Doomsday: My Valkyrie identity was exposed by the reborn

Chapter 2 Self-Created Kung Fu: "Spiritual Physique"

Chapter 2 Self-Created Kung Fu: "Spiritual Physique"

Relying on the physical training information stored in his mind, plus all Jiang Feng's daily training experience.

A year later, Jiang Feng really realized a set of physical skills that could absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

That's right, this spirit receiving technique is a set of physical techniques that can directly absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Jiang Feng received the information in his mind, carefully felt and deduced it.

After a while, Jiang Feng moved.

Relying on the memory in his mind, Jiang Feng danced around and made a series of weird-looking movements.

Jiang Feng could clearly feel it as he performed the Spirit Body Technique.

In the void, a weak mysterious force is pouring into his body.

Is this the aura of heaven and earth?

Feeling this mysterious power, Jiang Feng was even more encouraged.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng continued to perform the technique of accepting the spirit body.


After a while, Jiang Feng stopped and exhaled heavily.

At this moment, Jiang Feng could feel that there was a trace of spiritual power swimming in his body.

Under the blessing of this weak spiritual power, Jiang Feng found that his strength was much stronger, and his body became lighter and stronger.

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng named the spiritual power effect in his body "cultivation".

Later, I saw that the modifiable items on the system properties panel added another "repair base".

"System, modify the "repair" to one year later."

With Golden Finger, Jiang Feng is not stupid, so naturally he wants to make the best use of it.

It is impossible to practice penance.

Hanging up is the kingly way.

As soon as Jiang Feng's words fell, a huge spiritual power suddenly emerged from Jiang Feng's body, wandering among his limbs and bones.

Although this spiritual power was generated out of thin air, after the fusion, Jiang Feng did not feel a little discomfort, but an extraordinary fit.

When this spiritual power was perfectly integrated into his body, Jiang Feng's eyes burst into excitement.

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind.

That is, powerful!

Now he feels extremely powerful!

The power in his body is at least ten times stronger than before.

Clenching his fists tightly, Jiang Feng felt that he had inexhaustible strength.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Feng came to the wall, clenched his fists and blasted at the wall in front of him.

The next moment, the house made of reinforced concrete could not help shaking slightly.

On the wall where Jiang Feng's fist bombarded, there was a clear fist mark left behind.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng was excited.

In just one day, his strength has undergone an earth-shaking change.

If this progress continues, his strength will soon become extremely terrifying.

In this case, it should be enough to fight against those supernatural phenomena, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help feeling a little hopeful.

However, today's two revision opportunities have been exhausted.

Can only wait for tomorrow.


At the same time, a hundred meters away from Jiang Feng's house, on a huge ancient tree.

A figure in white clothes stood on the top of the tree, looking quietly at the room where Jiang Feng was.

If an outsider sees the front of this white-clothed figure, they will notice it.

This person is actually Lu Ningxue, a well-known entrepreneur who is now a household name in Longguo.

Chairman of Xue Ning Group, one of the top ten richest people in Long Country.

Speaking of Lu Ningxue and the Xuening Group, everyone in the entire Dragon Kingdom was amazed.

In just three years, the Xuening Group has grown from scratch to the giant it is today.

This is definitely breaking the previous records of the Dragon Kingdom.

The most important thing is that Lu Ningxue has established such a large group as a woman.

All the people in the country sighed, what a strange woman!

In fact, no one knew that Lu Ningxue had an extremely mysterious identity.

She is a reborn from 20 years later!
That's right!

She is a Reborn!
With the advantage of rebirth, Lu Ningxue was able to rise so quickly.

At this moment, Lu Ningxue was dressed in white, and she stepped lightly on the top of the ancient tree as if nothing, like a fairy, extremely beautiful.

can do this step.

Obviously, this Lu Ningxue is absolutely extraordinary.

"Just now... is this a fluctuation of spiritual power?"

At this moment, Lu Ningxue looked at Jiang Feng's house with a look of thought in her eyes.

In her previous life, she had been with Lord Martial God for many years, so she naturally knew that he hadn't awakened any abilities.

However, what happened to the spiritual energy fluctuation just now?
Suddenly, a thought flashed through the mind of the figure in white.

"Could it be that Lord Martial God has already comprehended martial arts at this time?"

Thinking of this, the white-clothed figure showed surprise in his eyes.

You know, it has only been half a month since the recovery of spiritual energy, and humans have not yet officially captured the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

However, Lord Martial God has already comprehended the technique of absorbing spiritual energy.

What a heaven-defying talent!
What a terrifying understanding!
No wonder, Lord Martial God in the previous life was able to create so many powerful skills and martial arts.

It laid the foundation for the later establishment of the Martial Arts Holy Land!

"Originally, it was planned to pass on the innate skills to Lord Martial God in advance."

"Now it seems that there is no need for this at all."

When Lu Ningxue thought of this, a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

In her previous life, she was the Frost Queen, one of the Four Great Martial Kings under Lord Martial God.

Naturally, he was taught many unique skills by Master Wushen.

Nine Yin Scriptures, Innate Skills, Bingpo Magic Needle, Bingxin Palm...

After being reborn, Lu Ningxue thought about teaching these martial arts to Lord Martial God in advance.

But she hesitated about this matter.

Because, even without her help, Lord Valkyrie will eventually comprehend these powerful martial arts created by himself.

If I teach it to him in advance.

Will it encourage the growth of seedlings and affect the future development of Lord Wushen?
But now it seems that there is no need to teach it at all.

With such a heaven-defying talent and understanding of Lord Valkyrie.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he can present the powerful martial arts of his previous life to the world.

Thinking of this, Lu Ningxue's eyes revealed longing.

Lord Valkyrie!

Ningxue is waiting for the day when you build the Valkyrie Temple.

In the previous life, you saved my life in danger and taught me powerful martial arts.

In this life, Ningxue will definitely protect you and will not let anyone hurt you!
Thinking of the indifferent and lonely figure in the previous life.

Lu Ningxue looked at Jiang Feng's direction, her gaze became extremely firm.

In this life, I will never let anyone hurt you!

The next moment, Lu Ningxue tapped the soles of her feet, stepped on a few leaves and fell to the ground lightly, like a fairy who fell from the nine heavens.



"It's still in the early stage of spiritual energy recovery."

"After half a year, the "spiritual disaster" will come!"

"At that time, the whole world will be full of demons dancing wildly, with corpses everywhere!"

"Time is running out, and my plan must be implemented as soon as possible."

In the shadows, Lu Ningxue muttered to herself.

The next moment, her figure flickered, and soon disappeared into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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