Doomsday: My Valkyrie identity was exposed by the reborn

Chapter 11 Fire Spirit Power Absorption Method

Chapter 11 Fire Spirit Power Absorption Method
"Brother, it's breakfast!"

In the early morning, a light voice sounded in the courtyard.

Hearing Jiang Ling'er's voice, Jiang Feng, who was practicing the Naling Body Technique, was taken aback for a moment and stopped.

"Forget it, practice when you're full!"

At Jiang Linger's urging, Jiang Feng washed his hands, and the two siblings began to eat breakfast.

Jiang Feng had used up two revision opportunities today.

After the modification, the "Containing the Spiritual Body Art" is naturally more perfect, and the absorption of the spiritual energy of the world is smoother and smoother.

And Jiang Feng's "cultivation" has reached the peak of the eighth level of Body Tempering Realm.

Jiang Feng had a hunch that within five days, he would be able to break through to the "Ninth Level of Body Tempering Realm".

"Brother, I have already sent a letter to Lin Lu, and she will send the little stone over this morning."

At the dinner table, Jiang Linger said to Jiang Feng.


Hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded.

To be honest, he also looked forward to seeing what kind of disease Xiao Shitou was suffering from.

Sixty degrees Celsius high temperature!

Normally, such high temperatures are absolutely fatal to humans.

No wonder the hospital has issued a death notice.

In Jiang Feng's mind, he was more inclined that Xiao Shitou was awakening his abilities.

In this way, it can explain why the human body temperature can reach [-] degrees Celsius.

Only supernatural forces can cause this phenomenon.

After breakfast, Jiang Feng rested for a while and started practicing again.

Having a system does not mean that you can be lazy in the future.

On the contrary, he needs to be more diligent than before, and can't waste a little time.

Only in this way, every time the time is changed, Jiang Feng will benefit more.

In the yard, Jiang Ling'er was sitting on a stone bench, looking at Jiang Feng who was practicing with some dissatisfaction.

big liar!
I agreed to accompany me, and went to practice again.

Jiang Ling'er stared, sitting on the stone bench in the corner of the yard, sulking.

Although she was aggrieved, Jiang Ling'er did not disturb Jiang Feng's practice.

She has been like this since she was a child.

Jiang Ling'er knew Jiang Feng's character very well. Once he did something, he would concentrate and devote himself wholeheartedly.

Outsiders only know her brother's genius, but they don't know how hard he is on weekdays.

Although Jiang Linger was very pampered in Jiang Feng, she never disturbed Jiang Feng whenever he was serious about doing things.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the courtyard.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Feng stopped and looked towards the courtyard door.

"It must be Lin Lu."

Jiang Ling'er quickly realized and hurried over to open the courtyard door.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng didn't plan to continue practicing, but planned to see Xiao Shitou's condition.


Jiang Ling'er went to open the courtyard door, and saw a girl standing at the door carrying an [-]-year-old boy on her back.

Dressed plainly, the girl stood quietly at the door, frowning slightly, and looked at Jiang Ling'er with a smile on her delicate and pretty face.


The relationship between the two girls was obviously very good, Jiang Linger stepped forward and held Lin Lu intimately: "Lin Lu, let's go in, my brother is already waiting."

With that said, Jiang Ling'er looked at the little boy on Lin Lu's back, and asked with concern, "How is little Shitou doing now? Is there anything better?"

Hearing this, Lin Lu's soft and beautiful face was a little sad: "No, I have been in a coma and have a high fever."

Jiang Ling'er comforted: "Don't worry, my brother must have a way to save Xiao Shitou."

After speaking, Jiang Ling'er dragged Lin Lu into the yard.

Jiang Feng went into the room and wiped off the sweat on his body, then came to the courtyard.

"Brother, come and see Little Stone!"

When Jiang Ling'er saw Jiang Feng, she hurriedly shouted.

"Let Lin Lu and the others enter the house first."

Jiang Feng said to Jiang Ling'er.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry to trouble you, you must save my younger brother!" Lin Lu came to Jiang Feng and pleaded.

Lin Lu had been here several times before, so she naturally knew Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was two years older than Lin Lu, so Lin Lu simply called Jiang Linger brother.

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

Jiang Feng smiled slightly and comforted Lin Lu.

Immediately, Jiang Ling'er led Lin Lu into the room and put the small stone on the bed.

Xiao Shitou's face was red, as if on fire.


Lying on the bed, Xiao Shitou murmured from time to time, looking very painful.

"Is this... aura?"

Ever since Jiang Feng saw the little stone, he had been sizing him up.

But soon, Jiang Feng discovered a problem.

Little Shitou's body was actually absorbing the aura of heaven and earth automatically.

This spirit of heaven and earth is very weak and intermittent.

But what surprised Jiang Feng was that the aura of heaven and earth absorbed by the little stone seemed to be somewhat different from the aura of heaven and earth he absorbed during his cultivation.

He could feel that a force was brewing in Xiao Shitou's body.

This power is very violent!

Asking Jiang Linger and the others to back off, Jiang Feng stepped forward with a solemn face, and touched Xiao Shitou's forehead.

piping hot!

Sure enough, as Jiang Linger said, the high temperature was at least sixty degrees Celsius.

Immediately, Jiang Feng sniffed Xiao Shitou's breath.

A burning sensation hit Jiang Feng's fingers, burning like a flame.

This power is definitely a supernatural power!
If he said before, Jiang Feng was just guessing.

But seeing the little stone now, Jiang Feng was determined.

The power in this little guy's body is definitely supernatural power.

Moreover, Xiao Shitou's current state is most likely due to his awakening ability.

After he absorbs enough heaven and earth aura, his abilities will be fully awakened.

However, Jiang Feng felt a little curious when he sensed the scorching aura absorbed by the little stone.

Looking at the state of the little stone, nine out of ten it is the awakening of fire attribute abilities.

fire attribute?
Thinking of this, a thought flashed through Jiang Feng's mind.

Could it be that aura is also divided into attributes, this scorching aura is a fire attribute aura?
With this thought, Jiang Feng seemed to have realized it, and his eyes sparkled.

Everything in the world has its own attributes.

The aura of heaven and earth also belongs to all things in the world, so naturally there are also attributes.

The Spiritual Body Technique I practiced, the spiritual power absorbed should belong to mixed spiritual energy, which can also be called non-attribute spiritual energy.

This kind of non-attribute spiritual energy should be absorbed by everyone without any threshold.

As for attribute aura, ordinary people cannot absorb it and must have a special physique.

As for the supernatural person, it is very likely that he has absorbed a large amount of attribute aura before awakening the supernatural power in his body.

Xiao Shitou's current state is on the verge of awakening his abilities.

As long as he absorbs enough fire attribute aura, he can directly awaken the ability and return to normal.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng looked at the little stone on the bed and sighed in his heart.

This little guy is lucky!

Awakening abilities at a young age has limitless potential.

However, when Jiang Feng thought of the fire attribute aura, an idea couldn't help but arise in his mind.

If I carefully comprehend the process of awakening the fire attribute power, and study the principle of how the fire attribute power absorbs the fire attribute aura, can I create a martial arts technique that absorbs the fire attribute heaven and earth aura?

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help flashing a bright light in his eyes.



As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Feng immediately said in his heart: "System, create a new copy, name it... Fire Spiritual Power Absorption Technique!"

(End of this chapter)

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