Chapter 157 Wild lilies also have spring

Xixi Huang swears that she wants to concentrate, but she can see it with a glance.

Why did you write eight poems for me overnight, and didn't use the book in order?

This song is in the middle of the book, and there are more than [-] songs behind it, big brother.


After watching this song, Huang Xiqian began to doubt again, did Lianye really write it for me?
Otherwise, why is it so in line with my current state?

""Wild Lilies Also Have Spring", don't forget that in the corner of the lonely valley, wild lilies also have spring..." Huang Xiqian liked it so much, her love and career were hindered, which made her feel that life was gloomy. Seeing this song, she regained her confidence burn.

Do you want this song?

As soon as she thought about it, she made up her mind.


She tore it off without hesitation.

It meant that she could only choose six of the next seven.

Li Qiuting sat aside, her eyes lit up.

I fell in love with the first one.

So amazing!

Ziang's name is well-deserved.

The manager and Liu Guoping sat a little far away, not at the same table, and they both turned their heads to look over when they heard the voice.

"Choose songs carefully, there are seven more songs to come." Chen Ziang reminded.

Huang Xiqian nodded, a little excited.

Alas, it was great that Teacher Zi Ang slept last night. Today, the eight songs can definitely be carried away by Lai, at worst, I will bury my head or stretch my legs to serve them all night.

Unfortunately not.

After putting down the first song, Huang Xiqian looked at the second song.

""The Shy Rose Blooms Quietly", the shy rose blooms quietly, slowly blooming the feelings she left for me..." Huang Xiqian stared. Isn't this song about her? The labels are gentle princess and shy girl.

Ah, the song is so good.

How to do?
Do you want?
Xiqian Huang will tear it off soon!
Li Qiuting rolled her eyes.

Sister, why don't you think about it, and start so quickly.

Are Teacher Zi Ang's songs really that magical?
Watch one and like one.

Look at one first one.

Huang Xiqian's heart was pounding, she couldn't be sure if the public liked it or not, but she definitely loved it to death.

Just let yourself feel refreshed first.

So she started very readily.

After putting the two pages aside, Huang Xiqian looked at the notebook again - the third song.

"Whose tears are flying." At the top, these six words are clearly in sight, as if reflecting her heart.

"Sad tears are meteors, happy tears are stars..." At the time of the marriage, Huang Xiqian lived in tears, but nothing could be redeemed.

I can easily handle this song!
Huang Xiqian didn't hesitate long, tore it off and put it in her bag.

Li Qiuting looked at Chen Ziang, he was playing with his mobile phone, he seemed to be chatting with someone online, and he didn't pay attention to Huang Xiqian at all.

This little guy is really bad.

Li Qiuting suddenly realized that Huang Xiqian might start to get tangled up next.

If you look at one song and tear it apart, there is still one song that you can't get.

""Valentine's Day Without a Lover", I feel somewhat lonely, because I don't understand the person I loved, and the miss is still in my heart..." This is the fourth song, and Huang Xiqian secretly glanced at Chen Ziang.

Did this guy add insult to injury, or was he really kind enough to give such a song.

She doesn't understand.

But it's okay, she likes it.


For the fourth song, she also wanted it.

""There is a cloud made of rain in the wind", there is a cloud made of rain in the wind, a cloud made of rain. The heart of the cloud is full of rain, and every drop is you..." The fifth song.


Huang Xiqian hesitated for a while, but still took it.

""How many good sisters do you have", whether every woman around you will become your sister in the end..." the sixth song.

Huang Xiqian was confused.

I can only ask for two more.

If I want this one, I can only choose one more.

If you don't want this song, the next two songs, I don't know if they will be worse than this one.

Huang Xiqian looked at Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang was still playing with his phone, without even looking at her.

Li Qiuting found it funny.

Huang Xiqian began to fall into a difficult decision stage.

this game...

Emma, ​​it's quite exciting.

The feeling of being in control and dominating is cool.


After hesitating for a long time, Huang Xiqian tore it off and asked for it!
Chen Ziang had already lenient her, and she didn't dare to go further to bargain.

He only sells two songs at a time, because of what happened last night, the precedent is strong.

No matter how greedy you are, be careful of nothing.

""Look at the face of the moon"... We have gone too far and have no more topics to talk about, so I have to tell you..." The seventh song.

Seeing this song, Huang Xiqian seemed to see what fans would call her "Moon Princess" in the future.

Compared with "Emperor Princess", she prefers "Moon Princess".


Huang Xiqian tore off the seventh song.

Chen Ziang raised his head suddenly, looked at Huang Xiqian, and retracted the notebook.

Although Huang Xiqian knew it was a big taboo, she couldn't help but glance at the eighth song.

"Hurry up..." She only had time to read two words before Chen Ziang closed the book halfway.

Chen Ziang looked relieved, and said happily: "Fortunately, I plan to increase the price of the eighth song in the future, and one song is worth two."

Huang Xiqian was stunned.

The eighth song is so powerful?
Li Qiuting couldn't bear it anymore, she reached out and snatched Chen Ziang's notebook.

Chen Ziang was not in a hurry and asked, "Do you want to see it?"

Li Qiuting nodded frequently.

"Aside from me, only my girlfriend has read this book." Chen Ziang said calmly.

Li Qiuting thought for a moment, sighed, and returned the book to Chen Ziang, not daring to open it to read it.

In fact, she can't read the staves, but she can read the lyrics.

"Mr. Ziang, your girlfriend is really lucky." Huang Xiqian envied her.

Chen Ziang said, "I am blessed."

Li Qiuting just wanted to praise Chen Ziang for being a good boyfriend, but Chen Ziang said again: "You see, I hinted very clearly to Sister Qiuting, but she refused to read it. It is really difficult to find a girlfriend these days."

Li Qiuting stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Come on, let me see."

Chen Ziang put away his notebook and said: "I only give myself one chance, just like treating this one-way journey in life, I can only move forward, if I miss it, I will miss it, and I can never look back."

"It's okay, I have long legs, so I should be able to catch up." Li Qiuting smiled.

Chen Ziang looked at Li Qiuting's legs brightly, and Li Qiuting looked a little unnatural, so he laughed and said, "My girlfriend's legs are longer than yours."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and greeted Liu Guoping: "Brother Ping, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Then he said goodbye to Li Qiuting: "Sister Qiuting, I'm going back first, would you like to go upstairs with me for a cup of tea?"

Huang Xiqian's eyes flickered, Chen Ziang also wanted to...

But before Li Qiuting could speak, Chen Ziang quickly said, "It's fine if you don't go, then I'll go first."

Li Qiuting was in a hurry, she really wanted to go upstairs with Chen Ziang, but your sister didn't give me a chance to answer, so she refused for me.

Huang Xiqian opened her small mouth slightly.

This guy has a real personality!
(End of this chapter)

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