Chapter 35
"Hee hee, isn't it surprising? I didn't expect your first leader to be my mother. Well, I'm still your number one fan." Shi Jia was very proud. This surprise for her son made her feel very happy. A sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Chen Ziang ignored Shi Jia and quickly logged into the novel's homepage.

During this period of time, he did not read the novel's homepage at all, and at most logged in to the background to upload and save manuscripts, and publish them regularly.

Opening the homepage of the "Fights Break Sphere" novel, Chen Ziang looked at the fan list.

Chen Ziang was taken aback. This is the nickname of the first fan.

Is this my mother's number?
This nickname is too sharp, it makes him tender inside and outside.

Look at the fan name again, huh?Why is it not the leader of the alliance? It is a title of the leader of the hall.

Chen Ziang was about to turn back to find his mother, but Shi Jia's head had already moved aside.

"Why is this fan so uneducated." Shi Jia stared wide-eyed, very dissatisfied.

Chen Ziang realized that what his mother was talking about was probably not this book.

It's another book - "Swordsman".

"That's right, it's all nonsense." Chen Ziang was also speechless. It's too embarrassing that this fan is actually the number one fan.

It's better to push him out of the front page, why are other book friends so weak.

"Don't talk nonsense." Shi Jia twisted Chen Ziang's ear, but very lightly.

Chen Ziang hurriedly begged for mercy, even saying he didn't dare.

Shi Jia put down his ears, moved a stool, and sat aside to browse the web with him.

Chen Zi'ang found that the "Fights Break Sphere" book review area was quite lively, but most of them belonged to Cui Geng.

During this period of time, he changed every day, which almost ruined some people's popularity.

"Fights Break Sphere" has won the essence of fast food novels, and it makes people want to stop after reading it.

The hatred is so powerful, everyone always wants to watch it, to see how the protagonist slaps face and conquers.

But your uncle keeps updating.

Even the editor didn't have a good recommendation because of his lack of updates, just ordinary tweets.

Because it is a rookie, this book is really not as powerful as the rookie king, and the data is much worse.

But it's still awesome, only tens of thousands of words have been updated, and there are hundreds of comments.

Click, recommend, bookmark, it is the third in the list of newcomers and new books.

Needless to say, the first and second are brushed up.

As long as the brush is reasonable, the website can't help it.

In addition, Chen Zi'ang also discovered that many of the posts in the book review area were left by netizens who were found through the class video on the Internet.

Some even stayed because of this, because they liked reading this book.

Some posts are still arguing or chatting.

"What the hell, what video on the Internet is related to the author, right?"

"That video on the Internet is so popular, you don't know?"

"I don't have so much time, I need to know all the big things."

"I'm sick, in that video, it is said that the protagonist wrote this novel, and there is another one. I don't like to read that one, but I like to read this one."

"What kind of video, it's not the author's advertisement."

"Oh my god, advertisements are everywhere now, and there is something new in advertising. The author is so awesome."

"What a ghost, how could that kind of video be an advertising video? I heard that the main character and the person who took the video were both punished by the school. The news is out."

"Karma? The author is a senior or a student?"

"College student or middle school student?"

"Don't tell me I'm still a primary school student."

"Don't insult the online article upstairs, the author is a middle school student, and the news said that he is a senior in high school."

"It's the third year of high school, no wonder the update is so slow."


The book review area is very lively, much more lively than No. 2 on the list of newcomers and new books.

With such a comparison, old whites can tell at a glance which book is brushed and which book is hard power.

Chen Ziang didn't reply one by one, and explained in the upcoming chapter that he will be on winter vacation soon, and the number of updates will increase.

Then he went to the "Swordsman" homepage.

The data of "Swordsman" is much worse than that of "Fights Break Sphere".

But even so, it is still the first newcomer's new book on the Wuxia Channel, and the top ten newcomer's new book list does not even make it in.

Martial arts is indeed too unpopular.

If Lin Pingzhi's tens of thousands of words of plot hadn't been cut off, it would have been even worse now.

In today's fast food novels on the Internet, Chapter 1 without a protagonist is an unbearable poison, let alone tens of thousands of words.

However, the readers who were the first to follow are still worried, worried that Jin Daxia will change the protagonist again on a whim.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to post, explaining that it was just an overhaul and the main character was originally Linghu Chong.

The reader vomits blood, he is indeed a newcomer, Xiaobai, who can't even understand the gist of online articles.

But now everyone looks at it and thinks it's really okay.

It doesn't have the essentials of online writing, but at least it's refreshing, and the writing style is particularly martial arts.

What martial arts fans like most is the taste of martial arts. This is the biggest highlight. Martial arts fans like green hats can accept it. Unlike Xiaobai's works, readers' cleanliness is beyond imagination. When the heroine is kissed by a man other than the protagonist, they will be furious. , More than [-]% will definitely abandon the book.

If it's a green hat... let alone, it's absolutely unbearable, and I won't stop until I scold the author.

"Jiangnan little first lady?" Chen Ziang was the number one fan of "Swordsman", and his nickname was this.

Shi Jia looked at the fan list with a smile, and she was Jiangnan Xiaochuniang.

"Are you happy?" Shi Jia proudly flaunted: "The number one fan is your mother and me."

Chen Ziang had a black thread: "Mom, can you not be so prodigal, 1000 yuan."

Shi Jia said indifferently: "That's the money for my baby, and I can't lose it. I plan to make a silver alliance."

Chen Ziang panicked: "Don't, Mom, don't you know the rules?"

"What rules?" Shi Jia asked curiously.

Chen Ziang covered his forehead and explained: "The website will share half of the reward money you give me. In addition, if the manuscript fee exceeds 800, the country will also collect taxes when it is distributed to the author."

Shi Jia was taken aback: "With so many points, is the starting tax so low? You can start paying taxes at 800?"

"So don't be a prodigal." Chen Ziang urged.

Shi Jia was very upset. He thought he would surprise his son, but he didn't expect the price of the surprise to be a bit high.

The son must feel sorry for the 500 yuan, and there are not many surprises in his heart.

"Don't call me a prodigal." The son was not surprised, and Shi Jia was not in a high mood, feeling a little aggrieved.

Chen Ziang quickly comforted him: "Where is it? It's only 500 yuan. I'll write more, and I can earn it back later."

Even though he said that, Chen Ziang knew that the current novel hadn't been released yet, it wasn't popular yet, and there was no manuscript fee.

It takes time, it takes words.

In general, it is thick and thin.

Thinking of this, Chen Ziang's eyes suddenly brightened.

How to accumulate thickly is also very important.

With no nobles and no opportunities, he thought of another way to work hard, accumulate, and show himself by himself.

 Please click!Please recommend!Ask for collection!

  Now the top ten new books can’t get into the category. This data is the same as the previous book. There is only one mosquito leg recommendation, and then streaking to the rhythm of the shelves.

  Everyone, work harder, there are only four days of new book period, break into the top ten plus one update.


(End of this chapter)

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