The superstar is here

Chapter 21 You shouldn't play with your phone in class

Chapter 21 You shouldn't play with your phone in class
"Zi Ang, brother, tell me, what you wrote for Tong Tong, she is actually shy, it seems like she really likes it."

"Hey, brother, don't keep talking."

"Brother, please, I couldn't sleep for two nights, and I kept thinking about something you wrote."

"Damn, you are too mean, do you want to talk?"

"You are allowed to confess within ten seconds, otherwise I will tell Tongtong, when you are rowing, you will secretly stare at her long legs from behind, with those lewd eyes..."

"Brother, I was wrong, you tell me."

"elder brother……"

When he came back to school on New Year's day, the deputy commander pestered Chen Ziang early in the morning, asking for the contents of the words he wrote to her before Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong parted.

Chen Ziang doesn't buy anything, and doesn't take care of acting as the commander-in-chief.

"I said it was hers to write to her. She won't show you or tell you. It's useless if you ask me." In the end, Chen Ziang couldn't stand this annoying deskmate, so he could only speak out.

The Dai Shuai was so depressed, didn't he understand Guan Tongtong? Even if Chen Ziang drew a line in her notebook, she would still whet his appetite, and would never tell him, she would be so anxious to death.

"Brother, you know, I don't even dare to fart in front of her, how could I get anything out of her?" Dai Shuai was not reconciled, seeing Guan Tongtong like that, Chen Ziang must have written something extraordinary.

The more this happened, the more Dai Shuai wanted to know.

"By the way, I almost forgot." Chen Ziang put down his textbook and looked at the commander-in-chief seriously: "Let's settle the score now, you were adoring me with your family and Guan Tongtong, and you lied to me yesterday, I was almost ashamed Big hair, what do you think?"

"Cough." Dai Shuai sat upright and picked up the book: "We have to hurry up and read the book. The plan of a day starts in the morning, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Chen Ziang didn't really intend to settle accounts with the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief didn't make trouble, so he was happy and quiet, and started to read seriously.

However, Guan Tongtong's smile and frown always appeared in his mind from time to time.

There are beautiful people in the north, peerless and independent.

She is simply too beautiful.

The figure is super good, almost perfect to impeccable.

If I really want to be picky, it may be that I haven't fully matured yet, and I'm still a little green.

When she was playing that day, she said that she would apply for the Peking University in Youzhou for the college entrance examination, and Chen Ziang's face darkened for a while.

Because the acting commander-in-chief had boasted in front of his family and Guan Tongtong that Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong were top students at the same level.

Yu Wen didn't even dare to say that he would definitely pass the college entrance examination and would definitely be able to apply for Peking University, which shows how good Guan Tongtong's academic performance is.

Peking University and Tsinghua University in Youzhou have always been the two universities with the strongest comprehensive strength among the universities in the country, and they are also the ultimate school and palace in the minds of almost all students.

"I tried my best in my previous life, and I wasn't that good." Chen Ziang's ass hurts, the man's self-esteem makes him have to pay for the casual talk of the commander-in-chief, work hard, anyway, don't be too scumbag.

Yu Wen's notes are often borrowed, he must be serious in class, hurry up and concentrate on doing things...

Chen Ziang set a study plan for himself.

At noon, some day students go home for dinner, and boarding students go back to the dormitory to read and take a lunch break after eating in the cafeteria.

Chen Ziang didn't go home, so he dragged Dai Shuai to the cafeteria to eat, read in the classroom at noon, and took a nap on the table when he was sleepy.

In the afternoon, Chen Ziang suddenly remembered that "Swordsman" had already been signed, but he hadn't asked the editor for a contract.

During get out of class, he logged in to the Chinese website. Originally, he wanted to log in to the Jin Daxia account, but the writer assistant defaulted to log in to the previous Tudou account, which is the "Fights Break Sphere" account.

Once logged in, there will be a new notification in the mailbox.

Chen Ziang raised his eyebrows and opened the mailbox.

Yo heh.

"Fights Break Sphere" also came to sign the notice.

The signing editor is the same person as "Swordsman", Chen Ziang quickly used the QC online of the Chinese website to contact the signing editor.

"Hello, I would like to sign a contract for two books. One is "Swordsman", the author name is Jin Daxia; the other is "Fights Break the Sphere", the author name is Tudou." Chen Ziang passed his book when he came to work in the morning The sign-up editor of the friend request sends a message.

The signing editor sister paper over there looked at it and was stunned.

Double open tentacles?
So blatant.

If you play full attendance, you should also keep a low profile.

Double-open writers are not uncommon, and they are basically full-time.

However, it was the first time that the signing editor asked her to sign two book contracts at the same time, and it was like wholesale.

She got the signing book for the record earlier than Chen Ziang, knowing that there were indeed two books waiting to be signed, so she didn't say anything.

As a matter of business, she sent the electronic contract to Chen Ziang, in addition to the contract filling process step document.

Chen Ziang had signed a contract and had experience. He didn't even read the process documents and contract content, so he just found a place to fill it out.

"Why are you writing novels again?" Dai Shuai was so curious that Chen Zi'ang acted like no one was playing with his mobile phone by his side, so he spotted him and leaned over to take a look.

Anyway, if Chen Ziang felt that he couldn't watch it, he would definitely push him away.

But Chen Ziang didn't have it, so the commander-in-chief stared at it with peace of mind, and naturally saw the content.

"Don't disturb me, I have to hurry up." Chen Ziang kept his eyes on the phone.

Ten minutes between classes was not enough to sign the contract. When the class bell rang, Chen Ziang was still busy.

on the podium.

Chinese teacher Wei Jialong was giving a lecture, and found that Chen Ziang in the back row had been lowering his head, knowing that he was playing with his mobile phone without even thinking about it.But for poor students, the college entrance examination is only five months away, so give up what should be given up and let them go.

Wei Jialong didn't intend to pay any attention to it, but he became angry when he found that the two students in the Xueba District were not paying attention to the class and whispering to each other from time to time.

It's just that he didn't say anything, he took his dissatisfaction on Chen Ziang, and called him to answer questions.

Chen Ziang looked blank. After Wei Jialong repeated the question, he was very embarrassed. The language of this world is completely different from the language of my original world. Except for grammar, the text is completely different.

There's no way, it's only been a few days since he came here, and he hasn't fully focused on his studies, so he can't answer.

Wei Jialong endured it and told Chen Ziang to sit down.

But after Chen Ziang sat down, he continued to lower his head. Although the textbook blocked his view of the podium and he couldn't see the phone, he could tell he was playing with the phone from the look in his eyes.

While lecturing, Wei Jialong walked off the podium calmly.

Before the Dai Shuai had time to remind Chen Ziang, Wei Jialong took three steps and two steps, stepped forward with a few strides, reaching out and retracting with his big hands.

Chen Ziang was taken aback.

The phone in his hand is gone.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I was wrong." Chen Ziang stood up quickly.

Damn, luck is really bad, it was just a little bit short, the contract was signed, and just waiting for it to be printed out and mailed, he was about to quit and put away his mobile phone, and he was caught.

The whole class looked at Chen Ziang's side, and they dared not show their air, and they gloated.

Wei Jialong's temper is notoriously bad. Although he is not the head teacher, he complains to the head teacher every now and then, asking him to call his parents.

"What's wrong with you?" Wei Jialong's face sank like water. If it was his baby, he would have dropped the phone.

Chen Ziang bowed his head and sincerely admitted his mistake: "I shouldn't be playing with my mobile phone in class... Teacher, I will definitely not do it again next time."

(End of this chapter)

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