Chapter 605

Now that he has taken the money, he has to do things. This is the strategy Dong Shanhe has formulated, so in other words, Dong Shanhe will soon develop greatly, and this is what Dong Shanhe is particularly happy about recently.

The first is to carry out the second phase of the resort project. Dong Shanhe has already formulated the second phase project of the resort, and even made the design drawings. He is waiting for the funds to be in place, so that the work can start immediately.

As for the other Dong Shanhe, we have to wait a bit, and no matter what it is, Dong Shanhe will not leave the company behind.

Now Dong Shanhe understands that only by becoming a rich man and becoming richer and richer can he make himself safer, especially when he sells this batch of military goods to the Huaxia government. How many spies know!

But I know that I know that what Dong Shanhe is most worried about is that those people want to threaten his family. If this is the case, Dong Shanhe will regret it. As for the other Dong Shanhe, he is not worried at all. If you want to do something to yourself, Dong Shanhe will let them know the strength of the iron fist of socialism.

The next day, Dong Shanhe came directly to the company. He was going to urge Chen Xiaoyun to speed up. It would be best if he could take down HTC in the next month or two.

"Boss, you are so handsome!" Dong Shanhe walked into the office before Chen Xiaoyun said anything.

"What did you say?" Dong Shanhe asked in confusion, but Chen Xiaoyun didn't answer him.

In fact, Chen Xiaoyun already knew what Dong Shanhe did, but she didn't say anything, just pretending that she didn't know it happened.

"How did I ask you to acquire HTC's shares? How far has it progressed?" Dong Shanhe never asked about this matter because he believed that Chen Xiaoyun could do it well.

"Boss, they have bought 20.00% of the shares and dispersed them into tens of thousands of accounts. Now there are still 70.00% of the shares, which are basically in the hands of major shareholders. Look, should we contact HTC The Wang family over there." According to Chen Xiaoyun, the shares held by the Wang family accounted for more than 50.00%, and they were the threshold that Dong Shanhe could not cross when he wanted to acquire HTC.

"Okay, just go and get in touch with them, and you must be quick." After Dong Shanhe ordered this matter, he didn't worry about anything anymore. As for the affairs of other subsidiaries, they developed very well, even exceeding the two regulations. Dong Shanhe is very happy.

After leaving the company, Dong Shanhe drove home again. He is now wholeheartedly trying to manufacture all the planes as soon as possible, so that he can get the money as soon as possible. 500 billion US dollars is not a small number. Then Dong Shanhe Also preparing to design a mobile phone must be a very beautiful mobile phone.

Now that he wants to make a perfect mobile phone, and since he wants to make a new brand an instant hit, Dong Shanhe has to create a perfect mobile phone. It can’t be said that it is against the sky. At least in this society, it is three to five years ahead of the world. In order to beat all mobile phone manufacturers.

Dong Shanhe dreams of being able to beat Apple and Samsung in his dreams, "However, all the parts need to be purchased now. If this is the case, won't it still be controlled by others?" Dong Shanhe also knows that a mobile phone brand that starts from scratch must Restricted by others, but also bear a lot of patent fees.

"I still have to think about what I want to do." Dong Shanhe knows that the mobile phone is not something that can be done overnight. It takes a little more time and patience to create a perfect mobile phone. Dong Shanhe plans to use half a year to make this mobile phone To create it.

Before he knew it, Dong Shanhe had already driven his car to his home in the resort. The reason why Dong Shanhe settled his home in this place was because the environment here is very beautiful, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, which is pleasing to the eye.

When he came home, Liu Miaomiao was leading the little guy for a walk. Although he could walk smoothly now, he still had to be led, because the little guy would cry if he couldn't see his parents. Dong Shanhe always felt that His courage is really too small, he doesn't look like himself at all, but Dong Shanhe has nothing to do, he can't take his son to watch horror movies right now!
The old man always said that children cannot see unclean things, because their eyes are yin and yang, and they can see a lot of unclean things, and their three souls and six spirits are relatively weak, and they cannot withstand shock. When I was frightened when I was young, I would go to the masters to call for the soul.

