The superstar is here

Chapter 189 The first confrontation

Chapter 189 The first confrontation
Next to the champion car.

Chen Ziang pressed the car key, and the door lock opened.

Dai Shuai hurriedly ran to the passenger door.

"You sit in the back." Chen Zi'ang, who was putting Guan Tongtong's small suitcase in the trunk, hurriedly stopped the acting commander.

Dai Shuai has a bitter face, brother, I don't want to sit in the back with Lin Siyan.

But thinking about Guan Tongtong being Chen Ziang's girlfriend, Guan Tongtong should really be sitting in the passenger seat, so he had to open the rear door.

"It's really hot in the car...Have you had lunch yet?" Chen Ziang sat in the driver's seat, turned on the air conditioner, and adjusted the power to the maximum, and then asked Guan Tongtong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, to fasten his seat belt.

"I ate something on the train." Guan Tongtong said holding the small backpack.

"Then go eat something first, and then go to the hotel." Chen Ziang took out a paper towel from the paper tube and wiped Guan Tongtong's sweat. It was hotter inside the car than outside.

Guan Tongtong enjoys Chen Ziang's care very much, and she has always taken care of her younger sister.

With Chen Ziang, she became the object of care, which gave her a sense of security.

Lin Siyan kept looking at Guan Tongtong in the back row.


She was startled.

Guan Tongtong!
Only now did she remember that Chen Ziang had introduced this peerless beauty in front of her, whose name was "Guan Tongtong".

Guan Tongtong came from Youzhou again.

Could it be the legendary jewel in the palm of the Guan family?
Lin Siyan couldn't believe it.

How could it be possible that the beloved jewel of the Guan family had a relationship with someone like Chen Ziang, and even got involved.

"Guan Tongtong? In the compound?" Lin Siyan asked tentatively.

Guan Tongtong turned her head, looked at Lin Siyan, and nodded: "In the compound."

Lin Siyan was surprised.

It's really that legendary girl.

Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai are a little confused, what is the meaning of "in the courtyard"?

"Lin Siyan is from Songjiang Mansion. You are all from the generation that organized Reagan Zhengmiaohong." Chen Ziang said to Guan Tongtong.

Lin Siyan's aura immediately ignited.

What happened to the legendary princess in the capital? My Lin family may not be able to climb to the top of the Forbidden City after seven, eight or ten years.

At that time, I will also be a princess.

Who is afraid of who?

At this time, Guan Tongtong looked back at Lin Siyan, and said something surprising: "Sister Lin, I have met your grandfather, he mentioned you to me, and even showed me your photo... I almost couldn't recognize you."

Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai immediately noticed that Lin Siyan's aura suddenly weakened.

Dai Shuai secretly laughed, it was strange to see that Lin Siyan's external photos were all deceptive, photoshopped, and there is no big difference from the real person, but it is not so difficult to recognize it after comparing it.

Lin Siyan wiped her sweat, feeling a little anxious.

The arrogance accumulated with great difficulty was scattered by Guan Tongtong.

The car starts.

Lin Siyan sat in the back, and after a long time, her momentum became stronger again.

She despised Guan Tongtong's gaze in her heart, why did she fall in love with an ordinary person like Chen Ziang.

Your eyesight is too poor, not as good as my Lin Siyan's.

Little girls are little girls after all, too easily deceived.

On the long road of life, let's see how I throw you a few blocks.

On the way, while eating, Guan Tongtong took the initiative to talk to Lin Siyan, but Lin Siyan didn't say a word.

Guan Tongtong didn't say any more.

When Guan Tongtong didn't talk to her very much, Lin Siyan was startled.

Still too young.

Whoever takes the initiative is not the weak side.

Look at yourself, it seems too petty.

Seeing that Guan Tongtong is generous, decent, and respectable, his bearing is really not comparable to his own.

When Lin Siyan wanted to take the initiative, it was already a thing of the past. At Guan Tongtong's suggestion, Chen Ziang first drove Lin Siyan to the hotel where she was staying.

Standing in front of the hotel, Lin Siyan was secretly annoyed as she looked at the number one scholar car leaving.

"Dai Shuai, I'll go back to sleep first, get up later and finish dinner before going to the concert together." Lin Siyan said to Dai Shuai beside her, intending to send him away immediately.

The Dai Shuai was depressed, let me tell you earlier, Chen Ziang and I took the car to the hotel that Guan Tongtong had booked, got off halfway and it was not far from my house.

"Okay, I'll leave when you finish the check-in formalities." Dai Shuai didn't leave immediately, Lin Siyan could play the young lady's temper, but he couldn't lose his gentlemanly demeanor.

Backstage at Xu Ran's concert in Lin'an.

Tonight is Xu Ran's second concert in three cities this year, and the concert in Youzhou was very successful.

The second match in Lin'an also got off to a good start, with all the tickets sold out.

A few hours before the opening of the evening concert, Xu Ran, who was still resting in the hotel, heard a knock on the door.

After Xu Ran went to open the door, he stood at the door with a look of astonishment.

The agent was standing outside the door with a camera boy, and the agent was holding a cone in his hand.

"Why didn't I realize that you like eating cones?" Xu Ran asked the manager and the camera guy to come in.

The agent walked in with a smile.

The room Xu Ran lives in is a suite with a living room and a room.

Holding the cone, the manager stood in front of the tea table and said to Xu Ran, "Xu Ran, come here and sit on the sofa."

At the same time, he also called the camera guy over.

Xu Ran was surprised: "What's the matter? I still brought the camera master." Although he was puzzled, he still sat down on the sofa.

The manager held the cone and waved it in front of Xu Ran.

Xu Ran covered his head. He was afraid of eating ice cream recently, and he would have a conditioned reflex when he saw the cone.

When he was preparing for the concert in Lai'an, the first thing he did was to visit Chen Ziang, and then he ate ice cream for more than an hour, until he doubted his life.

It took less time for Lin'an to eat ice cream for the second time than the first time, but it took almost half an hour.

That's what Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai ate when they came to rehearsal and got in touch with the band.

"Don't tell me to eat this cone." Xu Ran looked at the manager vigilantly, he planned to kill him this time and not eat it, anyway, Chen Ziang didn't let him eat it.

Even if Chen Ziang asked him to eat, he still resolutely resisted. If he didn't eat it, he wouldn't eat it, otherwise he would die.

"Really." The manager pulled up a chair and sat down at the coffee table opposite Xu Ran.

"No, today's concert, I can't eat indiscriminately." Xu Ran quickly refused.

The manager smiled and said, "Old Xu, have you forgotten what you said to the reporter in Youzhou?"

Xu Ran was at a loss: "What did I say?"

"Teacher Zi'ang will be on stage tonight," the manager reminded.

Xu Ran opened his mouth, remembering, with a bitter expression on his face.

The manager smiled and said, "Come on, just record a short video of eating 'microphone', put it on Weibo and make a hint of publicity."

Xu Ran smiled wryly: "Do they understand the stalk?"

The agent said indifferently: "It's fine if they don't understand you. You can't break your promise to the public. After eating a cone, everyone will have nothing to say about you. Otherwise, you have no credibility and no responsibility."

"Okay." Xu Ran sat down.

The camera guy immediately started recording with the camera on his shoulders.

Xu Ran said helplessly to the camera: "What I said, the water that was allocated, now I will broadcast the microphone live and fulfill my promise."

(End of this chapter)

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