The superstar is here

Chapter 154 Taking care of the family is the most important thing

Chapter 154 Taking care of the family is the most important thing
For a high fever above 39 degrees, there is no way but to take antipyretics.

Generally, if you have a high fever and can bear it, the best way is not to rush to take antipyretics.

Because high fever is one of the mechanisms in the body to resist infection, the body uses the rise in body temperature to mobilize its own defense system to kill foreign germs.

Generally speaking, germs will die when the temperature is above 39 degrees, thus shortening the disease time and enhancing the effect of antibiotics.

If you use drugs to reduce fever at the beginning of fever (37-38 degrees), it will temporarily put the bacteria in the body into a state of suspended animation and make them resistant to drugs. Once the ashes recur, it is often more difficult to treat.

"Mom, have some food first. After eating, I'll put hot water for you to take a bath, and then take antipyretic medicine to sleep." Chen Ziang helped Shi Jia, who was limp all over, to sit down at the dining table.

Then, he went to the balcony to call Liu Guoping.

"I can't go to the dinner, my mother is sick. Apologize to Huang Xiqian and the others for me. But let them rest assured that my friend will come over. He represents me. If he is happy, I am happy. If you want to sing at that time, no problem!" Chen Ziang said.

"Okay, taking care of your family is the most important thing." Liu Guoping said, "I'll send you the location, and you can forward it to your good friend. I don't have his contact information."

"Okay." Chen Ziang said.

After hanging up the phone, not long after, Liu Guoping sent the address, and Chen Ziang forwarded it to the deputy commander, without saying that he would not go.

He was worried that if he didn't go, the acting commander would not go either.

After finishing it, Chen Ziang went back to accompany Shi Jia for dinner.

Shi Jia had no appetite, but still ate half a bowl of rice, and then couldn't eat any more.

"Mom, why don't we stop taking a bath, it's not good to take a bath when you have a fever." Chen Ziang discussed with Shi Jia.

"I'm sweating all over, so I can't do without washing." Shi Jia looked uncomfortable.

Chen Ziang is entangled, sometimes sick, mentality is very important, and it acts as a psychological suggestion.

If he was sweating profusely on a hot day and didn't take a bath, he would definitely feel very uncomfortable, and he couldn't sleep well, and he would recover more slowly.

"Okay, mom, then wait for me, I'll put the warm water in." Chen Ziang went to the bathroom to fill up the water, then came back, saw Shi Jia's confused look, and went to help her find clothes.

After putting away the clothes in the bathroom and testing the water temperature, Chen Ziang went out and Fu Shijia came in.

Shi Jia can still walk, but it is best if someone supports her.

When a person is sick, there is no one to take care of him, and he will suffer both physically and psychologically. It is easy to feel lonely and helpless, which greatly affects the recovery time of the disease.

"Don't wash your hair, just wash your body a few times to get rid of the sweat, try to hurry up." Chen Ziang told Shi Jia, then closed the door and squatted outside against the wall.

After thinking for a while, he ran to find the first-aid kit at home and dug out the fever-reducing medicine.

A look, alas, expired.

He hurried back to his room to get his wallet, access card and house key.

"Mom, hurry up, the fever-reducing medicine is expired, I'll go downstairs to the pharmacy to buy it for you later." Chen Ziang returned to the bathroom and urged him. He was worried about going downstairs now, worried that his mother would wash for too long or suddenly lose the strength to fall. fall.

After helping Shi Jia, who was a little unconscious from the fever, back to her room to lie down, Chen Ziang hurried to the door, put on his shoes, and ran downstairs to the pharmacy.

After buying the medicine, he ran back sweating profusely.

He found two cups and mixed water in the water dispenser. After drinking it, he felt that the temperature of the water was just right. He poured medicine into one of the cups.

Another cup of pure water, nothing to put.

After finishing, he carried two cups into the room.

Shi Jia lay in a daze, her whole body was flushed and sweaty, tossing and turning was dishonest.

Chen Ziang put down the water glass and wiped her sweat with a tissue.

"Hot~~~" Shi Jia's voice was painful.

Chen Ziang wanted to wipe her sweat, but she suddenly said she wanted to vomit.

Chen Ziang hurried to fetch the trash basket.

"If you want to throw up, throw it up, the trash can is here..." Before Chen Ziang finished speaking, Shi Jia got up suddenly, and threw up on the edge of the bed.

I vomited out all the food I ate.

Chen Ziang helped his mother with her back, her eyes were red.

After Shi Jia vomited and lay down, Chen Ziang helped Shi Jia's upper body up again, and then picked up the clear water cup: "Rinse your mouth."

After Shi Jia took a few sips, Chen Ziang picked up the medicine cup again: "Mom, take the medicine, you'll be fine after you finish it."

As he spoke, he brought the cup to Shi Jia's mouth and poured her down.

After taking a sip, Shi Jia dodged, frowning: "Bitter~~~"

"It's hard to drink, drink it in one gulp, and sleep well after drinking it." Chen Ziang brought the cup to Shi Jia's mouth again.

Shi Jia closed her eyes, looked bitter, and finished her drink with a few gulps.

"Water." She felt bitterness in her mouth.

Chen Ziang quickly put down the medicine cup and picked up the water cup.

After Shi Jia finished drinking, he put her down, went to the bathroom to fetch a basin of cold water, and brought a towel back to the room.

Shi Jia still had a severe fever, was in a daze and was in pain, and still tossed and turned.

Chen Ziang put a wet towel on her forehead.

But she kept turning over and dropping the towel.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to help her back again and again.

Seeing that Shi Jia was sweating all over, Chen Ziang went to find some small towels.

If the fever is severe, the effect of taking medicine and physical cooling will be better.

The common method of cold compress in medicine to help lower body temperature is to put a wet and cold towel on the forehead, wrist, and calf, and cover other parts with clothing.When the cold compress reaches body temperature, it should be changed once, and repeated until the fever subsides.You can also wrap ice cubes in a cloth bag and place them on your forehead.

Wiping the body is also a physical cooling, and evaporation can play a role in cooling.

While Chen Ziang applied cold compresses to those parts of Shi Jia's body, he helped her wipe other exposed parts of her body again and again.

Gradually, Shi Jia settled down and fell into a deep sleep without tossing and turning.

Throughout the night, Chen Ziang changed basin after basin of cold water.

I also measured Shi Jia's body temperature at regular intervals. The temperature slowly dropped from the highest temperature of 39.3 degrees to 39 degrees. At twelve o'clock in the evening, Chen Ziang found that it had dropped to 38 degrees before he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good if it can cool down, so you don't have to go out at night and find a clinic or a hospital.


Changing the towels again, Chen Ziang went out and went back to his room to find clothes to take a shower.

After taking a bath, he took Shi Jia's temperature again, and it dropped a little.

After changing the towel again, Chen Ziang went back to the room.

Looking at the phone, there are several missed calls.

Three of them belonged to Guan Tongtong, five belonged to Kuantandan, and two belonged to the Daishuai.

Khan, Chen Ziang saw that it was getting late, so he didn't dare to call Guan Tongtong back, fearing that she would wake her up if she fell asleep, so he only sent back a message, explaining that his mother was sick and he was taking care of her without her phone.

As for Kuantandan, ignore it.

In the end, he wanted to send a message to Dai Shuai, so he decided to forget it.

At this time, the phone rang.

(ps: Tomorrow will continue the five changes, there is no need to deceive yourself, and you don't need any reason, it's just so willful.)
(End of this chapter)

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