Chapter 55 Level Nine
"Is it suitable? After we go to Jincheng, our family has no job, no house, and we all rely on Brother Jiang Feng to support us." Lin Lu's eyes were full of hesitation. She felt that it would be too much trouble for Jiang Feng.

"Ling'er, you can persuade her."

Jiang Feng knew that women still had to be persuaded by women.

" doesn't matter if you don't look for a job or something, just ask Xiao Shitou to take care of you when he grows up."

"Woooo... I don't want to miss you, and you also don't want to miss me and Xiao Shitou in the future, right..."

Jiang Ling'er pulled Lin Lu by the corner of her clothes and talked on the phone for a long time.

"Okay, I'll go talk to my parents."

Finally, under Jiang Linger's persuasion, Lin Lu agreed to move to Jincheng without hesitation.

After that, everything went smoothly, and Lin's father and Lin's mother also agreed to go to Jincheng under the persuasion of everyone.

Quickly packed their luggage, Jiang Feng and his party boarded the plane again and returned to Jincheng at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Sitting on the plane back to Jincheng, Jiang Feng glanced down, but found that there were many military bases on the outskirts of the passing cities, and the people inside were building fortifications non-stop.

Jiang Feng couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that time is really tight."


It was after eleven o'clock in the evening that the plane finally flew back to Jincheng.

Guan Yunchang and Lu Lao, who knew the return time of the plane, had been waiting in a villa outside Jincheng early.

Afterwards, the plane landed. Jiang Feng, Jiang Ling'er, Xiao Shitou, Lin Lu and her parents, a total of five people, slowly got off the plane.

"Little brother, you're back!" Mr. Lu greeted happily.

Not long after Jiang Feng left, he was still thinking about what would happen if Jiang Feng didn't come back.

He didn't feel relieved until the news came from the people in Qingshui City in the afternoon.

"Little brother, everything here has been arranged for you."

"A 600-square-meter three-storey villa with a garden, and a training site exclusively for you."

As he spoke one after another, the smile on Lu Lao's face became more and more intense.

"Very good!" Looking at the big villa in front of him, Jiang Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Ling'er, go in and find the room you like. I want to go to the practice ground first."

"Little brother is so anxious, it's okay, it's not too late, I will accompany you to see it in person." Lu Lao was very enthusiastic.

A younger entourage standing next to Mr. Lu twitched his mouth when he heard Mr. Lu say 'it's not very late', and thought to himself: Normally, the old man must rest before ten o'clock...

The training ground is just one kilometer not far from the villa.

As soon as Jiang Feng followed Mr. Lu to the place, he immediately understood.

It is said to be a training ground, but it is actually nothing more than an abandoned factory.

But the original contents have been removed.

Because of the particularity of Jiang Feng's strength, many training materials need to be tailored, because ordinary training equipment cannot withstand Jiang Feng's toss.

"Little brother, in addition to these, we will also provide you with energy potions specially made by Dragon Pavilion. These are the essences extracted from the bodies of mutant beasts, which are very helpful for cultivation." Lu Lao took out a transparent small potion. The box was handed to Jiang Feng.

"Energy potion?" Jiang Feng looked suspiciously at the four finger-thin vials, which contained liquids of different colors.

Lu Ningxue didn't seem to have told me about this.

In fact, what Jiang Feng didn't know was that this potion was brought back to life by Lu Ningxue in advance.

However, Lu Ningxue didn't intend to use it for Jiang Feng at all.

Because the energy potion had no effect on Jiang Feng.

The potion has two functions, one is to improve the body, allowing humans to catch up with the physical strength of the beast, and the other is to help the awakened person stimulate the body to temporarily increase the speed of cultivation.

Jiang Feng's physique has already far surpassed beasts of the same level. Besides, most of the beasts that make energy potions are from level three to level five. Even if the potions given to Jiang Feng are refined by level five creatures, they will have no effect. The ability, Jiang Feng has never awakened the ability, so naturally he can't use it.

Jiang Feng took the energy potion from Lu Lao with one hand.

"Let me try!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng took out a bottle of red medicine inside and swallowed it in one gulp.

