My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 98 3 Business Card

Chapter 98 Three Business Cards
Do business?Are they all businessmen?Don't they look alike?
Dong Shanhe felt that none of these three looked like a businessman. First of all, Chen An, who was the oldest and fattest, was wearing a string of bracelets. Dong Shanhe didn't know what quality it was, anyway, he kept holding it Turn around, if his hair is also shaved, maybe some people will think he is a monk.

Another middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses has a serious face. Dong Shanhe feels like a teacher, or a particularly strict teacher like the dean.

The last guy with a full face, although he is smiling, Dong Shanhe thinks he should be the most dangerous. He definitely saw blood when he was young. What she wears is a low-key and luxurious cashmere coat.

"Why? Don't believe it? Although the three of them are not good people, they still have some energy. As long as you make friends with them, you can walk sideways in Qicheng in the future!" Wang Liushu said with a smile, but he also suffered The dissatisfaction of the other two.

"Brother Six, you don't look like a good person at all." "Brother Six, you've exposed all of my family background." Only the middle-aged man with a swollen face kept silent, but stared straight at Dong Shanhe, Dong Shanhe looked uncomfortable all over.

"Uncle Liu, I'm just kidding, now is a society ruled by law, I, Dong Shanhe, don't dare to walk sideways even if my father is the chairman." Dong Shanhe knew that Uncle Liu's words were true, but he couldn't just agree.

"Okay, stop joking, the three of them are not bad, you need to communicate more in the future!" Wang Liushu said after taking a sip of tea.

"Thank you Uncle Liu for your concern!" Dong Shanhe knew that no matter how capable he was, it would take time to develop. Besides, even if he developed, he needed the support of a few friends and nobles, so he couldn't be alone.

After chatting for a while, Uncle Liu took people down to eat, and the young man named Xiao Ming walked last. Dong Shanhe looked up and saw that he was waiting for him.

"Hello!" Dong Shanhe reached out to shake his hand.

"You are also good!" Although the young man looked down upon Dong Shanhe, his years of experience in shopping malls did not make him do anything out of the ordinary.

"Although I don't know that you are suitable for father to value, but I think it's better for you to communicate less!" The young man finally patted Dong Shanhe on the shoulder and said.

"Oh, remember my name is Wang Ming!" Wang Ming walked two steps before turning around and said to Dong Shanhe.

"Thank you for the reminder!" Although Dong Shanhe was full of anger, he finally held back.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I heard that this uncle brought me something fun, right?" After Dong Shanhe went downstairs, a four or five-year-old girl ran to Uncle Wang Six and looked at Dong Shanhe and asked.

The little girl wears two pigtails, has a round face and big eyes, and looks very cute. Looking at her, Dong Shanhe suddenly wants to have a daughter.

"Of course, this uncle brought you a gift, but put it at your grandma's place, you can go get it from your grandma's!" Uncle Wang Liu said while stroking the little girl's head.

"Goodbye, Grandpa!" The little girl waved to Uncle Wang Liu, "Goodbye, uncle too!" She turned her head and waved to Dong Shanhe again.

Within 2 minutes, the little girl ran over holding the mandarin duck, "Grandpa, why is this duck so beautiful?" The little girl obviously didn't know it was a mandarin duck.

"Yuehan, this is not a duck." Wang Ming walked to the little girl and said.

"But Dad, this is a duck!" the little girl asked suspiciously while hugging the mandarin duck.

"Yuehan, you are still young and you don't understand, this is a mandarin duck, not a duck!" Wang Ming pointed to the mandarin duck she was holding in her hand.

"What is a mandarin duck? Well, I'll take it to play!" The mandarin duck in Wang Yuehan's hand had already been cut and could not fly. Seeing that her father didn't answer her question, she turned and ran away.

Dong Shanhe saw her put the mandarin duck on the ground, and then kept chasing after her.

"How about the three of you having a taste of this roasted goose too?" Uncle Liu greeted several people at the dinner table and began to eat.

"Hmm! The taste is good, with a special fragrance, and there is no trace of dry taste in the mouth, not bad." The fattest Chen An said.

"I've eaten roasted goose for decades, and today is the best one I've ever eaten. Sixth brother, your food is really good!" Wang Shenghua put down his chopsticks and said lightly, although his tone Among the praises, but there is no gluttony.

"It's all thanks to this little brother." Hearing Uncle Wang's introduction to him again, although Dong Shanhe was confused, he still bowed slightly to signal.

"Young man, do you run a restaurant? If you open a restaurant, I will go to your place every day in the future, and then I will not go to Laoding's Lantingju and Daijin's Shuiyunjian." Chen An put down his chopsticks and said with a smile .

"Uncle Chen is joking. I am an unemployed farmer. Fortunately, I got something from a friend. Uncle Liu likes it very much. I am not that kind of material to open a restaurant!" Didn't decide whether to do it or not.

"When we open a restaurant in the future, as long as the food is the same as today, I promise to go there every day." Chen An picked up his chopsticks and started eating again.

Regardless of the fact that I am over 50 years old, and that I am told not to eat meat every day by my family, I still can’t help it when I encounter delicious food.

For a lunch, Dong Shanhe was in a daze. There was a sixth uncle who treated him very well, Wang Ming, who didn't look very friendly, and three rich men who seemed to be customers. Dong Shanhe really didn't know what it was. what combination.

"Brother Six, are you going to the imperial capital for Chinese New Year?" After eating, Uncle Six made another pot of tea.

Chen An asked while drinking from a teacup.

"Emperor Capital, I won't go. I won't be home anyway, so I won't go." Sixth Uncle Wang put down his teacup and said.

"What about you?" Seeing the situation, Sixth Uncle Wang knew something was up.

"We're going to the imperial capital tomorrow. The eldest brother called and told us to go. He has just stepped down from his position and is at home some time. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone." Chen An pouted, and Wang Shenghua on the side Also nodded in agreement.

"Then I wish you many nobles in the imperial capital, and your career will take off next year!" Uncle Wang raised his teacup as a drinking sign and clinked glasses with Chen An and Wang Shenghua.

Seeing the three old men in their 50s and 60s substituting tea for wine, Dong Shanhe really felt a little strange, but he could also tell that the two were related in the imperial capital.

After drinking the tea, Dong Shanhe bid farewell to Uncle Liu, "Young man, this is my business card. If you have any good things in the future, don't bother giving them to Brother Liu, but leave me a copy too." Chen An stuffed the business card into the box with a smile. Dong Shanhe's hand.

"This is my business card, and so am I!" Wang Shenghua said with a serious face.

"This is my business card. You can call me if you encounter problems in Qicheng in the future." Dong Shanhe took the business card and glanced at it, Ding Yun!

So he is Ding Yun?Dong Shanhe really didn't know Ding Yun before, and this was the first time he met him.

(End of this chapter)

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