Dong Shanhe didn't believe it before, but since he got the space, he can no longer say that he doesn't believe in this matter, because he has encountered such things himself, and there is nothing impossible.

More importantly, Dong Shanhe himself is also afraid of watching horror movies, even though he doesn’t feel at all killing a few people now, but Dong Shanhe still doesn’t like watching horror movies very much, and even resists it a little bit, which he himself doesn’t understand Why.

"I'm going to work, you take him to play for a while, and I'll come out in a while." After Dong Shanhe came to the space, he felt that he had transformed himself into a big construction site. In the ocean at the foot of the mountain, there were Two large docks, on the mountain, have been cut into half by Dong Shanhe, and the other half of the flat is covered with caves, which are used by Dong Shanhe to store aircraft.

As for the flat ground, it is already full of various raw materials.

Dong Shanhe started working while lying on his workbench. Now he is familiar with everything, and his proficiency is even stronger. Even if he gives him a hammer now, he can knock out an airplane.

Dong Shanhe left the space after working in the space for more than an hour, and he still needs to cook for his wife and children.

After dinner, if his son wants to sleep, Dong Shanhe will ask his wife to sleep with him and continue to work. If they don't sleep, Dong Shanhe will bring them in and let them watch him build like this aircraft.

Liu Miaomiao didn't watch it after watching it for only two days at the beginning. This incident was simply too boring for her. For girls, cold steel is not as interesting as a quilt.

In this way, five days passed, and Dong Shanhe also built more than a dozen aircraft in the space, all of which were Raptor fighter jets.

"Remember me, young man!" Wang Yuanhai called Dong Shanhe.

"You old man, just tell me, I still have things to do, just give me an address." Dong Shanhe continued to build the plane while answering the phone.

"It's like this. You can send the plane to an airport in the southwest region, and we will arrange it." Wang Yuanhai on the other end of the phone told Dong Shanhe an address, which Dong Shanhe had never heard of before. The place.

"Tell me, what exactly is the place, but I can't find it on the map. Give me the latitude and longitude." Dong Shanhe picked up the phone and dialed another mobile phone to find the map, but Dong Shanhe couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched. Where is an airport.

"I'll let them send the latitude and longitude to your mobile phone, and you'll know when the time comes. The things will be delivered quickly, and our soldiers are ready to accept them." Wang Yuanhai seemed to have played a joke on Dong Shanhe.

After hanging up the phone, Dong Shanhe started to prepare to deliver things. As for how to deliver things, Dong Shanhe also has his own way, that is to go to that place and throw all the things to him on the ground. For Dong Shanhe, it was the easiest thing.

Dong Shanhe doesn't have so many pilots, let them fly there, even if there are so many pilots, how will he take off.This is the biggest problem.

Coming out of the space, Dong Shanhe came to the bedroom and saw that Liu Miaomiao was still sleeping with his son in his arms. Dong Shanhe gently closed the door again, and he waited for Liu Miaomiao to wake up.

Dong Shanhe hadn't been sitting on the sofa for a few minutes before Liu Miaomiao came out, "What's the matter?"

"How do you know I have something to do?" Dong Shanhe asked puzzled.

"Nonsense, I've been sleeping in the same bed with you for several years, how can you hide that little thing from me?" Liu Miaomiao gave Dong Shanhe a supercilious look, as if to say, you think I've been in vain these years.

"I'm going out for a while, and I won't be back until the day after tomorrow. At that time, you should be well at home alone."

"You can go at ease, I'm sure someone can take good care of the child, so don't worry!" Before Liu Miaomiao finished speaking, he was slapped on the head.

"It's not that I'm dead, what do you mean I can go at ease?" Dong Shanhe said dissatisfied.

"That's not what you said, you're so serious, you still don't allow me to reply seriously? You just tell me that you have to be busy for two days, and it's fine if you're not at home for these two days!" Liu Miaomiao gave Dong Shanhe another look.

