The superstar is here

Chapter 403 In the past, carriages and horses were very slow, letters were far away, and a lifetime

Chapter 403 In the past, carriages and horses were slow, letters were far away, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime (third update)

In the house rented by Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong.

On weekends, Guan Tongtong and her younger sister Kuan Dandan came to live here instead of staying at their own home or with their grandparents.

National Day holiday, not to mention.

The weekend before when Chen Ziang went to record a show, the two sisters came to live. Now that he is in Youzhou, there is no reason not to come.

The three live together, and their favorite thing to do is to buy vegetables and cook together, and then sit on the sofa in the living room to watch TV and chat after eating.

They read books and do homework together around the desk in the study. Life is beautiful.

At this moment, the three of them had just finished watching the first episode of "Supercar".

"Zi Ang, when you recorded it, it wasn't that exciting, but it looks so good after you cut it out." Kuan Dandan thought it was amazing.

Guan Tongtong also felt a little unbelievable.

At the time of recording the first episode, the sisters and Guan Tianyu watched almost the whole process.

When watching, they still feel a little bored.

But after cutting it out, I feel that there are bright spots everywhere, which is very exciting.

"The recording took three and a half days. The total recording time of the eight guests was nearly 100 minutes, and the excerpt was less than [-] minutes." Chen Ziang said that the staff behind the scenes worked very hard.

"So much?" Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan were both surprised.

"Every industry is not easy. How about one minute on stage and ten years off stage?" Chen Ziang said with a smile.

"I used to want to be a star, but after I saw you recording the show, I didn't want to." Kuan Dandan said, "I have a meal and record it, there are dozens of people outside the camera, so many people are watching me eating, I feel so awkward. "

"Of course, actors are acting. As the saying goes, they are pretending. If you don't like this industry, you can't do it." Chen Ziang said: "Look at Li Qiuting, she is very beautiful in front of the camera. It has only been less than ten years. She I am starting to get tired and bored, and I no longer desperately take on scenes, and want to half-retire behind the scenes."

"It's just that it feels bad to let other people direct and direct like a child, and can only obey." Kuan Dandan doesn't like being a star very much now.

The three of them were chatting, and Chen Ziang kept replying to messages on QQ.

There are a lot of people looking for him.

"Super Run" has just finished broadcasting, and all the friends who saw it sent messages of congratulations.

When the ratings come out tomorrow, if the data is good, there will be more people.

Xu Jiahui took advantage of the National Day holiday to run in other places to make announcements, and also sent a message to Chen Ziang. She was straightforward: "Big Demon King, I want to be on "Super Run."

Xu Jiahui is the number one general of Boyu Entertainment, the first artist signed, Chen Ziang's feelings for her are a little different.

Those who are loved have nothing to fear.

"Haha, there is a share, everyone has a share. The artists in our company must all have a share in the last issue, and the singers are not left behind." Chen Ziang replied, very pleased, at least everyone around him thinks "Super Run" is good.

If there is an officially certified ratings, it will be another phenomenal program.

Boyu was among the entertainers.

It's not easy for Jiang Yifeng, Su Yimi and others to contact Chen Ziang directly, and they are all in the group @新入团的宁颖和陈西.

"Yingying, your show is so good."

"Chenxi, take me to fly."

Ning Ying and Chen Xi soon showed up.

"Behind the pretty ones are tears of bitterness." Ning Ying sent a message.

Chen Xi also sent a message: "Ask the boss to take you flying, let's play together."

Chen Ziang appeared and sent a message: "We all have a share, go to Brother Fang for the record, and coordinate the schedule. There are at least six episodes to come. If the ratings are good, there will be twelve episodes this season."

There are not many invited guests in the early stage, one in the first period, three in the second period, four in the third period, and four in the fourth period. If there is a need later, you can invite seven guests in each period. I want to arrange my own artists to appear on the show , very easy.


The message sent by Chen Ziang made the singers scream.

"Shall I go too?" Xu Ran asked in the group.

"Go ahead, take a walk in another way, it's fun." Li Qiuting spoke.

"That's fine." Xu Ran sent a message, Aite Wang Yu: "Are you going?"

Everyone in the group made expressions such as laughing or foolishly.

Wang Yu came out of the system, loves music, and is a pure musician.

Normally, Wang Yu would dive into the water without talking nonsense, but today she appeared uncharacteristically, "I'm not suitable for this kind of program, am I?"

Everyone became interested immediately.

Wang Yu may have also watched this episode and was moved, otherwise he would not have asked such a question.

"It's in the form of recording, and it's also playing games. Just relax and play with the regular guests." Chen Ziang sent a message: "The fourth episode has been recorded. Watch Chen Xi and Ning Ying, old fritters."

Chen Xi immediately stated: "Sister Yu, come to "Super Run", and I will take you flying."

Ning Ying also spoke: "Sister Yu, here we form an alliance."

The "Super Run" program is grouped with men and women, and female guests are usually scarce, so it is impossible to have female guests in a group.

"Okay, then I'll play the first episode." Wang Yu sent a message.

"Haha, Sister Yu is going out, one is worth two."

"Long live Sister Yu!"

"Which issue will Sister Yu be on, I want to be together too."

The group cheered happily. Although Wang Yu came out of the system, his mind was on music, and most of the activities he participated in were related to public welfare.

Probably because I felt that I didn't make any money for the company, so I had to express my thoughts.

The main reason is that she knows that this is a program of her own company, so she doesn't have so much trouble.

If it is someone else's, they may not respect the guests very much. For the sake of the program effect, regardless of whether the guests are willing or not, they will always forcibly distort the wishes of the guests.

Everyone chatted very late before going offline one after another.

And tonight, many people can't sleep.

Like Niu Wanli, like Lu Jingjing...

Even the "Supercar" guests had trouble falling asleep.

Because tomorrow morning, the ratings of "Supercar" will arrive as scheduled.

The quality of the program does not represent the ratings.

The smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. In the era of information explosion, there are too many choices.

In the past, horses and horses were slow, letters were far away, and there was only enough love for one person in a lifetime.

At that time, the circle of people was very small, and there were not many choices.

Now, with convenient transportation, various contact methods, high-speed planes and high-speed rails, I can go to many places and meet many people in my life.

Here comes the temptation.

Seriously, it is not that the ancients were more loyal and dedicated than the moderns.

It's just that the circle of the ancients was too small, and they were less tempted.

Seeing too much of the outside world and people and things, people will have comparisons.

As soon as there is a comparison, harm will come.


"Super Run" aired the next morning.

All David TVs, especially the staff who had their own program yesterday, are looking forward to it.

The ratings are the highest affirmation of their work, and there is no one who doesn't care about the ratings.

Even if my show is as bad as ever, I still hope that there will be a sudden surprise in a certain episode, exceeding the target task, or even making a small hit.

King Lanling of Sujiang Satellite TV is more anxious than anyone else to wait for the ratings.

He gambled heavily on Bo Yu's production. The quality of the program is just like the word-of-mouth of the movie. It is secondary, and the ratings and box office are everything.

(ps: 2018 is here, I wish you all a new year: spring is as beautiful as a flower, summer is as cool as water, autumn is as ripe as a fruit, and winter is as warm as a stove. 24 solar terms, happy festivals; [-] The month is safe and sound.

Cough, please subscribe again at the third watch.

Some recommended tickets and monthly tickets are also given.

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(End of this chapter)

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