Chapter 142 Escape
The most important thing is that Lu Ningxue's move didn't just draw away her origin, she almost pulled out her whole body's cultivation base, and now she fell on the ground without any spiritual power in her body.

Now she has become an ordinary person.


As time went by, the frost on the monitor lizard king's body gradually showed a crack.

The shock in its huge eyes also faded away.

"No, the monitor lizard king is about to be released!"

In the Longge conference room, a senior official said with a shocked expression.

Long Zhenshan's gaze also looked at the huge eyes of the monitor lizard king in the picture.

The monitor lizard king's eyes could already start to move.

"Not good, has anyone rushed over there?"

Long Zhenshan anxiously asked his subordinates: "Is there anyone from Austria rushing to the battlefield? Hurry up and move the Valkyrie and Lu Ge away."

Hearing Long Zhenshan's words, Zhu Xingde stood up and comforted him: "Don't worry, Longge, Concubine Luo is already on her way."

"I hope I make it in time!"



On the monitor lizard king's side, more and more places where the ice layer on his body was broken, and its huge eyes could already turn.

And twenty kilometers away, Luo Fei's figure appeared in the sky.

Moreover, above Luo Fei, there is a water layer enough to submerge a small town.

If it wasn't for transporting this huge water layer, Luo Fei might have already rushed to the scene.


In the distant sky, Luo Fei's thin shirt was already a little wet, and it was tightly attached to her fair skin.

To transport such a large amount of water for a long distance, Luo Fei's physical strength is also exhausted.

All the clothes were stained with sweat from the body.

However, she didn't notice it at all.

Luo Fei's gaze was fixed on the front, and the sealed monitor lizard king's figure had already appeared in her field of vision.

Within a few breaths, Concubine Luo was already approaching the Monitor Lizard King.

At the same time, she also found Jiang Feng who was slowly crawling towards Lu Ningxue.


With a sigh, Luo Fei's eyes were full of unbearable color.

She never expected that the mysterious Lu Ge would end up like this for a warrior god.

What kind of charm does Martial God possess to fascinate Lu Ge like this.


One of the monitor lizard king's paws began to shake slightly.

The reality of the situation does not allow Luo Fei to express more emotion.

Luo Fei came to Jiang Feng and Lu Ningxue's side before the water layer, and a stream of water lifted their bodies.

Jiang Feng, who was held up in mid-air by Luo Fei's water flow, never left Lu Ningxue's eyes.

Seeing that Lu Ningxue was rescued, Jiang Feng finally felt a little more at ease.

At this time.

There was a strong sound of crushing ice, and the monitor lizard king's head had already turned towards Luo Fei.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ningxue could only trap the monitor lizard king for less than half an hour after releasing the forbidden spell with all her strength.

The gap between the spiritual transformation period and the spiritual transformation period is too great!

Glancing at the Monitor Lizard King, Concubine Luo was startled, and hurriedly took Jiang Feng and Lu Ningxue to flee here.

When the three of them were less than 500 meters away, the ice on the monitor lizard king's body shattered.

At this time, its eye circles are red, and there is infinite anger in it. As much as [-]% of its original power is lost, making it impossible to advance its body.

If Jiang Feng ran away like this.

Thinking of this, the monitor lizard king's heart seemed to be bleeding.

"None of you can leave today."

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The monitor lizard king let out a roar, and his huge body suddenly jumped up, cracking the ground under his feet, and attacked Luo Fei with a pair of giant claws.

Sensing the threat from the monitor lizard king behind, Luo Fei's face was very calm at this moment.


She waved her hand, and the high-speed water layer in the sky poured straight towards the jumping body of the monitor lizard king.

Then Luo Fei led Jiang Feng and Lu Ningxue back without looking back.

Behind her, a stream of water that seemed to flow down from the sky rushed towards the Monitor Lizard King fiercely.

Even though the monitor lizard king's body weighed millions of tons, in front of this torrent that could submerge a town.

It was also rushed to the ground in an instant.

The huge water flow kept rushing towards the monitor lizard king, and this resistance made the monitor lizard king no longer have the strength to move forward.

The potholes caused by the previous battle between the monitor lizard king and Jiang Feng had already been filled.

In just a few seconds, the body of the monitor lizard king was completely submerged by the flood.

Luo Fei took advantage of this precious time to distance herself from the monitor lizard king.


With the height of the water surface, the resistance of the monitor lizard king is actually decreasing.

It struggled to take a step in the water, changed its direction, and no longer faced the impact of Luo Fei's water flow head-on, but started moving sideways.

After walking four or five steps, the monitor lizard king felt that the resistance on his body was negligible, and his hind paws exerted force again. In the mud, its hind paws drove its body to suddenly jump out of the water.


The monitor lizard king who came out of the water roared angrily when he saw the three people who were about to disappear from sight.

Today, the monitor lizard king broke through the stage of spiritual transformation, but suffered twice in a row at the hands of people whose cultivation base was not at the peak of spiritual transformation, which made him feel ashamed.

Afterwards, the monitor lizard king ran on the ground at a speed faster than Luo Fei's flight.

Every step is like a small earthquake. Even after the recovery of the aura, the geology of the blue star has become several times stronger than before, but it still cannot resist the trampling of such a giant beast.

The ground continued to crack, and almost all the places where the monitor lizard king ran were razed to the ground.

In the Dragon Pavilion meeting room.

Seeing Concubine Luo drowning the monitor lizard king, the doubts on Zhu Xingde's face gradually disappeared.

"No wonder Concubine Luo arrived at this time, it turns out she brought so much water here."

"As expected of her, she can not be controlled by emotions at any time, and she thinks things clearly and is very rational."

At this moment, seeing Jiang Feng and Lu Ningxue being rescued by Concubine Luo, Long Zhenshan also heaved a sigh of relief.

However, before everyone was happy for a long time, they discovered that the monitor lizard king had broken free from Luo Fei's current and was quickly chasing after the three of them.

"No, they are not out of danger yet!"

Long Zhenshan exclaimed.

Everyone looked nervously at the picture on the screen again.

In the screen, the huge figure of the monitor lizard king is approaching Luo Fei step by step.

At this time, Jiang Feng's consciousness, which was lying on the water cushion beside Concubine Luo, gradually became clearer, and he could already sense that the spirit body was approaching infinitely.

However, with the speed of the monitor lizard king at this time, there is a high probability that he will catch up with Luo Fei before the spirit body arrives.

"Could it be that I also want to burn my source to increase my speed?"

Sensing the monitor lizard king approaching from behind, Concubine Luo hesitated in her eyes.

Once the source is burned, her room for improvement in the future will be smaller, and she may never hope to reach the spiritual transformation stage in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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