Doomsday: My Valkyrie identity was exposed by the reborn

Chapter 78 Jincheng's second spirit-changing creature

Chapter 78 Jincheng's Second Spirit Transforming Creature

The Monitor Lizard King was a terrifying existence at the level of natural disasters in his previous life.

The venom spit out by opening the mouth is like raindrops, which can corrode half of the city.

The [-]-meter-long body is like a hill, enough to push everything across.

However, the most shocking thing is that when the monitor lizard king just transformed into a spirit, he had wisdom no less than that of human beings, and he could even speak human words.

It was also he who led the awakening of the entire monitor lizard clan.

And the source of all this is this city.

Hundreds of thousands of mutated monitor lizards suddenly launched a beast horde, destroying a human city.

devoured countless human beings.

Among them, a giant lizard has awakened a terrifying talent - looting memory.

During the constant devouring, he acquired human culture, civilization, and even language.

His brain was highly evolved, and in just a few years, he relied on his high intelligence to become the king of the mutant monitor lizard family.

This is also the capital for him to step into the fourth realm of transcendence in the future, the largest natural disaster level.

and so……


With a sigh, Lu Ningxue knew that she couldn't do anything.

Austria and Dragon Kingdom face each other across the sea.

It is also difficult to get support.

Today, unlike before, ships and planes shuttle between continents.

While the ship is driving, it will inevitably attract the attention of the mutated sea beasts in the sea area.

Not long ago, several giant ships disappeared in the vast sea.

And the sky is the world of mutated birds.

Therefore, unknowingly, human beings have lost their supremacy in the sky and sea.

Only on land, humans can still be kings.

In this way, it is also conceivable what human beings have experienced overnight.

As for these, Jiang Feng didn't know.

Now he is still practicing, constantly polishing his body.

However, at this moment, Jiang Feng's expression suddenly changed as if he had noticed something.

"This is?"

In the soft murmur, Jiang Feng sensed an inexplicable breath, which flashed outside.

This breath is very cryptic.

However, he was caught by him...

"I have something to do, let's go out first."

While speaking in a soft voice, Jiang Feng also ignored Zhang Xiong's and Lei Langze's surprised gazes, turned around, and rushed out of the training base.

The practice base is located on the outskirts of the city to the north of Jincheng.

And as the periphery, mutated beasts are naturally indispensable.

However, with the suppression of troops and extraordinary people, the mutated beasts would not be able to make waves after all.

At least, in a short time, there will be no waves.

However, at this time, what no one knew was that it was in a forest not far from Jincheng.

"Roar, roar."

Amidst the terrifying roar, a black giant ape with a height of one or two meters curled up among the rocks.

This is a giant ape covered in black hair.

Like the 'King Kong' in the movie, strong and terrifying.

However, at this moment, he exuded an extremely appalling aura.

Even though he tried his best to suppress it, the breath still made all the mutated beasts several kilometers around tremble.

And now, he's breaking through.

From the peak of the ninth level, it is terrifying to hit the realm of transforming spirits.

If ordinary people and even Longge knew about it, they would definitely be shocked.

Because, at this time, there was a spirit-changing beast emerging.

And no one knows about it.

No, it should be said, someone knows.

For example, some humans who are currently searching around, trying to find this mutated giant ape.

"Damn it, where did that great ape go?"

"This is the latest masterpiece of our Yaotian Company."

"Damn it, if we really let him run away, the higher ups won't let us go."

Amidst the carefree voices, dozens of heavily armed figures were also a little helpless.

They were originally in a factory in Jincheng, taking care of this experimental product.

But who would have thought that last night, this mutated giant ape's strength soared, and it broke free from its restraints.

Even super strong anesthesia doesn't work.

"When I find that giant ape, I will have to skin him."

With a roar, this group of humans also scattered and searched around.

With super strong anesthesia, this mutant giant ape must not be able to run far.

should be able to find it.

However, at this time, this group of humans did not know that, far away, in a crack, this black giant ape looked at them, full of tyranny and hatred.

Yes, hate.

It was a bitter hatred.

The steel-like chains left enough bloodstains on his wrists and ankles.

Sharp knives and whips left wounds on it time and time again.

If it wasn't for his repeated mutations and his self-healing power greatly enhanced, he might have already...

So...he hates,
Hate every human being.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Suddenly, amidst the terrifying roar, an inexplicable thought came out.

Countless auras poured into the body of this mutated giant ape like a tide, forming a storm of auras in a short while.

Its innate ability is super healing,

No matter how serious the injury is, it can recover in a short time.

However, few people know that its innate ability has another characteristic.

And that, even in the process of continuous healing, his body will become stronger and stronger.

And this one feature is scary.

Especially in the continuous research, cutting, and even dissection of human beings, this natural ability has been brought into full play to the greatest extent.

and so……

Now he can only reach the peak of the ninth level, and he has already begun to attack the realm of transforming spirits.

If it weren't for the large amount of anesthesia left in its body, it might be enough to kill the nearby search team by itself.


While roaring more and more deeply, the body of this mutant giant ape grew up visible to the naked eye.

The body is constantly expanding, and the strength is constantly increasing.

Even the anesthesia effect in the body began to be suppressed.

"Roar, Roar, Roar!"

Amid the roars one after another, this mutant giant ape finally felt his body feel something.

Moreover, compared to before, the current body is even bigger and more terrifying.

Even, some suffocation.

For example, now, slowly raise your palm.


There was a sudden loud noise, the rocks collapsed, and the surrounding area shook.

"There's movement there."

"There, there, quickly."

Amidst repeated exclamations, countless people rushed towards this direction.

However, not long after, to their astonishment, there was an extremely strange giant in the grass far away.

He is as tall as a two-story building.

The whole body is covered with blood-colored black hair.

And those, eyes full of scarlet.


The sudden roar was shocking, causing many people to sit down on the ground.

"My God, what is this?"

"Hey, no way. Shouldn't it be?"

But before they had any more exclamations, the mutant giant ape in the distance had already grabbed a very huge stone.


There was only a loud noise, and a two-meter-large stone flew towards them violently, and even smashed into the crowd.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the screams of countless human beings echoed in the sky, and the whole ground shook even more.

(End of this chapter)

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