The superstar is here

Chapter 422 The Idol Comes

Chapter 422 The Idol Comes
"What did the director team say about the Spring Festival Gala?" Chen Ziang asked curiously.

People who get in touch with and understand society more deeply, think more complicated.

After experiencing last year's Spring Festival Gala incident, Chen Ziang became vigilant and wary of more and more people and things.

He always felt that the world was too sinister and the world was too sinister.

Those who can be trusted are those closest to you. Once other people treat you well for no reason, you have to be careful.

As a result, Chen Ziang didn't quite trust the program group of the Spring Festival Gala, worried that the other party would reject his song for the Spring Festival Gala because of some ulterior personal grievances.

The Spring Festival Gala program team did have a grudge against Chen Ziang, so far they haven't invited him to the Spring Festival Gala, but Wang Yu has been invited.

In addition to reserving a certain number of places for the art troupe, most of the places for the Spring Festival Gala program group also need to invite the whole society themselves.

Wang Yu has left the system and no longer has privileges.But her amazing performance on the stage of "The Masked Singer" was noticed by the Spring Festival Gala program group, and it was reasonable to invite her.

As for Chen Ziang...

"The directors of the Spring Festival Gala made the final decision. This song was shortlisted. As for the singer, Huang Yihong still needs to participate in the judging. It's not a big problem. Huang Yihong was popular in the past, and his singing skills are still there." Wang Yin laughed.

"That's good, I'm still worried that it will target me." Chen Ziang heaved a sigh of relief.

Wang Yin taught: "Don't think so badly of others, the program group still has this kind of political consciousness, not to mention such a good song, let the higher-ups see and hear it, it is also good for them, how could they possibly be because of you? Just get stuck?"

Chen Ziang muttered: "Then they cheated on me last year, and they didn't invite me this year. They are just stingy, bullying the weak and fearing the strong."

Chen Ziang's backer can scare people to death if he speaks out, but he will not find someone to solve these trivial matters.

"Don't be discouraged, the leaders of the Spring Festival Gala program group will change every one or two years, and then it will be fine." Wang Yin didn't know Chen Ziang's stored energy, and said distressedly: "Teacher, I'm sorry for bringing you into this."

She still doesn't know that last year's Spring Festival Gala event actually had a deeper target, and there was a bigger boss behind the scenes, but Chen Ziang didn't say anything, and said in a big way: "Teacher, everything I have today is not yours." Give it? Without you, I would still be singing on the little country stage."

"What nonsense?" Wang Yin scolded with a smile.

Then, she put away her smile and said seriously: "You didn't get an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala this year. I found out that it was mainly because your dance on the stage of "The Masked Singer" was a bit...wretched. Leading the dancers of our art troupe. I told you not to make my art troupe a mess, but you are lucky, even the ballet dancers dare to coax me to learn that eye-catching dance from you..."

The more Wang Yin spoke, the more angry she became, and at the same time, deep helplessness welled up in her eyes.

Chen Ziang's most popular song this year is "Dangerous".

But this dance of singing and dancing, hey, definitely won't be on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage.

Not to mention the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage, or the local satellite TV Spring Festival Gala stage, I dare not let him bring this song to the stage easily.

"Cough, teacher." Chen Ziang was embarrassed: "This is called letting go of one's nature. It's okay to indulge once in a while, and it doesn't hurt the nature or reason."

While talking, seeing Wang Yin's unfriendly eyes, Chen Ziang had no choice but to change his words: "It won't happen in the future, it won't happen anymore, they begged me to teach them, and I won't teach them."


A few days after returning from the teacher's house.

Chen Ziang followed the "Super Run" program group to record the program again. This time, including changing places in the middle, it took a total of five days to drive out the two episodes together.

It's November soon, and Fang Xudong is very anxious. He has to finish recording the first season of "Supercar" in early December, so as to save time for the New Year's program.

This program is going to compete with Youzhou Satellite TV's "The Masked Singer", Fang Xudong and his team members have held this breath for too long.

Although the average ratings of these episodes of "Super Run" have surpassed the first season of "The Masked Singer", but it is not a singing class, and it has not confronted "The Masked Singer". Of course, Fang Xudong and the others can't make it Bad breath.

In fact, during the recording of "Super Run", Fang Xudong and the others began to take time to prepare for the New Year's program.

Although "Supercar" has become a phenomenon-level program, they are more concerned about the New Year's program, working overtime, and come to work on the rest day to prepare for the New Year's program.

Chen Ziang came back from recording "Super Run" in other places. As soon as he entered the company, he saw Su Yimi sitting in the leisure area chatting with an employee of the company.

After roughly listening to the content, Chen Ziang knew that Su Yimi was asking Korean-speaking employees of the company for advice on Korean.

No matter how famous Boyu Entertainment's artists are, the employees of the company often see them, and they communicate very harmoniously. No fans are as excited and excited when they see their idols.

"Are you going to sing Korean songs this time?" Chen Ziang sat aside and chatted with the two of them.

Su Yimi laughed and said, "That's right, last time I sang English songs, this time I have to sing a Korean song, which was arranged by the other party."

It's funny to say that "The Masked Singer" was born out of the "Masked Singer" music challenge reality show in South Korea in the previous life, but in this life, South Korea bought the copyright from Boyu Productions.

South Korea's MBC TV station is recording the program "The Masked Singer" imported from Bo Yu's production. According to the contract, Bo Yu Entertainment can send a singer to the stage.

Su Yimi is the singer.

Five episodes have been recorded in South Korea, and three episodes have been broadcast. Su Yimi went on stage halfway, just to distract the audience's attention.

The three of them were chatting when the doorbell rang at the gate, and the girl at the front desk pressed the button of the automatic door beside her.

After the door opened, two people came in, a man and a woman.

The man is wearing big sunglasses and a mask, with a peaked cap in his hand.

The woman is fresh and beautiful, without arming herself.

"Hello, I..." The man took off his glasses and mask, and was speaking.

Chen Ziang waved at the leisure area not far away: "Here, there is no need to register to find someone."

The visitor immediately looked towards Chen Ziang.

After seeing Chen Ziang, the man showed a smile on his face and hurried over.

The girl at the front desk skillfully went to fetch water for the guests.

Su Yimi's eyes widened when she saw the person coming.

Fuck, isn't this his childhood idol?

"What masks and sunglasses do you still wear? Does anyone in China recognize you now?" Chen Ziang smiled and said to the visitor: "Look at you, other big stars have not aged for ten years, and you have grown old for ten years." What's up?"

It was Huang Yihong and his assistant who came here. It is said that his assistant is "decathlon" and can be a driver, a bodyguard, and a life assistant...

According to Chen Zi'ang's inference, he might be able to play a guest role as a wife.

"Hey, that's a bit too much." Huang Yihong and Chen Ziang had phone calls many times during this period, and they are much more familiar now than they were in Vienna.

(End of this chapter)

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