My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 64 Buying aquatic products?

Chapter 64 Buying aquatic products?
It gets dark very early in winter, and at four o'clock, the sun is about to set. Dong Shanhe drove the car westward.

The scattered sunlight shone inside the car, and Dong Shanhe felt that he hadn't felt this kind of sunlight for a long time.

Involuntarily slowing down, Dong Shanhe parked the car on a treeless roadside, lit a cigarette in the car, and watched the sunset with blurred eyes.

He didn't know what he was thinking, he just wanted to enjoy this moment of tranquility, just like Dong Shanhe likes rainy days, watching the light raindrops falling from the window, lying on the bed listening to the sound of raindrops dripping outside the window , it is a kind of quiet enjoyment.

Dong Shanhe feels that he is a weird person, he likes tranquility but yearns for excitement, he likes rainy days but sunshine.

"Hum!" Dong Shanhe lowered the car window, letting the cold air pass through the car to dispel the smell of cigarettes.

The cold wind blowing from the [-]-acre water plain is still mixed with the smell of water vapor.

Shuiyunjian is not very far from Qicheng. It is only about ten kilometers west from the West Outer Ring Road. If you drive this distance, you don’t even need 10 minutes. So this is one of the reasons why Shuiyunjian’s business is relatively good. After all, the distance If it is too far away, not many people will drive over.

And the entrance of Shuiyunjian is the bus stop, even if you have had a drink in Shuiyunjian, you don't have to worry about not being able to go home.

"Uncle Xu, long time no see!" Dong Shanhe had called his uncle's friend before coming here.

Liu Chuanxu is a friend of Uncle Dong Shanhe's and a classmate in elementary school and middle school. After graduating from high school, the two of them went to learn to cook together. Later, they went to Beijing to look for opportunities.

Although the two are not brothers, they are better than brothers.

"Xiaohe, why did you think of looking for your Uncle Xu?" Liu Chuanxu and Dong Shanhe were both from the same town, and they spoke casually.

Although Liu Chuanxu doesn't look tall, he is dark and dark, but his cooking skills are very good. Although he dare not say that he is proficient in all the eight major cuisines, he is also very good at Shandong cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, and Anhui cuisine in his hometown. Achievement.

Otherwise, I wouldn't get 3 yuan a month in a small place in Qicheng.

"Didn't I have something to ask Uncle Xu? I made a reservation for the Rose Hall, and I want to invite people to dinner tonight, but the food in Shuiyunjian is mainly aquatic products. I happened to get some wild game from my friends, and I also gave it to Uncle Xu." Bring it here, so that you can open our eyes!" Dong Shanhe's meaning is very simple, that is, to bring these ingredients here for Uncle Xu to cook.

"It's easy to say, we often have some customers in Shuiyunjian bring some of their own ingredients for us to cook. What did you bring today?" Liu Chuanxu said and stared at the car behind Dong Shanhe.

"I made Uncle Xu laugh, I'll move it here for Uncle Xu!" Dong Shanhe knew that it was already four o'clock, and if he didn't hurry up, Uncle Xu would go back and start sorting out the work for tonight. Every night is Shuiyun When the flow of people is the hottest.

"Uncle Xu, here are some big freshwater prawns, rice field eels, and a red carp." Dong Shanhe first moved down three buckets, one full of freshwater shrimps, one full of ricefield eels, and one There is a red carp in the bucket.

"This thing is rare! Xiaohe, where do these things come from? It must not be artificially bred." Uncle Xu asked in surprise when he heard Dong Shanhe's introduction and didn't take a look at it.

"Uncle Xu, you'll know if you keep looking at it. Whether it's wild or not, you can hide it from your old eyes. Back then, you and my uncle often dug out bird nests to catch lobsters." Dong Shanhe joked.

"You boy!" Liu Chuanxu pointed at Dong Shanhe with his finger, took two steps forward, and looked down, only to find that the contents of these three buckets were absolutely pure and wild, each of which was palm-sized, green in color. Shrimp shells, white tails, no silt pollution.

Looking at the rice field eels again, they are golden in color, each one is one foot long, but their bodies are not very thick, and the difference from the blackened and strong rice field eels that are farmed is simply thousands of miles away.

There was only a huge red carp left in the last bucket. Liu Chuanxu looked at it carefully for a while, "Is this the Yellow River carp?" He asked uncertainly, it looked exactly like the Yellow River carp, but Qicheng The closest distance to the Yellow River is more than 300 kilometers. How can there be such lively Yellow River carp.

"Uncle Xu, what do you think of these things?" Seeing Liu Chuanxu's frightened appearance, Dong Shanhe said quite complacently, if the things he captured were not wild, then there would be no wild ones in other places.

The so-called wild in the real world has basically been greatly polluted, but the aquatic products in my own space are definitely pure natural and zero-pollution delicacy.

"It's a good thing. It's better than the ingredients in our Shuiyunjian. Xiaohe, where did you get this stuff? Do you have any more? Can you sell some to us in Shuiyunjian?" Liu Chuanxu rubbed his hands and asked embarrassingly. road.

"Huh?" Dong Shanhe finally realized that Shuiyunjian bought his own aquatic products. Doesn't this mean that he can sell them for money?Perhaps this is another huge income.

"Uncle Xu, we are our own people. Of course, this is easy to say, but you should also know that there are not many wild ingredients now. The price is more expensive than those in the vegetable market, and the supply is not very large." Dong Shanhe I'm embarrassed to say that, in fact, it's mainly because I don't have much time to catch these aquatic products by myself.

This red carp was directly caught by Dong Shanhe from the small river with his ability, but Dong Shanhe suspects that if he supplies water to Yunjian like this every day, this small river of unknown length will soon disappear. .

"It seems that we have to go to another place to look for it." Dong Shanhe plans to find another big river or lake before he can supply a large amount of water to Shuiyunjian.

"Xiaohe, Uncle Xu can't make you lose money. I know it even if you don't tell me. Looking at the quality of wild eels, it is much better than the so-called wild eels caught on the roadside. The price is higher than Uncle Guixu outside. I can definitely understand it." , but how much goods can you have, if there is less, just don’t have enough for a few tables.” There are many leaders who often come to Shuiyunjian to eat, don’t taste it today and think it’s delicious, if you don’t come back tomorrow, it’s too bad It's true, but it won't end well at that time.

"Uncle Xu, I don't dare to say anything else. So far, at least ten tables can be provided in a day. If you want more, you need to find a new source of supply!" Dong Shanhe said in the most cautious way. numbers that you can guarantee.

"Okay! I'll invite the boss to try it tonight. It happens to be the birthday of the sixth uncle of the Wang family. We have had enough of the usual food in Shuiyunjian. I'm just worried about something good. Xiaohe, you came in time. !" Liu Chuanxu patted Dong Shanhe's shoulder vigorously.

Before Dong Shanhe could react, he was about to walk towards the back kitchen with three buckets in his hands.

"Uncle Xu, that's mine! I want to eat tonight!" Dong Shanhe shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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