The superstar is here

Chapter 37 Poems and the Distance

Chapter 37 Poems and the Distance
After explaining to Liu Yuneng about the recording of the video, Chen Ziang turned around and went back to study carefully in the morning.

You can't neglect your studies, and you can't live up to the expectations of your parents and teachers.

At the end of the morning reading, while doing exercises between classes, Chen Ziang found a boy in the class.

Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed to find this boy, he mainly valued the other person's appearance.

It just looks quite willful, as the saying goes, it is ugly.

"Zhitong, I want to discuss something with you." Chen Ziang pulled Zhitong aside: "I'll give you a chance to become a star, do you want it?"

Zhitong squinted at Chen Ziang, obviously looking like I didn't believe it. How did Ziang learn to fool people, and his level of fooling is not very good.

Chen Ziang was a little injured, but he was still very happy.

This guy is ugly, and he looks like I am number one in the world. He deserves to be beaten.

What Chen Ziang valued the most was that he was so ugly that it made people feel distressed.

In the eyes of many people, they think that this kind of person should live a miserable life, which is too pitiful.

In fact, Zhitong students are happy every day.

In him, everyone saw a lot of positive energy.

Such a classmate can be so happy, why can't I?
"Believe it or not, the people in the video recorded by Da Neng are all stars now." Chen Ziang said cheekily.

Zhitong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and exposed Chen Ziang's lie: "Dai Shuai is famous, right? Who remembers other netizens? Also, Zi Ang, although you are the main character, you are only behind the scenes, and your popularity may not be higher than that of Dai Shuai." .Aren’t you unconvinced and want to make another video to try to become popular as a handsome man?”

Chen Ziang has a black hair. Why is this kid thinking so strangely? No wonder he looks happy every day. I really admire him.

But Dai Shuai is indeed a bit famous. In the camera, he is still as handsome as ever, and some female netizens like it very much.

"In a word, do you want to be in the mirror first?" Chen Ziang stopped talking nonsense with him.

"Think!" Zhitong agreed very quickly.

Chen Ziang was dumbfounded.


The first get out of class in the afternoon is over.

After the teacher left, Chen Ziang quickly stepped onto the podium.

In fact, during the morning and noon preparations, most of the students in the class knew that Chen Ziang was going to do a new trick—recording a video.

However, everyone doesn't know what kind of video Chen Ziang will record.

As soon as Chen Ziang came to the podium, some students were interested and took out their mobile phones to record a video.

Liu Yuneng had already run to the front, and the phone he was holding belonged to Daishuai, because this guy's phone had the highest resolution.

Looking at the audience, Chen Ziang was not stage frightened. After all, the struggles of the past few years were not in vain.

"Anyone who wants to go to the bathroom can go there. Please don't walk around and talk casually when the video is recorded," Chen Ziang said.

Immediately, a few students lazily got up and left, not interested.

Chen Ziang didn't care, instead, he gave a few approving glances to the students who were sitting on the table casually, which had the best effect.

In fact, when Chen Ziang stopped there, some students were shocked.

There is aura, very professional.

His kind of swaying freely is something that ordinary students can't do anyway.

That's the benefit of experience.

In his previous life, Chen Ziang wanted to get involved in the music industry. His girlfriend, who was a singer, gave her full support and invited him to be a guest at her concert to sing.

With an audience of [-] to [-], Chen Ziang has experienced this kind of scene before, and now this is really a small case.

The acting commander-in-chief in the audience was also taken aback when he saw Chen Ziang's aura. His best friend looked very powerful.

The students were a little curious, what kind of video would Chen Ziang record?

When it was time to leave the classroom, Chen Ziang put on the glasses he borrowed from his classmates.

Chen Ziang has a relatively small face, but the pair of glasses he borrowed were worn by a classmate with a relatively large face.

So this pair of glasses is extra large, and they are placed on the bridge of Chen Ziang's nose, which looks a little exaggerated and amused.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Chen Ziang was very satisfied. It would be embarrassing if he was classified as someone like Wei Gunpowder and told jokes on this platform.

Fortunately, in the impression of his classmates, he is only relatively stable, and he is usually easy-going, talking and laughing with his classmates.

Wang Jing was a little displeased. Chen Ziang's final exam results this time made her look a little sideways, but that's all.

Seeing Chen Ziang making such a fuss, she felt that he still wanted to get her attention.

On the stage, Chen Zi'ang gestured to Liu Yuneng, indicating that the recording could start.

Then, Chen Ziang looked ahead, with a smile on his face, and said: "There is a popular saying now. Many people like to talk about this sentence, saying that they want to escape from Yousongyang. Go to the pastoral, to find poetry and distant places."

"Yousongyang" is the abbreviation of China's three first-tier cities, namely Youzhou, Songjiangfu and Yangcheng.

"Friends, he comes from far away." Speaking of this, Chen Ziang suddenly looked at Zhitong students in the audience, and Liu Yuneng's cell phone camera also swung over in time, and landed on Zhitong students.


The students in the audience were stunned for a moment, and then all laughed.

Zhitong was also confused at the beginning. He knew that he might be in the mirror, but he didn't know how Chen Ziang arranged to get in.

Now, he finally knows.

By the time he came to his senses, Liu Yuneng had already shown the camera to the whole class.

Especially those students who laughed wildly were given special care by Liu Yuneng.

If it weren't for the luck at noon to watch Chen Ziang rehearse at a corner of the campus, Liu Yu's current video recording would definitely be greatly affected, and the recording might fail.

Dai Shuai leaned forward and backward with a smile, and took the lead in applauding.

He wanted to watch Chen Ziang's rehearsal at noon, but Chen Ziang refused.

What you want is freshness, what you want is this effect.

The effect of watching the first time and watching the second time is not the same.

"Poetry and the distance are enough." Chen Ziang said with a smile: "I am an Inner Mongolian, I really have had enough. Many people are envious, saying how good the Inner Mongolians are, the prairie, and the starry sky are so beautiful."

His facial expression and tone of voice matched extremely well, and the students laughed again.

"Look at the picture, it's very beautiful. Do you know how many mosquitoes there are under the starry sky?" Speaking of this, Chen Ziang paused, with a malicious smile on his face.



The students couldn't help laughing again.

"The mosquitoes there are about the size of my finger. I'm not exaggerating, the grassland is really that big." Chen Ziang gestured seriously.

The students laughed.

"There are no toilets on the grassland where we live, and we can only use it on the grassland since we were young." Chen Ziang began to complain.

The students imagined the scene and couldn't help laughing again.

There are gloating, some snickering, and some embarrassment...

"It's convenient on the grassland. We have developed a habit since we were young. When you are squatting, you can't squat steadily. You have to shake regularly." Chen Ziang said while shaking his body: "This way the mosquitoes won't down on you."

"Ha ha……"


The students all burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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