The superstar is here

Chapter 197 On the Road

Chapter 197 On the Road

On the Songjiangfu-Lin'an expressway, a one-million-level SUV slowly drove towards the Lin'an toll station on the expressway.

After paying the toll, the car accelerated into the urban area of ​​Lin'an.

There was a family of four in the car.

The man is driving. He is a middle-aged man with a fat body and a high hairline.

The person sitting in the passenger seat was a middle-aged woman, but she still looked very young, and her makeup made her look like she was just over thirty.

Judging by her facial features and facial contours, she must have been a stunning beauty when she was young.

It's just that the years have aged her face, and she is no longer young. If you look closely, it is easy to see the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes.

There are two young people sitting in the back row of the SUV, a man and a woman.

The female looks like a college student, while the male is relatively childish, probably still in middle school.

"Mom, don't you know what school my cousin was admitted to? Will he be admitted to our Songjiang Mansion?" The female college student in the back row was lying on the front seat, talking to the middle-aged woman in front.

"Mom, Cousin Zi'ang's family didn't go back to grandma's house for Chinese New Year last year. I haven't seen Cousin Zi'ang for almost two years." The boy in the back row also said.

This family came from Songjiang Mansion, Shi Jia's elder sister's family.

Shi Jia's elder sister, Shi Hui, is several years older than her. The sisters are similar in beauty, but their fates are very different.

Shi Hui has high vision and knows her own advantages, so she chose a rich second generation from Songjiang Mansion to marry.

Of course, this kind of rich second generation is only the rich second generation in the eyes of ordinary people, and their parents are only worth hundreds of millions.

In the eyes of Dai Shuai, such a rich second generation is not worthy of carrying his shoes.

The wealth controlled by his parents is in units of hundreds of billions.

On behalf of their family, there are several listed companies, and the most common one has a market value of tens of billions.

Although the wealth of Shi Hui's husband's family is nothing in the eyes of the Dai family, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already terrifying.

So comparing Shi Jia with Shi Hui, the Shi family is very unwilling.

Back then, Shi Jia was much better than her elder sister Shi Hui in terms of looks and ability, but she married Chen Feng, who was ordinary in appearance.

Chen Feng came from an ordinary family. Compared with Shi Hui's husband, Li's family, the Chen family is too bleak.

"Your aunt didn't say what university your cousin is going to go to, but she probably won't let your cousin go to Songjiang Mansion because of her love for her son. Your cousin should go to college in Lin'an." Shi Hui told the people in the back row The eldest daughter Li Yuqing said.

Shi Jia is famous for loving her son. From Shi Hui's point of view, this younger sister may feel that her life has been a complete failure, so she can only pin all her hopes on her son and let her son fight for her mother.

"My aunt is so kind to my cousin." Shi Hui's son Li Yangyang sat in the back row with an envious expression on his face.

Shi Hui turned her head and stared at her son Li Yangyang: "Does your mother treat you badly?"

Li Yangyang quickly waved his hands: "No, no, Mom is very good to me and my sister."

Li Yuqing suddenly said, "My cousin is going to university in Lin'an. Apart from Zhejiang University, there are not as many good universities in Lin'an as there are in Songjiang Prefecture."

"Don't worry about Zhejiang University, your cousin won't pass the exam." Shi Hui said lightly.

The ranking of Zhejiang University is not inferior to those famous universities in Songjiang Prefecture, the magical capital, and some majors are even stronger, and the comprehensive ranking sometimes surpasses those few national first-class universities in Songjiang Prefecture.

"Mom, I want to go to Zhejiang University next year." Li Yangyang said.

Shi Hui said with a smile: "You really have the ability to be admitted to Zhejiang University. Mom told you to go to other places to study here."

Li Yangyang was a little discouraged. Zhejiang University was also ranked very high. In recent years, it has steadily entered the top five in the country, and sometimes beats those established universities in Songjiang Prefecture.

Li Yuqing ran on her younger brother and said: "It's so ambitious, your old sister, I tried my best and couldn't pass the exam, so I can only continue to go to university under the nose of my mother in Songjiang Mansion. You should forget it, and we will give you a copy of the exam." You burn high incense."


In Lin'an City.

A car cuts through the traffic.

There was also a family of four sitting in the car, but both children were boys.

The current family planning in the country is that the first child is a girl, and couples can have another child.

But the first child is a boy, so you can't have it.

Again, it belongs to Chaosheng.

But there are so many people in the countryside. The first child is a boy, and there are still many people who want a second child.

If you are fined, you will be fined. If you can’t afford it, you don’t care.

"Do you know the way to West Lake Hotel?" A middle-aged woman in the passenger seat said to her husband who was driving.

The driver was Shi Jia's older brother Shi Zhong, who was also Chen Ziang's uncle.

Shi Zhong started out by opening a supermarket in his hometown town, and now he has paved roads in the county town and opened a medium-sized supermarket.

The family drove two hours to Lin'an.

"Why don't you recognize it?" Shi Zhong turned the steering wheel and continued to drive towards the destination.

In the car, the youngest son Shi Haoran asked, "Dad, what university did my cousin go to?"

The eldest son also pricked up his ears.

"How do I know? Your aunt didn't tell me." Shi Zhong said angrily.

His wife, Deng Xiulan, smiled and said, "I guess I didn't do very well in the exam. Even your aunts are embarrassed to say so."

"Ah?" Shi Haoran was surprised: "Is my cousin admitted to a junior college? I dare not tell you this."


At the same time, in a car coming from the other direction of the West Lake Hotel.

This is the car driven by Shi Jia's second brother's family.

inside the car.

"You two, in the future, you have to fight for Dad. Don't take the college entrance examination like your cousin Ziang. Just take a junior college entrance examination. Then I will lose face if I invite my eldest sister, second sister, and elder brother to attend the entrance examination feast. Well, take the entrance exam for your entrance examination. Just don't think about it. Just wait quietly and wait for the junior college." Shi Jia's second brother Shi Shan taught his children in the back seat while driving.

They also have two children, the older one is a boy and the younger one is a girl.

After hearing Shi Shan's words, a pair of children in the back row curled their lips.

"Dad, did Cousin Ziang really pass the college exam?" the younger daughter asked from behind.

Before Shi Shan answered, his wife laughed and said, "It's not a specialist, why didn't you say a word when you notified us? Obviously it's shameless to say... We'll ask after we go."

After his wife finished speaking, Shi Shan also said: "If you also take the college entrance examination, you will come home and raise pigs with me in the future."

The daughter hummed and said, "I don't know how to raise pigs in my hometown. I want to get into a good university and go out."

"I want to stay in my hometown and grow crops instead of raising pigs. Raising pigs is tiring and troublesome." Shi Shan's son looked disgusted.

Some fat-headed and big-eared Shi Shan scolded: "What's wrong with raising pigs? Pigs won't make me angry. If you are going to be worthless in the future, I might as well just raise pigs and pretend I haven't raised you."


After more than three hours' drive, Shi Hui's family finally drove to the place that Shi Jia had informed to host the banquet.

The venue is located at the West Lake Hotel in Lin'an.

"Wow, the hotel is so high-end." While the car was still looking for a parking space, Li Yangyang looked at the West Lake Hotel Building through the car window.

(End of this chapter)

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