The superstar is here

Chapter 19 Goodbye Summer

Chapter 19 Goodbye Summer
The three of them played until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and then they took a tour of the West Lake and the scenery by the West Lake.

The deputy marshal was as tired as a dog. He had no choice but to run up and down the whole way, and he was still the one who put in the most effort when rowing.

Guan Tongtong was in high spirits, playing like a child, and didn't feel tired at all.

"Ah~ kill me, I really can't walk anymore, why did you buy the house on the mountain." On the way home, Daishuai wanted to cry at the foot of the mountain without tears.

In fact, the mountains in the West Lake Scenic Area are not very high and not very steep, but Dai Shuai has been climbing for more than ten years, and he is really fed up.

Guan Tongtong taught him a lesson: "Look at how good Ziang's physique is. He never complains about suffering or being tired. You are the only one who has too many things to do. You should exercise more in the future."

The acting commander-in-chief had a hard time saying it, and the first-level official crushed people to death.

Chen Ziang didn't speak, and after spending a whole day together, he and Guan Tongtong were quite polite. Guan Tongtong called him "Classmate Ziang", and he also called her "Guan Tongtong".

Although they talked very happily, the two of them didn't make any effort to get closer.

Anyway, Chen Ziang knew that a girl like Guan Tongtong was not something he could climb high.

The old Chen Ziang was just as arrogant as the current Chen Ziang. If Gao Yi hadn't happened to save Dai Shuai's life, and after knowing Dai Shuai's family background, he wouldn't have such a good relationship with Dai Shuai.

One cannot be arrogant, but one cannot be without pride.

After finally climbing back to the gate of the villa area, Dai Shuai put down the bicycle directly and collapsed in the green belt on the side of the road.

"Oh, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I have money to make me suffer, this is it." Dai Shuai lay on the ground without a picture, he took in less air and gave out more.

Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong ignored him and said goodbye to each other.

"Go in, I'm going home too." Chen Ziang handed Guan Tongtong's bag to her, returned it to the original owner, and helped her carry it for a long time.

Guan Tongtong put on her bag, with a pure smile on her face, and said: "I will come after the college entrance examination. Before I come, remember to take some photos for me when the West Lake lotus is in full bloom. It must be very beautiful."

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "There are many pictures of lotus flowers in the West Lake on the Internet, but I don't have such good shooting skills. I think you have been shooting for a day today, and your shooting skills must be very good. It would be best if you come and take pictures in person."

Guan Tongtong's autumn eyes were like water, with big eyes fluttering, and said: "I will come again during the summer vacation, and I must come before the lotus curtain call. I still remember that you owe me a song and a poem."

Chen Ziang exuded an extremely strong self-confidence, and said: "You can come anyway, I am so poor that only poems and songs are left. I will give you a song and a poem every time you come, which is no worse than "Beautiful View of West Lake" and "Lotus of West Lake". "

Guan Tongtong smiled happily.

Dai Shuai was dumbfounded.

Brother, you performed exceptionally well today, let's accept it as soon as you see it, don't slap your face and pretend to be fat every time you see a beautiful woman.

The quality of the songs you wrote before... others don't know, how can I not know?

"Then let's put it this way, see you in summer." Guan Tongtong bid farewell to Chen Ziang, turned around and walked towards the gate of the community.

She knew that the Dai Shuai might have something to say to Chen Ziang, so she went ahead.

Chen Ziang silently looked at Guan Tongtong's background, the more he looked at it, the harder it was for him to look away.

A peerless beauty, compared to a mature woman, her innocence and youth are another kind of charm.

Maybe because the two girlfriends he talked about in the previous life were too feminine, Chen Ziang now finds that he seems to prefer young girls who are full of vigor, youth and beauty.

It's nice to be young!
Looking at Guan Tongtong who left, Chen Ziang sighed, her legs are really long and beautiful.

Suddenly there was an impulse in my heart, I wanted to stop her and stay a little longer.

After all, the next time we meet again, it may be half a year later, or even... we may never see each other again in a lifetime.

But he held back.


When Guan Tongtong was about to enter the door, she stopped, turned to look at Chen Ziang, and waved goodbye to Chen Ziang again.

Chen Ziang couldn't bear it anymore, he opened his mouth and shouted, "Guan Tongtong, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Guan Tongtong was curious and walked back.

Chen Ziang also went up to meet him, and when he got close, he asked, "Where are the notebook and pen?" As he spoke, he walked around behind Guan Tongtong.

Guan Tongtong looked bewildered, turned her head and subconsciously replied: "The second zipper."

Behind Guan Tongtong, Chen Ziang unzipped the second zipper of her backpack and took out a notebook and a pen.

"Don't move, wait." Chen Ziang opened the notebook, behind Guan Tongtong, used her backpack as a table mat, and wrote on it.

Guan Tongtong stood quietly, motionless.

Chen Ziang wrote seriously on her back.

Lying there, Dai Shuai's eyes rolled wildly, feeling that this scene is too loving.

Well, it might be more loving to switch men and women.

Terrible, he quickly took out his phone to take a picture.

After a while, Chen Ziang closed the notebook and put the notebook and pen back into Guan Tongtong's backpack.

"What did you write?" Guan Tongtong turned around and asked curiously.

Chen Ziang smiled and said, "You can read it when you get back, it's not a love letter anyway."

Guan Tongtong's pretty face flushed slightly, she was still a little girl with a thin skin.

"Then I'm going back." She walked towards the door again.

Chen Ziang waved: "See you in summer!"

After Guan Tongtong left, Dai Shuai got up from the ground.

"Zi Ang, look at you, don't tell me you want to fuck her, you're dying." He looked startled.

Chen Zi'ang didn't say a word, and just came up with two feet: "Your sister, please tell me the truth first, what you have blown me up to."

Dai Shuai smiled awkwardly, and said awkwardly: "Well, anyway, it's good to brag, and it doesn't cost money. Damn, I didn't know that she really came to Ann, and she even named you by name and said she wanted to see you. My parents really did, too. You actually asked me to bring you and accompany her around together. My God, you don't know that I wanted to die at the time."

Chen Ziang kicked off the bicycle stand, pushed it away, and threatened before leaving: "I'll settle the score with you when I get to school. I tried my best to make you panic today, and I'm exhausted."

Dai Shuai quickly apologized and said adoringly: "Brother, you really look good on me today. Besides, I think you have a really high hope of applying for the acting department. Shall we apply for the acting department?"

Chen Ziang glared at him: "What do you mean?"

On behalf of the family.

"Tongtong, are you back? How handsome is he? How are you doing today?" The surrogate mother has been at home today and is preparing to cook for herself.

Guan Tongtong greeted the surrogate mother, and said with a smile: "Shuai Shuai is still at the gate of the community, we had a great time today, that handsome classmate is really good, Shuai Shuai is not exaggerating."

The surrogate mother smiled and said, "It's good to have fun. Shuai Shuai doesn't have many friends. Chen Zi'ang is very nice. He is Shuai Shuai's first classmate who comes to play at home."

"Well, auntie, I'll go up and wash up first, and I'll cook for you when I get down later." Guan Tongtong went upstairs, she couldn't wait to see what Chen Ziang wrote in her notebook.

When playing today, he had already written that song and poem to her.

What is he writing this time?

(End of this chapter)

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