"Well, I have to go out for a couple of days, and I won't be back until the day after tomorrow." Dong Shanhe said simply and clearly.

"OKOK, I got it, I'm used to it!" Liu Miaomiao was actually used to Dong Shanhe being busy all the time.

Besides, so what if you are not used to it, you still have to get used to it in the end, and you will get used to it slowly.

"That's good. You take care of yourself at home, and you must not skip meals." Dong Shanhe knew that if he was not at home, Liu Miaomiao would most likely not want to eat, and she would always make something casually.

"Okay, okay, you're so talkative, even more talkative than me, you were cast into the wrong baby in your last life." Liu Miaomiao gave Dong Shanhe a supercilious look for the third time, and then she turned and went back to the bedroom. As for Dong Shanhe, he could only be embarrassed smiled.

Dong Shanhe didn't set off right away, but chose to start at night. He planned to use one night to drive from Huizhou to Sichuan Province. This is not a small number.

Dong Shanhe drove his Land Rover and came out of the resort at around [-] o'clock in the evening, "Report, the target has appeared, and he set off with the car." A person watched Dong Shanhe drive the car from afar After leaving, he immediately reported, "You keep watching, I want to see how he is going to deliver this batch of things?" Someone still wants to clarify this matter.

Dong Shanhe also vaguely felt that someone was watching him, so he also got off when he arrived at a parking area, and then he got off when he arrived at a parking area, and then changed to another car. I didn't notice that Dong Shanhe has changed more than a dozen cars, from Land Rover to BMW, from Mercedes-Benz to Bentley, whether it is domestic or foreign, Dong Shanhe has changed all of them.

This is also thanks to Dong Shanhe's space. If he didn't have space, he might have so many cars.

"Report, we lost our target, we lost our target, target, please pay attention to the bird's nest, please pay attention to the bird's nest." There were people following along the way, but they might have noticed Dong Shanhe's driving habits, let alone Dong Shanhe When you arrive at a parking area, you can change to a different car.

Until ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, Dong Shanhe finally came to this land of abundance. For 180 hours, Dong Shanhe didn't stop for a moment. Along the way, Dong Shanhe ran wildly. On average, the average speed was about [-].

"This is a good place." Dong Shanhe drove his rather old cruiser and appeared in Rongcheng.

This was the first time he had come here, and he planned to take a rest in Rongcheng during the day, and go again at night.

Not too far to the west of Rongcheng, there is a military base, which is the address sent to Dong Shanhe. Dong Shanhe plans to go for a stroll at night.

Dong Shanhe drove the car to an underground garage, and then came directly into the space from the car. Now there is a house and a big bed in the space. Dong Shanhe usually rests in the space when he is free. In this case, he is considered a god. Can't find him either.

This sleep lasted until six o'clock in the evening, Dong Shanhe got a little food in the space, and then went out from the space, and when he went out, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

When the lights come on, the colorful lights and the slow pace of life make Dong Shanhe really want to buy a house here and live here for a period of time in the future.

"After finishing this matter, let's talk about it!" Dong Shanhe planned to finish the matter first, as long as he bought a house, let's talk about it. Anyway, if he has money, he still worries about not being able to buy a house?

Dong Shanhe has been playing near Tianfu Square until twelve o'clock in the evening, even at this time, there is still an endless stream of pedestrians on the street.

Dong Shanhe really wants to know that people in Rongcheng don't need to work?There are many people, which means great risk, so Dong Shanhe waited for another two hours, until two o'clock in the morning before going to the destination from Tianfu Square.

This time Dong Shanhe planned to give those people a big surprise, to let them know that he was not easy to manipulate as they thought.

Since I can get these things for you, you should put away those fancy intestines in your belly as soon as possible. If I really annoy Lao Tzu, believe it or not, I will manufacture 15 billion pistols. Give it away, and then see who is unlucky?

(End of this chapter)

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