Seeing that Jiang Feng didn't doubt whether there was something wrong with the potion at all, and just swallowed it in one gulp, Mr. Lu asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid that the potion is poisonous?"

Hearing Lu Lao's question, Jiang Feng said bluntly: "What are you afraid of? Could it be that the Dragon Pavilion, the national organization, can take the initiative to harm me?"

At this moment, Jiang Feng's image in Lu Lao's heart was infinitely elevated.

In fact, Jiang Feng was not afraid at all. It was past twelve o'clock just now, as long as it wasn't a poison that could make him lose consciousness in an instant, he was not afraid.

After taking the medicine, Jiang Feng only felt his body's temperature rise a little for a moment, but that was just the reaction.

"It doesn't seem to have any effect!" Jiang Feng murmured.

"Ah, this..."

Hearing Jiang Feng said that there was no response, Lu Lao's face was a little embarrassed. He had blown the potion so arrogantly just now, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face in an instant.

"Maybe it's because you have a special physique, little brother!" Lu Lao explained: "If little brother can't use this thing himself, it can be used by other people around you!"


Jiang Feng put away the medicine calmly.


The next morning, Jiang Feng got up early and went to the abandoned factory.

The work efficiency of the people arranged by Longge is very good. After overnight processing, the training ground has begun to take shape.

Coming to the training ground, there are not only huge alloy pillars, alloy balls, and other training equipment made of alloys for physical exercise, but even refrigerators, bathtubs, and the staff of these living facilities Longge are also prepared.

Jiang Feng really needs these things now. Now, he doesn't need to deal with these trivial matters by himself, he just needs to concentrate on his cultivation.

In fact, in the timeline before Lu Ningxue's rebirth, Jiang Feng's strength improvement speed was terrifying, but it was not as fast as it is now.

As for the combat power, there is even one sky and one underground.

In that timeline, Jiang Feng even practiced secretively, let alone had the opportunity to step out of Qingshui City to Jincheng to practice.

Even until the spiritual disaster broke out, Jiang Feng stayed in Qingshui City.

This time, first there was Lu Ningxue's early support, and now there is Jincheng Longge's investment.

After a morning of high-intensity training, Jiang Feng felt that his realm had loosened, and he might be able to break through to level nine in a short time.

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng felt that it was better to let nature take its course, some rest was essential.

Walking out of the training ground, Jiang Feng walked slowly towards the villa.

Just as he walked out of the training ground, staff immediately came to continue the repairs.

Ling'er and Lin Lu had already prepared a sumptuous lunch at home.

At this moment, Jiang Feng was also thoughtful.

For true cultivation, the method of wealth and companionship is indispensable.

You don't have to worry about anything, just focus on your cultivation.

At night, Jiang Feng knew that with the precipitation of Dashan during that period, if he modified his cultivation base today, there was a high probability that he would be able to break through.

Fortunately, this villa is not in the center of the city, and there are not many residents around it. Breaking through by yourself should not affect other people.

As for concealment, Jiang Feng felt that it was unnecessary.

First of all, the current self needs to show his strength, so as to attract a group of people who are willing to follow him.

Moreover, I am afraid that in the entire Jincheng, no one knows that the abnormality that will appear later is caused by breaking through the ninth level.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng started today's modification directly in the garden of the villa.

"System, modify my cultivation base to ten years later."

As soon as Jiang Feng's voice fell.


A sudden roar came from Jiang Feng's body.

Sitting cross-legged, Jiang Feng's body suddenly shook, and his aura also changed drastically.

Ninth level, in essence, is not much different from eighth level, except that at eighth level, the spiritual force membrane only floats on the body surface.

At the ninth level, this spiritual power membrane almost materializes and covers the whole body, and the defense ability is simply incomparable.

Moreover, the purity of the spiritual power in the body is also several times stronger than that of the eighth level.

Combined with Jiang Feng's indestructible King Kong skills, if he goes to the battlefield, he will be the most terrifying war machine, just charge and kill, and don't care about the enemy's attack at all.

(End of this chapter)

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