The superstar is here

Chapter 181 The Ghost Believes Your Story

Chapter 181 The Ghost Believes Your Words

Seeing a group of singers come to support him, Chen Ziang was also taken aback. Fortunately, in his platinum contract, all the rewards belong to him, and the subscription share is [-]% to [-]%.

He seven, site three.

The price is that he has to write at least two books on Qichuang Chinese website, which means that the electronic version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" he plans to write after "Tianlongbabu" and "Tianlongbabu" must be published on Qichuang Chinese website. upload.

The Platinum Agreement is signed with a person's name and a pseudonym, not just a pseudonym.

That is to say, as long as he is not tearing his face, Chen Ziang can only upload the electronic versions of the next two books on Qichuang Chinese website without using other ID cards and pseudonyms.

Chen Ziang didn't care about this agreement either, it was a win-win situation anyway.

"Sister Weiwei." In the evening, Chen Ziang called Weiwei, and the other party cheered him up and rewarded him with 10 yuan, so he had to make a phone call to express his thanks.

"Teacher Zi'ang." Weiwei smiled happily over there, letting Chen Zi'ang take the initiative to contact her was a victory.

10 yuan, worth it!
"Thank you." Chen Ziang said.

"Be polite, as long as Teacher Zi'ang doesn't dislike me for being petty." Weiwei laughed.

There were two meanings in her words. One was that she hoped that Chen Ziang would not dislike her for not giving enough rewards, and the other was that the check she gave Liu Guoping for the song after she went back yesterday was only 30.

For a golden pen lyricist, just writing lyrics, the friendship price is 15 to [-] per song, depending on the friendship.

There are lyrics and music, and the friendship price is 15 yuan, which is really not much.

Liu Fei and Zhang Yahui didn't have any friendship with Chen Ziang, so they honestly paid 50 yuan for each song.

Liu Guoping had sent the money to Chen Ziang this afternoon.

Yesterday's six songs totaled 230 million.

"How come, sister Weiwei is so generous." Chen Ziang didn't dislike Weiwei's pettiness, and asked, "Where is sister Weiwei now?"

"I'm going back to Youzhou, and I'll arrive in the afternoon." Weiwei smiled.

Chen Ziang regretted: "Sister Weiwei ran too fast, I still want to have a drink with sister Weiwei tonight and chat about life."

"Really?" Weiwei was pleasantly surprised: "I'm actually still in Lin'an."

"Really!" Chen Ziang affirmed, "I treat you."

Weiwei seldom acted coquettishly and hummed: "Are you so sure that I have already returned to Youzhou?"

"No, no." Chen Ziang firmly denied.

Weiwei regretted, and said: "Feifei and Xiaoya are still in Lin'an, do you want to invite them?"

Chen Ziang quickly refused: "I'll just invite Sister Weiwei, if you don't invite me, let's see how nice I am to you, right?"

Weiwei had nothing to do with Chen Ziang.

After chatting with Weiwei for a few words, Chen Ziang hung up the phone.

He didn't have any contact information for other singers, so he couldn't express his gratitude, so he had to post a Weibo, and @all artists who had Weibo accounts and tipped him expressed his thanks in unison.

Not long after, Chen Ziang's cell phone rang again.

At first glance, it was an unfamiliar number, belonging to Youzhou.

Seeing the unfamiliar number from Youzhou, Chen Zi'ang was startled, worried that it was Guan's mother calling.

Hey, there is no way, who told me to steal her precious daughter secretly.

The longer Guan Tongtong and Chen Ziang dated, the more things they talked about.

Although Guan Tongtong might be an insider and didn't know it yet, Chen Ziang sensed that the Guan family really regarded her as the apple of their eye, and they talked with her early on to plan her future route.

This route is obviously for Guan Tongtong to develop into a future empress.

The Guan family didn't keep Guan Tongtong at home, but instead encouraged her to go out more, don't just go to various places for fun, pure tourism is not enough.

When she goes back, she has to make a report to the elders and complete their tasks and requirements.

When the phone's ringing was about to end, Chen Zi'ang had no choice but to answer it.

"Hello." He was very polite.

"Hello." A male voice came from over there: "Is this Teacher Zi'ang?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?" I rubbed, Chen Ziang heaved a sigh of relief, it wasn't Guan Mu.

"I'm Xu Ran. Do you still remember me, Teacher Zi'ang?" Xu Ran said with a smile. He thought Chen Zi'ang was really polite, civilized, and well-mannered.

But soon, Chen Ziang broke the impression: "Brother Xu? It's you! I know you even when you turn into ashes."

Xu Ran was in a cold sweat, and silently retracted the impression and evaluation of Chen Ziang in his heart just now.

He didn't know that Chen Ziang was full of resentment and frightened to death for a long time. It turned out that it was not Guan's mother's call.

"Hey, Teacher Ziang, I asked Liu Guoping for your number, but he refused to give it to me, but he pointed me to Weiwei, so I went to Weiwei, and finally got in touch with you." Xu Ran laughed.

Chen Ziang nodded secretly, Liu Guoping is really shrewd.

He knew that Weiwei had his number, and Liu Guoping could tell that after one invitation to a song, and the second invitation to a song, he was basically an old friend, but in order not to make Chen Ziang unhappy, he pushed the question to Weiwei.

Weiwei probably has a good relationship with Xu Ran, and she also knew that Xu Ran was supporting Chen Ziang together today, so it was reasonable to give her a number, so she gave it.

"Why bother, just come here if you want to find me." Chen Ziang said generously.

Xu Ran murmured in his heart: It's no wonder if you don't bother, the devil believes your words.

"That's okay, I'll really go to Lin'an in a few days." Xu Ran smiled.

"Come on, come on, spend more money in Lin'an and contribute to our Lin'an GDP." Chen Ziang said straightforwardly.

Xu Ran touched his face and said, "Well, Teacher Ziang, I have a concert in Youzhou tomorrow night, and I really want to go to Lin'an after that. I have a concert in Lin'an No. [-], right? Then What, I don't think Teacher Zi'ang is going to hibernate anymore, and I have nothing to do during the summer vacation, can you go to the stage and help me?"

Chen Ziang laughed, and said: "This kind of important matter needs to be discussed in person. We will talk about it when you come to Ann."

Xu Ran's eyes lit up, and there was something going on!

"Haha, yes yes yes, my concert is over tomorrow night, and I will leave for Lin'an in three days at the latest. Will Teacher Zi'ang be in Lin'an by then?" Xu Ran couldn't hide his excitement in his voice.

There is no appearance fee for inviting Chen Ziang to help out.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ziang did not refuse.

Although some singers don't need to invite guests to their concerts, there will be many artists who want to show their faces, but if the coffee position reaches a certain level, it is not something that you can invite if you want.

For example, Chen Ziang has never been on stage so far, and he is also a singer with a quasi-golden pen. This guy is more than a step above the king and queen in the music circle.

Maybe the audience wants to see the guests of the king and queen, but singers and record companies want talents like Chen Ziang.

"I must be here. I will leave my hometown soon and go to Youzhou to study. My mother won't let me go anywhere during the summer vacation." Chen Ziang said.

In fact, Shi Jia didn't restrict his freedom at all. Now that he wants to travel abroad, Shi Jia won't stop him.

On the contrary, she wants her son to go out more, because the son has not gone out to play all summer, just to make more money to develop QQ.

(ps: I will continue to work on the fourth update tomorrow and try my best to write more.

Can I ask for a subscription?I don’t even believe it when I say it, the subscription is dropped, it’s dropped...)
(End of this chapter)

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