Chapter 80

Seeing that the white horse was about to leave at any moment, how could Dong Shanhe give up, and decided to do it right away.

Dong Shanhe bent over and took two quick steps forward, feeling that he was within the control range of less than 30 meters, Dong Shanhe activated his thoughts.

Accompanied by the neighing sound of the white horse, he turned around and was about to run away. Unfortunately, God also helped Dong Shanhe. The white horse did not run away immediately, but stared at Dong Shanhe for a while. It had never seen such a creature.

With such a dazed effort, Dong Shanhe took two steps forward.

When the white horse wanted to turn around and leave, it was powerless, and Dong Shanhe's thoughts had enveloped it.

The white horse tried to run, but found that he could not do anything.No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even raise his hooves, and the neighing of the white horse became louder.

Seeing that the white horse was motionless, Dong Shanhe stood up from the grass at this time. At this time, the white horse also realized that all of this might have something to do with the mysterious creature in front of him.

After Dong Shanhe stood up, he let out a long sigh of relief, and the heart in his throat was finally relieved.

"You stick, let's see if you still run!" Dong Shanhe walked forward step by step.

The white horse kept raising its head and neighing, but could not escape Dong Shanhe's control. When Dong Shanhe walked to the white horse, he saw the white horse shed tears.

"There's nothing to cry about. Follow me from now on to ensure that you enjoy the food and drink spicy food. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?" Dong Shanhe patted the white horse's neck and said to it.

At this time, Dong Shanhe still did not remove the control, but circled the white horse a few times.

Looking at Dong Shanhe up close, I realized that this white horse is really beautiful, with a graceful posture, even standing still is pleasing to the eye.

"Horse, horse, follow me from now on, and you will be called White Dragon Horse from now on!" Being a prince charming is one of every man's fantasies, and Dong Shanhe is no exception.

Dong Shanhe turned over on the horse's back and got on the white horse. Although there was no saddle, Dong Shanhe was not dissatisfied at all.

"The white dragon horse, with its hooves facing west, carries Tang Sanzang on its back, the three master and apprentice brothers." Dong Shanhe happily sang the cartoon songs he watched when he was a child.

"Since you are my person, I will give you some benefits." Dong Shanhe said, sending the aura from the space controlling the body to the white horse.

This time, it took a full five seconds for the transport to end. After doing all this, Dong Shanhe removed the control.

The moment Dong Shanhe removed the control, the white horse raised its hooves and galloped desperately as if frightened.

If it wasn't for Dong Shanhe's tight grip on the white horse's mane, he might have been thrown off.

"Bailongma, Bailongma, stop, stop." Dong Shanhe, who was lying on the horse's back, kept shouting, there was no way, Dong Shanhe couldn't sit still at this time, he could only lie on the white horse and let the white horse go around gallop.

The white horse can feel that there is an existence on its body, and it wants to make a movement to throw this hateful thing out, but whenever it wants to make a movement, there will always be a resistance thought deep in its heart, and then the white horse will Slow down slowly.

I don't know how far he ran, but the white horse finally slowed down. At this time, Dong Shanhe also raised his head to watch the scenery in front of him.

"I told you I don't want you to run so fast. Why do you run so fast? Are you trying to kill me?" Dong Shanhe patted the white horse's neck twice in a hurry.

The white horse shook its neck in dissatisfaction, ignored the creatures on its body, and even felt an inexplicable affection deep in its heart.

After talking about the white horse, Dong Shanhe saw how beautiful the scenery in front of him was.

The calmly flowing river, with several forks, continuously converges and separates on the grassland, where a large herd of horses gathers on the grassland.

"Get rich, get rich!" Looking at the group of horses in front of him, Dong Shanhe shouted.

Although Dong Shanhe doesn't know what kind of white horse is under him, he can tell that it must be a good horse just by looking at its posture. If the group of good horses in front of him sells a few foals every year, it will definitely make a lot of money.

"Well, that's the decision." Dong Shanhe wanted to build a racecourse for his resort, and then attract more people to come.

The group of horses in front of him are white, red, black, and brown, and there are all kinds of colors. Dong Shanhe even saw a few horses of different colors.

When the group of horses saw the white dragon horse coming with an unknown creature on their backs, they were also agitated. Fortunately, Dong Shanhe didn't make any more movements, just quietly looked at the group of horses in front of him, and then took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

"Drive!" Dong Shanhe shouted, wanting the white dragon horse to take a few steps, but unfortunately the white dragon horse didn't move.

"Can you understand my words, I am your master now, don't pretend to be indifferent to me, let me go quickly." Dong Shanhe said and slapped Bai Longma's ass hard.

Surprised, the white dragon horse raised its hooves again and started galloping.

The group of horses saw the white dragon horse galloping, and many horses jumped out from it and started galloping after it.

For Dong Shanhe, he had only seen galloping horses on TV before. This scene of dozens of horses galloping together was the first time he had seen it in reality.

"Drive!" Seeing this situation, Dong Shanhe became even more excited, and slapped Bai Longma's ass again while shouting.

Dong Shanhe felt that it might be that the white dragon horse had never been in contact with humans, so he didn't know what driving meant, so when talking about driving, he had to give it a little movement, so that it would slowly form a habit.

"Oh oh oh!" Dong Shanhe, who was enjoying the high-speed speed, let out a loud cry.

When the horses stopped 10 minutes later, Dong Shanhe was already hoarse, but he was very happy inside.

The white dragon horse walked slowly towards the group of horses, and there was only one white horse left following it.

The same white fluff, white and flawless, but a circle smaller than Bailongma, Dong Shanhe felt that this might be Bailongma's girlfriend.

Dong Shanhe patted the white dragon horse's neck to signal it to stop, and he wanted to get off. After running for half an hour without knowing it, Dong Shanhe felt his buttocks were burning hot, and his body was shaking like it was falling apart.

This time the white dragon horse was much smarter. Sensing Dong Shanhe's movements, he stopped immediately. Dong Shanhe turned over and jumped off the white dragon horse.

"Bailongma, I'm going back, you stay here well, I will look for you again in the future, this is your girlfriend, do you want to touch me." Dong Shanhe said and was about to move foot.

The white horses in the smaller circle watched Dong Shanhe come to his side, and immediately raised their hooves as if to attack at any time.

"Hey! Hot tempered, I like it, and follow the white dragon horse from now on!" Dong Shanhe didn't make a move after all, and disappeared from the space after saying it.

(End of this chapter)

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