanhe criticized righteously.

What came oncoming was another folder, and the word "scroll".

For a woman, you must never say that she is old in front of her, that's not okay, even if she is really old, you can't say that.

I haven't seen people who are all over the street calling beautiful women when they see women, regardless of whether they are seventeen or eighteen years old or three or forty years old.

After Dong Shanhe left, Chen Xiaoyun cursed secretly, "You bastard, don't you know how to coax people? How can you expose people in person like this?" Chen Xiaoyun was very worried about Dong Shanhe's exposure of her pretending to be tender.

"Find a way to make money. If I don't make money, my life will be useless." Standing in the elevator, Dong Shanhe couldn't help thinking of a joke he had read back then, saying that you met a beautiful woman and wanted to marry you , said that her father is a high-ranking official, and her mother is in business. After you get married, you will be given a few houses, a director's seat in the company, and let you eat, drink and have fun all day long. In this way, you will become a society after a long time. Useless.

Dong Shanhe doesn't want to be such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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