Chapter 33

According to Lu Ningxue, the spiritual disaster is still a few months away.

As the biggest hidden danger in the city, Donggua Mountain, Lu Ningxue arranged for people to strictly control it early.

When the spiritual disaster broke out in the previous life, Donggua Mountain dealt the heaviest blow to the people of Qingshui City, causing the people who were already in panic to lose their final order.

Everyone just wanted to escape for their lives, and the defense line formed by the supernatural beings in Qingshui City was completely disintegrated.

At this moment, Jiang Feng made a move, suppressing the entire beast horde with one man's power.

This became the biggest reason why Jiang Feng would be exposed in the future.

Now, Lu Ningxue is planning in advance, and everything on Donggua Mountain is under the supervision of the Longge Branch of Qingshui City.

Moreover, it turned this place into a place of trials, allowing the supernatural fighters to learn about the situation of the mutated beasts in advance.

However, Lu Ningxue has an order that only those beasts that have mutated and have the intention of attacking humans are allowed to be dealt with, and the animals in Donggua Mountain must not be killed indiscriminately.

After getting off the car, Hong Scorpion took the documents to register, and the two were able to enter.

The winter melon mountain is not very high. When viewed from above, the entire mountain looks like a number 8, and it looks like a winter melon, so it got its name.

The trees inside were lush and the air was fresh... Jiang Feng also felt the fragrance of the jungle.

"We should come to this kind of place more in the future!" Jiang Feng sighed and continued to walk forward.

Red Scorpion followed closely behind.

As it continued to deepen, the surrounding atmosphere began to become a little weird.

In this forest, only the footsteps of Jiang Feng and Hong Xie could be heard.

Suddenly a black shadow quickly hit Jiang Feng in front of him.

"Be careful!" Red Scorpion didn't know Jiang Feng's strength, so he quickly reminded him loudly.

Following Red Scorpion's words, a golden light flashed.

next moment.

Only a "plop" sound was heard.

The black figure fell straight to the ground, and the air was already filled with a trace of blood mist.

"So strong, such a fast attack!" Red Scorpion looked at Jiang Feng with disbelief.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this person's strength is not bad, it seems that sister Ningxue took a fancy to him for no reason.

At the same time, Red Scorpion was also secretly comparing, if I was attacked so fast by me, would I be able to dodge it?
What Jiang Feng used just now was the Yiyang finger. The biggest feature of the Yiyang finger is its fast attack speed. Before the enemy could react, he was already injured.

Red Scorpion hurriedly stepped forward to check, and lying on the ground was a mutant monkey estimated to have a third-level strength.

There was a blood hole the size of a bottle on its head, and the blood hole ran through the brain, killing it with one blow, and the monkey didn't even struggle.

At this time, Jiang Feng, who had just made a move, raised his eyebrows.

Is this mutant monkey so weak?
His body is so fragile that I can't even take a casual blow.

Jiang Feng was a little taken aback.

Just now I just shot a finger upward based on my feeling, and I was ready to use my body to grab its claws and fangs.

Unexpectedly, it ended like this!

Looking at the dead monkey lying on the ground with blood and brains gurgling on its head, Jiang Feng was a little moved.

The two lives were human beings, and they both lived in a peaceful age before, and he had never encountered such a bloody scene.

But when I think about it, the world has changed drastically. If I am kind to the enemy, I will be the one who perishes.

Stopping to think, Jiang Feng had already begun to accept such things in his heart.



While the two were looking at the corpse of the mutated monkey underground.

Following the sound of hissing, one after another black shadows appeared in all directions.

Monkeys sprang out everywhere on the ground and in the trees. In a blink of an eye, the number of monkeys around the two reached dozens.

Each of these monkeys had scarlet eyes, sharp metal-like claws and two mutated tusks that were as long as wild boars.

At this time, the eyes of the group of monkeys were fixed on Jiang Feng and Hong Xie, who had just killed their companions.

"It's a bit too much!" Red Scorpion couldn't help but frowned, and the scorpion tail that grew out of its hips was also erected high, always on guard against sneak attacks by the monkey group.

This large-scale population variation is something she did not expect.

Although the highest strength of these monkeys is only level three, there are still some monkeys who are only level one or level two.

But once the number increases, it will not be so easy to deal with.

Coupled with the fact that monkeys are very agile, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be injured.

When Red Scorpion was thinking about how to deal with it, he glanced at Jiang Feng at the side.

At this time, Jiang Feng did not show any fear, but looked eager to try.

Before the monkey group attacked, Jiang Feng planned to take the lead.

"take care of yourself!"

The people that Lu Ningxue arranged to come over should have some strength. She should attract most of the mutant monkeys first, and she should be able to handle the rest by herself.

After saying something to Hong Scorpion lightly, Jiang Feng moved.

With the indestructible power of Vajra running in his body, Jiang Feng rushed into the group of monkeys.

In an instant, several mutated monkeys waved their sharp claws like crazy and attacked Jiang Feng's body.


Jiang Feng punched the monkey's head that was grabbed towards his face directly in front of him, and the punch went straight through its entire head.

Suddenly, a piece of red and white splashed onto Jiang Feng's hands and clothes.


Then there was another kick, which directly kicked a monkey flying. The entire abdomen of the kicked monkey was sunken, and the internal organs were directly vomited out of its mouth.

"How fierce!"

Red Scorpion's beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Feng who was so violent at the moment, and he was a little lost for a moment.

Jiang Feng's seemingly thin body possessed such terrifying power.

(The main character is the kind who looks thin when dressed, but looks fleshy when undressed.)
"Be careful!" Red Scorpion exclaimed suddenly.

The next moment, two monkeys attacked from behind and climbed onto Jiang Feng's shoulders and back.

"It's too late!" Red Scorpion felt bad, and ran towards Jiang Feng's direction quickly.

The monkey's sharp claws pierced Jiang Feng's clothes very easily. In Hong Scorpion's eyes, Jiang Feng was already injured.

On Jiang Feng's side, he heard a sound of metal rubbing from his back, and then he reached out and grabbed a leg of the mutated monkey on his back, and then slammed it on the ground.

The monkey was smashed into the soil by Jiang Feng without any resistance, turning into a puddle of flesh.

Then Jiang Feng repeated his old trick, and he smashed all the beasts sticking to his back into the soil.

This scene also confused the Red Scorpion who rushed over.

"Could it be that he wasn't injured at all?"

Hong Scorpion looked intently at the gap in Jiang Feng's torn clothes.

In the eyes, there is a piece of white and tender skin, without a trace of blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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