The superstar is here

Chapter 415 In the future, I will take you on the most glorious stage in the world

Chapter 415 In the future, I will take you on the most glorious stage in the world

"What about the new show? I was attracted by your New Year's show, and I wouldn't have a long vacation at that time." Fang Xudong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Look, you are not willing to let you have a holiday, so don't say that I am harsh to you in the future."


Vienna, located on the banks of the Danube, is the capital of Austria and a major cultural center in Europe, known as the "Music Capital of the World".

As the top singer in China, Wang Yin came here to hold a concert this year.

As her only student, Chen Ziang naturally followed.

In the world's folk music circles, Chen Zi'ang is not well-known. He is not here to support the scene, but to increase his knowledge and gild himself.

This is Wang Yin's request, and he can't do it if he doesn't come.

Wang Yin's concert venue is in the Golden Hall in Vienna.

After the rehearsal was over, Chen Ziang stood outside the building with a heavy heart.

Wang Yin seems to be well-known all over the world in China, but after coming here, Chen Ziang found out.

That was not the case at all. Wang Yin told him that not many foreigners bought tickets.

Seventy percent of the audiences were overseas Chinese, and more than [-] percent of the foreign audiences were attracted by tickets sent out through local channels.

Then, the remaining foreign audiences who are less than [-]% are the real foreign audiences.

"It is enough to bring the culture and atmosphere of my hometown to overseas compatriots." Standing behind Chen Ziang, Wang Yin knew why he had been silent.

Chen Ziang didn't speak.

Wang Yin smiled lightly and said, "The Golden Hall in Vienna is not as high-end as Chinese people imagined. It's just a schedule three years ago, so I have to come this year." She smiled a little sadly.

Thirty years ago, CCTV broadcast the "Vienna New Year's Concert" for the first time. The magnificent hall and the "tall" symphony orchestra performed, so that the Chinese people who hadn't seen the world at that time remembered the name "Golden Hall" instantly .Consider this hall synonymous with the Temple of Music.

but it is not the truth.

The Golden Hall has a history of more than 150 years.But in Vienna, where there are many ancient buildings, it is actually not eye-catching, and it is not an independent building as expected by Chinese people, but just one of the many concert halls in the building of the Vienna Music Friends Association.

There are 6 concert halls in the Vienna Friends of Music Association building, namely Brahms Hall, Wooden Hall, Glass Hall, Metal Hall, Stone Hall and Golden Hall.There is no difference between these 6 halls.

Since more than 50 years ago, with the intervention of TV stations, the Golden Hall invites a world-renowned orchestra in Vienna to hold a New Year's concert here every year, and begins broadcasting to the world.As a result, it gradually became famous here.

Thirty years ago, CCTV broadcast the "Vienna New Year's Concert" for the first time, and the Golden Hall became a household name in mainland China instantly, and even became a temple of music in the hearts of many people in the industry.

But in the minds of the locals in Vienna, the Golden Hall is just one of the many performance venues in the city where you can enjoy music. Just like the Zhongshan Concert Hall in Youzhou, there is no essential difference except for the number of seats and the location.

Even among the many Baroque buildings in Vienna, it is difficult to find this place without a guide.

The Golden Hall is hidden in a small street. From the outside, it is impossible to see that there is a theater inside, and in Austria, it is rare to see billboards using the Golden Hall as a promotional sign.

On the official website of the Association of Friends of Music in Vienna, you can browse information about various performances held by the concert halls under the jurisdiction of the association, and you can also purchase tickets directly.

There are basically no performers or performance groups from China in these performance information.

There are roughly three operating methods of the Golden Hall: the first is the group invited by the Vienna Music Friends Association to perform in the Golden Hall, and the theater will pay the performance fee, which represents the affirmation of the performance of the group. It belongs to this method; the second is the group that performs in theaters according to the contract. Musical group.

The Vienna Music Friends Association has not invited any Chinese artist or art group to perform in the Golden Hall.In other words, Chinese groups basically pay their own rent for their performances in the Golden Hall.To put it more bluntly, as long as you can afford the venue rent, "singing the golden hall" is not a difficult task.

It doesn't cost much to sing the golden hall once.

From September to June of the next year is the performance season.During this period, the Vienna Music Friends Association will invite many high-quality groups to perform in the Golden Hall or other concert halls. The world's top orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, and Dresden State Symphony Orchestra often receive invite.

During the performance season, the procedures for entering the Golden Hall are very cumbersome. Not only does it require an invitation letter, but sometimes the performances are very popular, and it is necessary to arrange the stalls 3 years in advance.Of course, the Golden Hall will also be rented out during some free periods during the performance season.

