Chapter 118
"You have a conscience, let's talk about film and television adaptation." Chen Siyu took the initiative to cut to the chase.

"Make an offer and agree first. If it's too low, don't blame me for hanging up the phone. I'm not sincere." Chen Zi'ang warned.

Chen Siyu didn't beat around the bush, and said, "The company asked me to quote 300 million."

After finishing speaking, her whole body tensed up, afraid that Chen Ziang would hang up the phone directly.

Chen Ziang didn't hang up the phone, but the phone was snatched by Shi Jia who entered the study at some time.

"300 million is the current price. We don't sell it now. We will wait until the novel is fermented and there are more and more readers." After Shi Jia finished speaking, she was full of aura, and hung up the phone very neatly after speaking.

Chen Ziang stared at Shi Jia dumbfounded.

300 million, he was moved because of lack of money.

Shi Jia will be on vacation immediately, and then she will enter the company. Seeing her appearance, she needs to make a big move and start her journey, so the more funds the better.

"Am I not right?" Shi Jia looked at Chen Ziang with a smile, his tone and momentum completely changed.

Just now, she was like the queen and strong woman who came with thunder in the shopping mall, and she has gone through many battles and baptisms.

Now, she is just an ordinary mother who dotes on her son very much.

Chen Ziang scratched his head: "That's right, we are short of money, I think it's okay to talk about 400 million."

"400 million is cheaper for them. When they contact you again, we can talk about 500 million. If you give us more time, 800 million or 1000 million will not be a problem in a year, two or three years." Shi Jia said confidently.

Chen Ziang asked cautiously: "Mom, you seem to understand it very well. Didn't you not pay attention to this kind of thing before?"

Shi Jia said casually: "Isn't that the past? I used to just want our family to live in an ordinary life. Your girlfriend's appearance made me feel that it is true to be ordinary, but I have never experienced war. This kind of mediocrity is not mediocrity, but mediocrity."

Chen Ziang saw the flames of war burning in Shi Jia's eyes, and there was a fighting spirit emanating from her body.

"The school work is over. The first thing I do when I enter the company is to set up a studio for you to take care of novels and songs for you. Don't be disturbed by too many unnecessary things. You are still the company's funds Chain, the source must be stabilized, and only when you stabilize me and your dad can we charge forward." Shi Jia is getting more and more into the role, and is always ready before saying goodbye to the campus.

Chen Ziang suddenly felt much more relaxed. He used to fight alone, always Alexander.

My mother started to play, and she could think of things that he couldn't think of.

"Then mother has worked hard." Chen Ziang was pleasantly surprised. For example, the peripherals of the novel, song copyright registration, storage of KTV, peripherals, etc., Chen Ziang did it by himself, which took a lot of time and energy. He didn't even think about the peripherals.

He won't do it either.

As soon as Shi Jia came, he took care of everything.

The next day, Chen Siyu called again.

Shi Jia picked it up, and without chatting a few words, Chen Siyu immediately explained that he would go to Lin'an for an interview the next day.

It looks like it's the final negotiation stage.

On the same day, Shi Jia acted resolutely, and discussed with Qichuang about the electronic copyright and sharing agreement of "Legend of the Condor Heroes", which will be uploaded in August...

Chen Ziang was shocked to find that Shi Jia hadn't formally intervened in the company's affairs, and now he could make the company more stable and develop faster than before.

When she officially settles in, the capital chain will be circled around Chen Ziang, and the mobile game that is being developed is not afraid that the capital chain will be broken at all.

The company will enter a period of rapid development!

The day before the last day of June, the film and television version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was sold.

The contract was signed with Tianshui Film and Television Company, 500 million.

If it wasn't for lack of money, Shi Jia would not have been willing to sell the film and television adaptation rights of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" so early.

Tianshui Film and Television also knew this, and they were afraid that Chen Ziang would drag on, and when the other family had the courage to strike ahead of time, they could only stare blankly.

So even if it was 500 million, they made a decision directly without hesitation.

But they know that 500 million is not enough.

At that time, the electronic version of "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be uploaded to Qichuang Chinese website, and they will also help to operate it.

Even if there is no such agreement in the contract, they have to take the initiative and be willing to help with the operation.

The last day of June.

On this day, starting from daytime, Qichuang Chinese website has been extremely popular.

Because the battle between the Great God and the Supreme God monthly ticket has reached a fever pitch.

This intense heat will last at least until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

The return of Chen Ziang's Golden Alliance shocked the entire Internet.

This alliance often relies on its own strength to make the monthly ticket of "Fights Break the Sphere" surpass that of "Death of the Dead", one of the five whites.

But this only lasted for about half an hour, and then was overtaken by "Reaper of Death".

Chen Ziang was a little surprised.

This Golden Alliance must be a rich man, tens of millions seems like a drop in the bucket to him, and he doesn't care at all.

With this golden alliance, the morale of Chen Ziang's book friend group and book review area is like a rainbow.

The great gods Chu Chu and Shen Nong are not afraid of poison, and they issued single chapters one after another on this day, calling on book friends to come and support "Death and Death".

"Damn, it's so shameless."

"The Supreme God also invites foreign aid!"

"If you win, you will lose your face."

"It's really shameless to suppress newcomers like this."


Chen Ziang's fans, gold fans are very aggrieved.

Without the support of other great gods, the battle would have ended long after Jin Fan's Golden Alliance returned.

"Reaper of Death" has less than [-] average subscriptions now, but "Fights Break Sphere" has already exceeded [-].

But it is such a battle, the Golden Alliance without gold powder, "Fights Break Sphere" is still a little less coquettish.

This is the charm and capital of the Supreme God. Many neutral book lovers may have subscribed to a little "Reaper of Death", but they did not fully subscribe, but they voted firmly for "Reaper of Death" rather than "Reaper of Death". "Fights Break the Sphere".

"Haha, it's so exciting."

"A great god has been able to fight against the Supreme God until now, and his book friends are really awesome."

"It's really strong. It is said that many of the old iron players from Beibei have returned, and they fought so hard."

"Tan Chu and several great gods openly supported Beibei and called on fans to vote. Many fan groups used their numbers to support Beibei. Jin Daxia can't win."

"Being able to fight till now, King Jin is proud enough to be defeated."

"These two people will go to the annual meeting this year, I really want to see the scene when they meet at the annual meeting, haha."

"It is estimated that Beibei wants to kill people, and it will be on the shelves in the first month, so it will not give face."

"This beam is getting bigger."


The neutral book friends and the author laughed to see Jin Daxia fighting fiercely with the North and the North.

Chen Zi'ang saw the popularity of the Golden League again and again, so he couldn't help chatting privately on QQ to persuade him to stop.

The other party was very proud and said it was all right.

Chen Ziang couldn't help but find the editor who also registered on QQ to send a QQ message: "Tell me to fight for the first place, and my readers will be hurt, you just look at it like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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