Chapter 66 The Covenant

Under Jiang Ling'er's reminder, Xiao Shitou's palm suddenly fired a burst of fire towards the left.

The mutated black cat that jumped into the air felt the scorching flames rushing towards its face, and instinctively closed its eyes.

This scorching flame not only burned the black cat's body, but also had a strong impact. The black cat was repelled, and a large area of ​​its body was ignited.

"Meow meow!"

Enduring the severe pain, the mutated black cat quickly retreated more than ten meters away.

At the same time, a strange wind appeared around the black cat.

This is actually a mutated black cat that controls the elements.

At this time, the mutated black cat wanted to use the wind to blow out the flames on its body.

Under normal circumstances, we all think that the fire will burn more vigorously when the wind blows, but when the wind is strong enough, the effect is completely opposite.

Sure enough, the next moment, the flames burning on the black cat's body were blown out by this strange wind.

Smelling the burnt smell from the hair on its body, the black cat began to fear the little furry boy in front of him.

"Well done, little stone!"

At this time, Jiang Linger's compliment attracted the attention of the black cat.


The black cat yelled and stared at Jiang Ling'er firmly. It knew that if it hadn't been for this woman's reminder just now, the child would not be able to react to his surprise attack.

Seeing the black cat staring at Jiang Linger, Xiao Shitou said angrily: "You dead black cat, if you keep staring at my sister Linger like this, I will really turn you into a carbon cat."

Saying this, Xiao Shishi started to be wary.

The fierceness of the mutated black cat has been fully aroused, its pupils shrank, and its sharp claws quickly hit two crescent-shaped wind blades towards the small stone.

But the next moment, he suddenly accelerated his speed and rushed towards Jiang Ling'er.

"not good!"

Xiao Shitou shot two fireballs from his palm to deal with the attacking wind blade, but when he regained his senses, he didn't catch the mutated black cat.


Seeing the mutated black cat flying towards him, Jiang Linger let out a loud cry.

This was Jiang Linger's first time confronting a mutant wild shooter head-on, so she was a little flustered.

In Jiang Linger's sight, the mutated black cat was waving its sharp claws and attacking his throat, but all the movements of the black cat seemed to slow down several times in Jiang Linger's eyes.

Jiang Ling'er turned her body slightly and took a step to the right based on her feeling. The black cat's fatal blow only scratched a little skin on her fair neck.

Jiang Linger, who escaped the sudden attack of the mutated black cat, turned around and patted her chest and said happily, "It's so dangerous! Fortunately, I escaped."

Seeing that Jiang Ling'er was fine, Xiao Shitou finally heaved a sigh of relief after reacting, and then stared at the mutated black cat with eyes full of anger.

Jiang Linger also looked at the mutated black cat warily.

However, at this moment, in Jiang Linger's sight, a figure of a man riding a motorcycle appeared in the distance.

"Brother, brother came to look for me."

Jiang Ling'er saw Jiang Feng riding a motorcycle in the distance, and immediately touched Xiaoshi's head beside him and said happily, "Little Shitou, my brother is here to find us!"

Then Jiang Ling'er waved her right hand again and shouted forward, "Brother, I'm here!"

"Brother Jiang Feng is here?"

Lin Yang looked in the direction Jiang Linger was looking at, but saw nothing.

The surprise on his face turned into confusion.

The mutated black cat who has been dealing with people all year round seems to understand the meaning of Jiang Linger's words.

He couldn't help but glance back, but saw nothing.

Cunning humans!

"It's Linger's voice!"

Jiang Feng, who was looking around on a motorcycle, followed the direction of the voice, and soon saw Jiang Linger who was waving to him.

However, before Jiang Feng could be happy, he saw a mutated black cat in front of her.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng immediately increased the speed of the car to the maximum.

Just when the black cat was about to pounce on Jiang Linger and Xiao Shitou again, Jiang Feng had already crossed a distance of 600 meters.



The violent sound of a locomotive came from behind the leaping black cat, and then a golden light flashed in the air, and the ferocious mutated black cat froze for an instant and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the locomotive braked a black tire mark on the ground.

Jiang Feng came in front of him, but Jiang Ling'er lowered his head and dared not look at him.

"Go, come home with me first!"

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Jiang Ling'er was already prepared to be punished, but now Jiang Feng just said one thing and went home, which surprised her.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng took Jiang Linger and Xiaoshitou home by bicycle.


In the yard, Lin Lu, who was wearing a cool white dress, was pacing anxiously.


As the door of the villa was pushed open, Lin Lu turned her head to look, and the figures of Jiang Feng and the other three appeared at the door, and she immediately greeted them happily.

"It's back. It's so chaotic outside now, you two don't run around." Lin Lu said with concern.

Little Stone walked in the front and said to Lin Lu proudly, "Sister, we are fine, and I just killed several mutant beasts and saved a lot of people!"

"Brother Jiang Feng is very powerful, there is no need to be afraid of those mutated beasts."

Lin Lu smiled and touched Xiao Shitou's head and said, "See if you can do it!"

No matter what level Xiao Shitou's strength reached, in Lin Lu's eyes, he was always a little brat.

"Hey, why are you still injured?"

Careful Lin Lu saw the slight scratches on Jiang Linger's neck at a glance, and quickly said, "This needs to be dealt with quickly, otherwise it will be bad to leave a scar!"

After speaking, Lin Lu trotted to the house to find the medicine box.


In the room, Lin Lu was treating Jiang Ling'er's neck wound.

Jiang Feng said suddenly, "Ling'er, don't go outside for the time being."

After hearing Jiang Feng's words, Jiang Ling'er was a little stubborn. She had her own opinions and didn't want to be protected by Jiang Feng as a child.

"Brother, I know you didn't let me go out because you were afraid of getting hurt, but I'm also a level-five transcendent." Jiang Linger said stubbornly.

"I know that you have reached the fifth level of transcendence now, but although your abilities are special, your combat effectiveness is not very good."

"If you really want to go out and help the citizens, it's not impossible, as long as you practice the martial arts I'm going to teach you to a small degree."

Now that Jiang Ling'er can also release her aura, Jiang Feng finally plans to let her sister learn the martial arts he created.

"What martial arts?" Jiang Ling'er asked suspiciously, "Is it like the Nine Suns Divine Art that you taught Xiao Shitou before?"

Now, with the announcement of the breathing method, Jiang Ling'er also knew that the set of Nine Suns magic skills that Jiang Feng taught Xiaoshitou was better than the breathing method.

It's just that my brother said before that the Nine Suns Divine Art is not suitable for me, so Jiang Ling'er is a little curious at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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