However, in the non-performance season outside of this period, the Golden Hall has become the most common, rentable performance venue.

The rental fee is about 25 RMB.After paying the rent, as long as the building is not demolished, you can do whatever you want in it.

The Golden Hall can host more than 800 performances every year, but this figure does not represent the status of the Golden Hall, it only shows that it is not difficult to rent it.

In Vienna, the capital of music, appreciating music is indeed a living habit of the locals, but their favorite is still traditional Western music such as opera and symphony.Performing groups from China would have been a novelty to them more than ten years ago, but now that the Golden Hall has become a tourist attraction for Chinese people, it is already difficult for foreigners to enter the venue on their own initiative.

According to the operating regulations of the Vienna Music Friends Association, all ticket sales for non-performance season performances are "borne by the lessee".Except for self-entertaining groups such as seniors and students, the rest of the formal groups from China, the basic ticket price for performances in the Golden Hall is more than ten euros (about 90-150 yuan).Compared with the tickets that cost hundreds of euros during the performance season, although the performance tickets of Chinese groups are cheap, they still face the dilemma that no one cares about them, so they can only rely on free gifts.There are many ways to give tickets, embassies, Chinese restaurants, travel agencies
In the past two years, Chinese restaurants and hot pot restaurants will take the initiative to give performance tickets to people who go to eat, and they basically go to the Golden Hall.But later this kind of performance was so frequent that even the chefs of Chinese restaurants were afraid and did not want to join in the show.

Before the performance of traditional Chinese music in Vienna, there were still people who liked it. For Chinese born in Austria, who had no chance to get in touch with Chinese culture, listening to some Chinese folk music became a kind of learning.But for the locals in Austria, what reason do they have to listen to the performance of the Chinese Orchestra?

In the beginning, some Austrian locals would go to Chinese performances with a fresh and curious attitude, but they would only choose some people with international reputation.However, as Chinese performers in Vienna gradually become a pan-tourism industry with varying levels, locals are less likely to go to the performances of Chinese groups.

A year ago, a Chinese folk singer's performance in the Golden Hall not only brought a media group of 40 people from China, but also caused quite a stir in the local Chinese circle.But even if a high-level person like the Queen of Folk Songs sings in the Golden Hall, it is inevitable to rely on free tickets to fill the venue.It’s just that the way of gifting tickets has been upgraded. It’s no longer sporadic distribution by Chinese restaurants and travel agencies. Instead, the domestic Ministry of Culture greets many large companies and even local government agencies directly. What is the proportion of the big nose?" There will also be a standard.

The Golden Hall symbolizes the supreme hall of honor in the music industry in the hearts of Chinese people, but in the hearts of the locals, the Golden Hall is at best an upper-middle performance venue.What's even more ridiculous is that the original design structure of the golden hall is actually not suitable for singing.

If you really want to give the Golden Hall a place, it is a performance venue. The most authoritative performance venue in Vienna should be the Vienna State Opera House. It is not only one of the four major opera houses in the world, but also a public place that enjoys state financial appropriation , so there is no need to consider relying on rental venues to maintain operations like the Golden Hall.

As a concert hall, the Golden Hall actually has a very sophisticated design.

More than 100 years ago, when the architect built the golden hall, he conducted a painstaking study on resonance and sound transmission. He not only hollowed out a space under the wooden floor of the high platform, but also carefully calculated the division of the upstairs boxes and the arrangement of the goddess columns on the wall, and Building materials that prevent static electricity are used on the ceiling and walls.Although the golden hall looks like a shoebox, the acoustic and architectural design is very careful, so that the audience can enjoy the same sound quality no matter where they sit in the hall.

Although the design is elegant, such a design is specially prepared for symphony performances. The speaker structure in the golden hall is completely prepared for classical music and is not suitable for singing.

The Golden Hall is not tall at all, and it is not suitable for singing. Why are Chinese groups and individuals so keen to sing the Golden Hall?This also goes back to 20 years ago when the Chinese National Orchestra made its debut in the Golden Hall.After returning to China, they immediately changed from a "diaosi group" that couldn't pay their wages to an ethnic group with an appearance fee of 20 yuan.

"Going to Vienna's Golden Hall is nothing more than wanting to be popular." Wang Yin said to Chen Ziang: "The Vienna New Year's Concert is too famous. Many performers come to Vienna's Golden Hall for fame, and the artistic level is uneven. Now the Golden Hall has a bad reputation. That’s right, my schedule three years ago is now like this, there are not many foreign audiences. I can’t be ranked at the opera house, and I don’t have that status.”

Chen Ziang put his arms around the teacher's shoulders, laughed and said, "Teacher, you wait for me. In the future, I will take you to the most glorious stage in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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