My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 9 Selling Walnuts

Chapter 9 Selling Walnuts

The black fish is very slippery, and it is also very big. Dong Shanhe always failed to kill the fish. Later, he still thought about how those fish killers at the aquatic product stand killed the fish.

As soon as Dong Shanhe was cruel, he directly took the kitchen knife and slapped Heiyu's head violently. After hitting it seven or eight times in a row, Heiyu finally stopped moving. Dong Shanhe also knew that Heiyu had been knocked out by him.

Dong Shanhe was very busy with disemboweling the belly and scraping the gills and scales of the fish. Liu Miaomiao leaned against the door and watched Dong Shanhe cook for himself tenderly.

I have bought sauerkraut from a dry and fresh shop a long time ago. Dong Shanhe doesn’t know how to make sauerkraut, and he is not a Korean stick. He eats sauerkraut every day when he has nothing to do. Isn’t it boring to eat that thing all day long?I really don't know what's so delicious about sauerkraut.

Cut the black fish into slices, and the remaining fish head and skeleton are useless, so they are thrown into the trash can. This is not a bighead carp, and the remaining fish head can be used to make a chopped pepper fish head or fish head tofu Soup.

"Husband, you've worked hard!" After the sauerkraut was fried, fish slices were added and water was added, Dong Shanhe, who hadn't had time to rest, suddenly felt a pair of arms hugging behind him.

"Be careful, don't squeeze your stomach." When Liu Miaomiao hugged Dong Shanhe, he didn't dare to move, for fear that if he moved a little too much, he would hurt the child in his wife's stomach.

"Look at you, the baby is six months old, and the baby will be born in more than three months. Why are you so careful, and why were you so careless when you accompanied me downstairs for a walk?" Liu Miaomiao scolded Dong Shanhe. , hugging her hands harder.

Dong Shanhe's tense body also relaxed a little, "Okay, can you relax first, the sauerkraut fish will take at least ten minutes to be ready."

"No, I want to hug you. I like the feeling of hugging you. You just stand like this and let me hug you until the sauerkraut and fish are cooked." Liu Miaomiao refused coquettishly, and did not agree with Dong Shanhe's proposal at all. .

Dong Shanhe had no choice but to stand like this and let Liu Miaomiao hug him from behind, embracing him speechlessly.

Dong Shanhe didn't start talking until the frying pan was gurgling and steaming, "Wife, see if you can relax a bit, I'm going to cook."

"Hmm~~, I don't~~~~" Hearing his wife's whining voice, Dong Shanhe almost collapsed.

"Are you still eating pickled fish or not? If you hug me again, I can't guarantee whether the pickled fish will stick to the pan." Dong Shanhe had to come up with this trick. It turns out that there is one more important thing for Liu Miaomiao, and that is eat.

"Do it quickly, I want to watch you do it, I also want to learn, in case you are not at home one day, I can do it myself." Hearing Dong Shanhe's words, Liu Miaomiao let go, but turned around and hugged him again. Dong Shanhe's arm.

"You're holding my arm, how can I overturn the pot?" Dong Shanhe said helplessly to Liu Miaomiao, why hasn't this girl been so clingy before?

"Okay, you do what you want, I'll watch." Liu Miaomiao let go of Dong Shanhe's arm, and looked out curiously.

"Girls now! They can't even cook!" Dong Shanhe underestimated in his heart.

Dong Shanhe loves cooking very much, but when he has time and money, if he can't stay at home all day, how can he be in the mood to cook.

After another 5 minutes, the fish with pickled cabbage was finally out of the pot. The black fish that originally weighed four to five catties, after Dong Shanhe opened up and sliced ​​it, there was at most one and a half catties of fish left, plus half a catty of sauerkraut, Dong Shanhe I had to find the largest stainless steel basin in the kitchen.

In the past, Dong Shanhe joked that this small pot is so big that it can be used as a dog pot for dogs, but now he has forgotten it when he took it out to hold pickled fish.

In the evening, Dong Shanhe and Liu Miaomiao didn't do anything, just sat at the dining table and wiped out the whole pot of pickled fish.

"Today's pickled fish is not very spicy, next time I have a chance to put some more chili." In fact, this time, if Liu Miaomiao was not afraid that he would not be able to eat chili, Dong Shanhe would have grabbed two handfuls of dried chili and put it in, and it would not be like this.

"My wife's body is the most important, and my children are the most important. I don't care if I eat spicy or not." Dong Shanhe gave himself a set of Ah Q's self-comfort.

"Come on, let's go for a walk." After eating, the two of them lay on the sofa without washing up. Liu Miaomiao's head rested on Dong Shanhe's shoulder. hair.

After resting on the sofa for about ten minutes, Dong Shanhe remembered that he needed to go for a walk after dinner at night.

"Husband, can you not go for a walk tonight, I don't want to go!" Holding Dong Shanhe's arm tightly, Liu Miaomiao lay on the sofa unwilling to get up.

"You eat so much tonight, if you don't exercise, you will become a little pig in the future." Whenever Liu Miaomiao is unwilling to go out, Dong Shanhe will always use these words to stimulate her.

"Damn it, if I turn into a piglet, it's all your responsibility, and you have to take full responsibility." Women always care about their bodies.

After another 10 minutes of fuss, Dong Shanhe finally pulled his lazy wife out of the door.

"Wife, do you still remember Liu Yang?" Dong Shanhe suddenly asked after leaving the door. In fact, Dong Shanhe had thought about this sentence for a long time. He knew that he must say hello to his wife when he was going to sell walnuts. Otherwise, it would be impossible to go out on weekends.

"Liu Yang, it's your classmate from Luliang, I've seen you before." Liu Miaomiao replied uncertainly.

"Yes, that's him. He talked to me yesterday. He wants to get some walnuts from him and let me sell them to you. The cost price is 10 yuan a catty. As for how much we sell, it depends on our ability. , At first I thought it was he who wanted to wholesale some for me, but later he told me that he just let me sell it on my behalf, and the extra money would be half of us, I think this is an opportunity, you should see it very well in the supermarket Clearly, SX’s thin-skinned walnuts can sell for at least 28 yuan a catty, even if we sell them for 25 yuan a catty, if we sell thousands of catties a day, we can earn 7000 yuan for half a cent.” Dong Shanhe and Liu Miaomiao explained a lot and made up a lot of stories. He knew this was his chance.

"But are you a business material? You can't even say a word when you meet strangers. I don't believe you can do business." Liu Miaomiao believed Dong Shanhe's words, but it was hard for him to want to do business. Hundreds of people don't believe it, Dong Shanhe sometimes speaks badly when he sees his relatives over there, and now he is going out to do business, Liu Miaomiao suspects that Dong Shanhe is not that material at all.

"No one is born to do business. I can't, but I can learn. The cost price is 10 yuan, and 25 yuan is not easy to sell. 20 yuan is the head office. We don't grow walnuts here, let alone It’s almost the end of the year, and many people need to buy some nuts such as melon seeds and walnuts.” No one is born good at business, they all learn, and Dong Shanhe knows that he has the capital to learn, because the walnuts he sells are not cost.

(End of this chapter)

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