The superstar is here

Chapter 168 Identity Exposure

Chapter 168 Identity Exposure
This news really shocked all the netizens who liked Ziang, and even many passer-by netizens in the A, B, C, and D categories were also shocked.

"The mystery of Ziang's life experience is solved!"

Just looking at the title, fans and netizens are only excited and surprised.

Content, content is the source of shock.

Zi Ang, a high school graduate in Zhejiang Province this year!
Nima, just graduated from high school.

As soon as they saw this message, countless netizens burst into tears.

You are a high school student, and you are just like this, where should we put our faces?

When they saw Zi Ang's second identity information, many netizens almost collapsed.

Chen Ziang, Zhejiang province this year's college entrance examination science champion, the strongest champion in history, both mathematics and optional parts are full marks, with a total score of 789 points, only 810 points away from the full score of 21 points.

The second strongest champion in history only scored 770 points in the test, and there was still an element of luck in it, because the difficulty of all subjects in the college entrance examination that year was relatively low, resulting in generally high scores for candidates.

And this year's Zhejiang Provincial College Entrance Examination, all subjects are very difficult, especially mathematics, there is a topic that is beyond the scope of high school students, only two students in the province can solve it, and one of them is the champion.

Looking at the scores of No. 40 and Tanhua, you can know how difficult the college entrance examination questions in Zhejiang Province are this year. Even No. 49 scored more than [-] points less than No. [-] - [-] points.

Netizens were stunned.

I have imagined their Zi Ang smoking, drinking, fighting, and even picking up girls for whoring.

But Nima is not like that at all.

This difference is too big.

"Fuck, is this true?"

"Emma, ​​I can't stand it anymore."

"Khan, I'm dizzy."



Netizens continued to look down, not to mention the identity of the top singer-songwriter, it was recognized by both inside and outside the circle.

However, when they saw the identity of the best-selling author, everyone was dumbfounded again.

Why do you still have an identity?

Best-selling author?

What the hell?

What novel did you write.

Some people cried blind when they read the novels listed above.

"Swordsman", "Legend of the Condor Heroes"...

"Nimma, the novel I've been chasing is actually written by Zi Ang?"

"Ah, I've been waiting for the third volume of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to come out."

""Swordsman" and "Legend of the Condor Heroes" are selling like crazy..."

"I don't even believe it when I say it. I'm a fan of Hero Jin, but Hero Jin is actually Zi Ang?"

"I always thought Jin Daxia was a little old man, but your sister is a middle school student who just graduated from high school."

"This news is not true. I have been deceived many times."


After being shocked, many netizens couldn't believe it and felt it was unreal.

How could there be such an awesome person.

Especially after seeing Chen Ziang's handsome photos, netizens, especially male netizens, didn't believe it.

"So handsome, it must be fake."

"God is fair and fake lol."

"How could it be possible to be so handsome and talented, to lie to a ghost?"

"If it's true, I'll eat three catties."

"I eat five catties live!"


After the male netizen finished watching, he calmed down and laughed it off.

Only female fans stared wide-eyed.

"Ah, is this my Zi Ang?"

"My husband!"

"Haha, my husband is so handsome and talented."

"Husband Ziang, from now on, I will be your concubine."

"It's so handsome, even more handsome than those fake photos circulated on the Internet before."

"I can't put it down, I've killed my computer screen."

"I'm wet."

"Ah, I can't close my legs."

"It must not be fake."

"I love this, please, don't lie to me, I love this."


The female fans yelled, they love Zi Ang and his identity so much.

In the past, there were false news and fake news, some said that Chen Ziang was a bar singer, some said that Chen Ziang set up a street stall, and some even said that Chen Ziang sold women's underwear...

In short, it is far from being as tall as it is now.

Isn't such a beautiful title, body and face the image of tall, rich and handsome in girls' minds?
Male fans don't believe it, but female fans are afraid that the news is fake.

But before doubting and fearing for a long time, another media news broke out, which was almost the same, confirming Zi Ang's life experience and identity.


Netizens who were questioning the accuracy of the first news were stunned.

is that true?

At first glance, it was news from

On this website, the news is authoritative, unlike some small media websites.

The headlines of those unscrupulous small websites are not only very exaggerated and deceptive, but even the content is fabricated.

Such websites do not have much credibility, and fake news is mostly spread from those websites.

But is different. has not reprinted or published similar news about Ziang's identity that was circulated on the Internet before.

Immediately afterwards, Xinlanwang, Fengxing Entertainment News and other well-known media in the industry also released similar news to prove Ziang's name.

"Is it true this time?"

"You can't go wrong."

"MMP, I really don't want to believe it, it's such an exaggeration."

"I checked, and Chen Zi'ang is indeed the No. [-] student in science in the college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province this year."

"Well, it is the strongest champion in history, and it can't be faked at all."

"The Lin'an TV station has broadcast the interview. It's this person."

"Oh my god, is there any reason? How can you be so handsome? You can rely on your face to make a living, but you have to rely on your talent to compete with us ugly men for jobs."

"I'm dead."

"It's almost impossible to live."

"I want to die."

"Your uncle, this kind of person should be struck by lightning."

"Why didn't God accept this monster?"


Male netizens are really envious and jealous, and feel that God is very unfair.

Female fans were delighted.

"Oh, the news this time is true."

"Ho Ho, I'm so excited that I can't sleep."

"Husband Ziang, what?"

"Zi Ang is so handsome."

"It's wet, it's unbearable."

"It's really embarrassing. I touched Ziang's husband's photo. It was the most exhilarating time."

"Zi Ang Zi Ang, I love you."

"I like Zhengtai, I like Xiaozhengtai, Ziang is Zhengtai, I am Xiaozhengtai, mine is mine, no one is allowed to snatch it."

"There are a lot of bad women upstairs, don't blaspheme my Zi'ang."

"I really like Ziang like this, he is more handsome than I imagined."

"I love Ziang so much."


The female fans screamed one after another, and the true face of Zi Ang, who had troubled everyone for more than half a year, was finally exposed and confirmed.

In the photos, there is a picture of him wearing a school uniform, a picture of him holding a basketball in a ball uniform, and a picture of him casually dressed...

In short, some are real and some are beautified, but without exception, they are all handsome and sunny.

It didn't take long for many netizens, especially female netizens, to overlap the Ziang in their imagination with the Ziang in this photo.

Female fans believe that there is simply no more perfect result than this.

He is neither handsome nor feminine, just so sunny and positive.

(End of this chapter)

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