The superstar is here

Chapter 420 I'm Acting Every Day

Chapter 420 I'm Acting Every Day

In the third issue of "Super Run", Zhang Baoying focused on it. She mainly wanted to see how Chen Ziang faced the camera and how he behaved.

In the early days of the reality show, it emphasized real-time live broadcast, no script, not role-playing, and it was a TV program that claimed to reflect 100% reality.It caters to ordinary people's desire for knowledge, curiosity, gossip, and peeping at other people's privacy.

But up to now, the so-called truth has been distorted, and most of it is classified as "acting".

The novice viewers thought that the actors in the show were all real and genuine.

But Lao Bai knows that before the actors arrive, the crew has already prepared the characters and scripts for the actors according to the program design.

Although the script is far less detailed than the scripts and characters of TV dramas and movies, it still cannot be separated from the outline and purpose.

If you want to play it, you can play it however you want, you can't play it off, it will ruin the whole show.

Chen Ziang is neither eye-catching nor bleak in "Super Run", but people in the circle will find out after careful study that he does not look like a reality show debut at all.

Strictly speaking, "The Masked Singer" is not a reality show, but a music show, which is very different from a reality show.

Especially compared with outdoor reality shows like "Supercar", the guests of "The Masked Singer" have too much freedom to play.

Chen Ziang performed without any trace, and Zhang Baoying was secretly relieved by his calmness and calmness in front of the camera.

Some people are geniuses.

Zhao Kuo is a war on paper, but a sinner through the ages on the battlefield.

Zhuge Liang had no actual combat experience, so he set fire to Bowangpo as soon as he came out of the mountain, pretending to be aggressive.

After watching Chen Ziang's first show, Zhang Baoying called Li Longji: "Old Li."

"Yingying, what's the matter?" Li Longji is still preparing for the crew of "Swordsman", the full cast of actors has not yet been determined, he is very busy.

"Zi Ang joined the reality show, did you know?" Zhang Baoying asked.

Li Longji was overjoyed: "Let him go out to practice?"

Li Longji and many people from Tianshui Film and Television were particularly troubled by the fact that Chen Ziang participated in "Swordsman", and many people were really worried.

Chen Ziang didn't have any acting experience, so the producer couldn't send someone with no acting experience to play such an important role.

There used to be a producer who stuffed the crew with someone with little acting experience to play the leading role, but at least this person also has experience in supporting roles in several films.

However, not only is Chen Ziang not a major in acting, but he doesn't have any qualifications in film and television works, so how can one feel at ease.

If it wasn't for being tied down by the contract, and Chen Ziang's determination to die together, Tianshui Film and Television and Li Longji would not agree to him playing Linghu Chong even if they were killed.

Although the protagonist's contract has been signed, every time he thinks about it in the past few months, Li Longji feels pain in his stomach, can't sleep well, and is still thinking about how to coax Chen Ziang to get out of the car.

We dare not drive you in the car.

With the development of the Internet, "Swordsman" has been fermented for more than two years, and now its popularity is skyrocketing.

The planning of Tianshui Film and Television is correct, and this TV series has been designated as a key project of the company early.

At the beginning, they thought they were taking advantage of the sky and the sky was falling, but now they realize that they don't even know if it's a blessing or a curse.

There was no way, Chen Ziang had already tied himself to the chariot of Tianshui Film and Television's "Swordsman".

Chen Ziang didn't get in, he just refused to get out of the car, no matter how coaxed or offered conditions, it was useless.

"Just watch the reality show "Supercar"." Zhang Baoying didn't say much.

It's useless to say too much, only after reading it.

Li Longji was worried about Chen Ziang, and Zhang Baoying was also worried.

After all, no matter how much Zhang Baoying thinks that Chen Ziang is extremely talented, and he can't verify it if he hasn't actually been on the battlefield.

After hanging up the phone with Zhang Baoying, Li Longji went home and followed Zhang Baoying's instructions, turned on the computer and logged on to the QQ video network to watch the third episode of "Supercar".

Li Longji was busy with the crew, and he didn't hear anything outside the window. He really didn't know about the "Supercar" program that was raging recently.

I don't even know what role Chen Ziang played in this.

There are no subtitles such as the producer in the opening title, and Li Longji doesn't know that "Super Run" is a program produced by Boyu under Boyu Entertainment and Jiangsu Satellite TV.

But he watched the third issue of "Supercar" seriously.

After reading it, he was in a professional habit, and only saw the subtitles later.

Made by Boyu!

But he didn't care about this the most, but he cared about Chen Ziang's performance inside.

"In the past few months, Zhang Baoying took Chen Ziang out to practice, right?" Li Longji saw Chen Ziang's performance in "Super Run", and it was very good.

Although recording variety shows is different from filming, at least it is also a kind of acting.

But that's not enough.

Li Longji called Chen Ziang.

"Brother." The old guy began to look for work for Chen Ziang: "I know a few directors, all of whom are filming. You can help out with a few cameo roles. There are not many shots, and it can be done in a day or two."

Chen Ziang said suspiciously: "Director Li, I'm seriously preparing for "Swordsman", I don't have time to go."

Li Longji almost wanted to vomit blood. If he wanted to prepare for "Swordsman", he should go out and practice more to find out how he feels. It's useless to be serious at home.

When discussing the script with Chen Ziang, Li Longji was often annoyed by Chen Ziang.

"You can't improve your acting skills behind closed doors. You need to go out more, watch how other people act, and then improve yourself." Li Longji is persuasive and patient.

He is confident that "Swordsman" can be made well, but the premise is that there is no such black hole as Chen Ziang.

Linghu Chong is the soul, if not a first-tier actor, at least a second-tier actor, or even a third-tier actor.

But although Chen Ziang is a second-tier artist, his popularity and qualifications are almost all from the music field, and have nothing to do with acting.

In the film and television industry, Chen Ziang's popularity is only in the fourth tier, and he has not really entered the industry, let alone entered the room.

"Director Li, you don't understand this. Life is like a drama, and drama is like life. I act every day." Chen Ziang sighed.

Li Longji hung up the phone, and if he continued to chat, he was afraid that he would have a heart attack if he didn't have a heart attack.

Chen Ziang was a little ashamed, he knew he would be angry with Li Longji, but he had to be angry.

No way, he is busy.

What's more, he doesn't need to make money to upgrade his qualifications, which is the only way for grassroots actors.

Chen Ziang got there like that in his previous life, now he has to go through it again, in order to make others have confidence in him, is it necessary?
of course not!

Without that, I definitely wouldn't be messing around.

At his level, how could he care about the gazes of those irrelevant people? Do you have the confidence? Anyway, I am the number one male, what can you do.

Li Longji hung up the phone with Chen Ziang, turned around and complained to Zhang Baoying.

Zhang Baoying promised to take Chen Ziang to practice, but she didn't mention anything when she called Chen Ziang. She knew Chen Ziang well.

"Super Run" has given her greater confidence, she will no longer force Chen Ziang to play tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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