The superstar is here

Chapter 143 The Era of All People Stealing Vegetables Comes

Chapter 143 The Era of All People Stealing Vegetables Comes
"No way!" Kuan Dandan's unconvinced voice came.

Chen Ziang sighed, he didn't expect Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan to have such good physiques, they were not squeamish at all.

It is indeed from the red family.

"Climbing at night, a guide will take you." Chen Ziang asked.

"Yes, the tour guide sister is a local. She is serving in a nearby military area. Come and play with us. Don't worry." Guan Tongtong was afraid that Chen Ziang would be worried, so she told him the identity of the tour guide.

"That's good." Chen Ziang's heart became much more stable.

The two sisters went out to practice. It was okay to go shopping normally, and climbed the mountain at night. Although there were people on the road from time to time, the risk factor was still extremely high.

Not without bodyguards.

"Sister, let me talk to Zi Ang too." Kuan Dandan begged from the side.

"What are you talking about? If you have the energy to climb the mountain, don't talk too much." Guan Tongtong refused.

"Shall I just say a few words?" Kuan Dandan acted like a baby.

Chen Ziang quickly told Guan Tongtong: "Don't forget to wear a mask if you have nothing to do. You and Dandan should both wear it. I'll hang up first, and we'll talk next time."

After speaking, he hung up the phone actively.

Don't mess with Kuantandan, this little girl is very energetic, she will be brilliant if you give her some sunshine, and she will flood if you give her some rain, it is better to stay away.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziang thought for a while, and it was time for the two novels on Qichuang to be uploaded and released on time, so he logged in to the background.

After the upload was scheduled, he didn't do anything else, such as reading the book review area, interacting with readers... he didn't have the time.

With that time, it is better to code words.

He has actually finished writing "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but the entity is still publishing a volume every once in a while, so take your time.

The electronic version hasn't even started uploading yet, it won't be until August.

Qichuang has now started warming up for his "Legend of the Condor Heroes".

I finished my second martial arts novel, and now I am on my third one.

The third book written by Chen Ziang is "The Eight Parts of the Dragon".

If the original work is copied, if it is written on the street, this book will definitely hit the street.

But Chen Ziang is not afraid, he has the halo of a great god.

Strictly speaking, he is already a platinum master of Qichuang, and he is more famous than ordinary masters.

A few days ago, his team had negotiated a platinum contract with, and his author profile on had just been changed not long ago.

The physical version of "Swordsman" sold well, but it has nothing to do with Chen Ziang and Qichuang Chinese Website, because it was bought out.

The physical version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" sold better than "Swordsman", because the former helped King Jin become famous and he has a fan base.

"Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been sold until now, and Chen Ziang has already earned several million royalties.

According to the estimates of book friends, Chen Ziang can enter the top ten in this year's Internet Rich List.

This is still without counting the income of "Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"Fights Break Sphere" won the first place in the monthly ticket because of a deadly battle with Beibei, who was known as one of the five whites, last month, and the game copyright was finally released.

600 million!
In the hands of Chen Ziang, there are nearly 300 million.

Although the electronic version of "Legend of the Condor Heroes" has not been uploaded yet, the copyright of the game has been negotiated for a long time.

Exclusive authorization for three years, 1000 million.

In addition, after uploading the electronic version, the game party will cooperate with the operation of the electronic version of "Legend of the Condor Heroes".

They attach great importance to the drainage of book friends. When the time comes to read "Legend of the Condor Heroes" online, the total number of genuine and pirated copies will be at least in the millions.

A reader with such a large base is a big head.

Chen Ziang was not in a hurry to upload "Legend of the Condor Heroes", just to cooperate with the game party.

The opponent is still developing the game.

After it was uploaded in August and "Legend of the Condor Heroes" had accumulated a certain number of readers in early September, the first version of the game had just been developed, and the launch was perfect at that time.

After coding a chapter of the novel, Chen Ziang suddenly became interested and opened the QQ farm.

He also occasionally goes up to check out this mini-game.

There are hundreds of thousands of Q coins in his account, and he can buy props at will, and he sets up automatic planting and harvesting every day.

But hosting is not a panacea.

For example, the hosting system will not buy seeds and props by itself.

For some seeds and props, the mall will only open when they reach a certain level, and players can buy them.

"Huh?" When Chen Ziang looked at the farm, he found that many of his friends had opened the farm.

"Fuck, editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and the Golden League... are all activated." Chen Ziang was surprised, is QQ Farm so powerful now?


"How about it? Has the number of farm users increased a lot?" Shi Jia's voice came from behind Chen Ziang, and she prepared a supper and brought it to Chen Ziang.

"Indeed, I didn't notice it before. It seems that in the past few days, there are suddenly a lot of friends who have opened QQ Farm." Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Is it because of your mother that you joined QQ Farm?"

Shi Jia removed the keyboard in front of Chen Ziang, put a piece of paper on it, and put Supper on it: "Well, I'm looking for someone to write soft articles, public relations media, and promote our QQ by the way, the effect is obvious."

Chen Ziang was curious, and opened the browser: "What soft article, where is it, let me take a look."

Shi Jia helped Chen Ziang open the website.

"The whole people are crazy, set the alarm clock to get up in the middle of the night to steal food?" Chen Ziang read the soft text, dumbfounded: "Has it developed to this point?"

"I'll be there when I say it, and I'll get it if I don't get it!" Shi Jia said aggressively, "Don't trust me, and see if anyone comes to steal your vegetables so late after the crops are ripe."

Chen Ziang quickly stopped the trusteeship and used props to spawn crops.

Before long, the crops matured.


"Wipe." Chen Ziang's eyes widened.

As soon as the crops were ripe, several people rushed to his farm, picked up his vegetables quickly one by one and ran away.

Someone was unlucky and was swooped down by his dog watching the farm and bit off some gold coins.

The person who stole his food was one of his editors - Winnie.

"Hey, why did you start so fast, I was just about to collect it." Chen Ziang couldn't help sending Wei Ni a QQ message.

Soon, Winnie over there replied: "It was so difficult to steal your food, and I finally caught it once. Hehe, I just kept staring and waiting for it to mature."

"They're all mothers, and they steal vegetables." Chen Ziang was speechless.

"Tch, if I hadn't become a mother and the child was too noisy, I would have gone to bed early, and I wouldn't have stolen food." Winnie replied.

Chen Ziang stopped chatting with the editor in charge and went to find another person who stole his food.

"Da Neng, return my food." Chen Ziang sent a message, and Liu Yuneng was also one of the many people who stole his food in an instant.

"Don't talk about it, I didn't steal much, and a bunch of gold coins were bitten off by a dog. My heart aches for me." Liu Yuneng was very bitter.

Chen Ziang snickered, went to visit other friend's farms, and wanted to steal some too.

After looking at several of them, he found that Liu Yuneng's tablemate Wang Mengda's crops had the shortest time to maturity.

Just waiting, the time hadn't come yet, and the crops suddenly matured in an instant, and then they were quickly taken away by the farmer.

(End of this chapter)

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