The superstar is here

Chapter 431 Injuring the Enemy 1

Chapter 431

Bo Yu's production has become a gold medal production team in the variety show industry thanks to two phenomenal programs.

With what Fang Xudong said earlier, King Lan Ling really believed that it would not be troublesome for Boyu Productions to seek cooperation with other satellite TV.

He felt that when Boyu Productions began secretly inviting singers during this period, other TV stations might have already received the wind and then took the initiative to grab the show.

But Fang Xudong later said that Boyu Productions could lead Sujiang Satellite TV to compete with Sanxiang Satellite TV, and even replace them, Lan Ling Wang didn't believe it.

It’s like this on the scene, just like when a business advertises and promotes, it’s a lot of bragging, showing [-]% of the advertising content that users and customers can’t get as a gimmick.

For example, if a writer on Qichuang registers for an advertisement, they say that it is not a dream to register as a writer on Qichuang and earn a million dollars a year.

There are indeed some writers with an annual salary of one million, but the remaining ninety-nine percent are off the street.

For those who can’t meet the contracting standards, Sanjiang didn’t push it until they were signed up to the shelves, and those with a single-digit subscription on the shelves can spend hundreds of dollars a month for full-time attendance...

"Hey, that's for the future. Our Sujiang Satellite TV agrees to your condition, which is to start a war with Youzhou Satellite TV. We can't afford it." Lan Ling Wang was very helpless: "Youzhou Satellite TV is the capital satellite TV, CCTV's little brother."

Zhejiang Satellite TV, at least the Variety Show Production Center, is no longer an ally of the Jiangsu Satellite TV Variety Department.

King Lan Ling had a falling out with Niu Wanli long ago, and there was a tendency that he would never see each other again.

Now the only ally is Dragon TV, and the enemy is Sanxiang Satellite TV. If there is a war with Youzhou Satellite TV, King Lan Ling can't afford it.

He knew that even if he agreed, he still had to ask the leaders above for instructions.

But he knew better that the leaders above would not agree.

Harmony is one of the core values ​​of socialism.

I don't know what kind of battle to start, or when I will be invited to drink tea.

"Central TV's younger brother?" Fang Xudong laughed and said, "It's just guesswork from the outside world. Why didn't I know about it when I was in Youzhou Satellite TV? Don't say it's a younger brother, it's not bad if it's not an enemy."

King Lan Ling was surprised. Many people in the outside world really didn't know the real relationship between Youzhou Satellite TV and CCTV. They thought they were both in the capital, and the relationship between the two was very close.

"In short, starting a war is not acceptable." In the end, King Lanling still firmly disagreed with starting a war, but he did not fall out with Fang Xudong on the spot.

Although Fang Xudong is not Chen Ziang, he represents Chen Ziang and has a high prestige in the industry.

Whoever made shows like "The Masked Singer" and "Supercar" can get this prestige.

Fang Xudong couldn't work here, so King Lanling had to go to Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang knew about Fang Xudong's willful going to war and did not object.

In the future, Chen Ziang wants Fang Xudong to be the production director of Boyu, not just the director of a program like "Supercar" or "I Am a Singer".

For subordinates, sometimes regardless of gains or losses, it is necessary to support them.

Besides, Chen Ziang really didn't care if there was a war or not.

However, when he learned that Luo Bin might appear in the second season of "The Masked Singer" but still wanted to participate in "I Am a Singer", he immediately expressed 1 support for Fang Xudong's decision.

What the hell, I can't stop you from being famous, and I can't stop you from being on my show?

When can I sing "My Chinese Heart" piously, I will consider giving you a chance.

"President Chen, isn't it a bit serious to start a war?" King Lanling asked Chen Ziang.

Boyu Entertainment, which can export programs and artists, is developing very well and has great potential.

As the director of the Variety Department of Sujiang Satellite TV, Lanling Wang cooperates with Boyu Productions, which is a matter of mutual benefit.

Bo Yu could choose both ways, so King Lan Ling didn't dare to hold on to his identity.

"We have no intention of starting a war. It's people like you who are always on the line, so it's considered a war." Chen Ziang shrugged.

Regardless of whether the war was sincere or not, Chen Ziang would not admit it anyway.

"When signing the contract, we can attach conditions to the singer. If the singer has participated or plans to participate in "The Masked Singer", we will reject it. But if this spreads, some people will spread rumors for fear that the world will not be chaotic. Youzhou Satellite TV They will also think that we are starting a war, either you die or I die, rather than a healthy competition. In such a situation, the leaders of both sides will intervene...I can't bear the responsibility, so I have to ask for instructions." Seeing that Chen Ziang had made up his mind, Lan Ling Wang sighed.

It doesn't matter if you can't persuade Fang Xudong, as long as you can persuade Chen Ziang, everything will be fine.

But Chen Ziang also thought the same way.

Then there's no way.

"Super Run" brought a lot of glory to Sujiang Satellite TV and drove the overall TV.

But this honor, King Lanling and the leaders are already satisfied.

They collaborated again with Boyu Productions on "I Am a Singer" and used it to compete with "The Masked Singer". Even if they didn't like it, they recognized it.

But King Lan Ling didn't think much about taking the risk to the point of starting a war, and the leader definitely didn't agree.

Cut first and play later, King Lanling could not afford this responsibility.

"We're running out of time, and I hope Mr. Lan can give you an answer as soon as possible." Chen Zi'ang looked solemn.

Then he said with a smile, "Boss Lan, regardless of whether the cooperation of "I Am a Singer" is successful or not, we will not terminate the cooperation with "Supercar". We can continue to cooperate happily. I hope you will not have any grudges."

Lan Lingwang's eyes lit up, what he was most afraid of was that Boyu would make a bad show, hurt the enemy by one thousand and hurt himself by eight hundred, and use "Super Run" to cooperate with other satellite TV next year.

Sujiang Satellite TV has not bought the copyright of "Supercar" for next year.

"That must be true. One thing is one thing. It should be that I hope you don't have any grudges. Well, I will give instructions to the leader when I get back. If the leader agrees, we will continue to cooperate on "I Am a Singer" and agree to your terms." Lan Lingwang's heavy heart suddenly eased a lot.

"That's good, Mr. Lan, I'll ask your leaders for instructions." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work." Lan Lingwang smiled, and then didn't talk any more. He said that he would rush back to ask the leader for instructions as soon as possible.

After the Lanling King left.

Fang Xudong came to find Chen Ziang.

"President Chen." Fang Xudong was really worried that Chen Ziang would be persuaded by King Lan Ling.

Chen Ziang told Fang Xudong to sit down, poured him a glass of water, then sat down, laughed and said, "Don't worry, I definitely support your decision, I always help relatives, haha."

Fang Xudong was very moved, and he also had the determination to die for his confidant.

He knew that he was being self-willed. When he mentioned this matter to Chen Ziang, he was worried that Chen Ziang would disagree.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ziang agreed without even thinking about it.

He didn't know how much Chen Ziang disliked people like Luo Bin.

At the beginning, Atrium Entertainment came to Boyu Entertainment for public relations and wanted to send Luo Bin to the stage of "I Am a Singer". Chen Ziang and Boyu Entertainment were really a little sad.

They have public relations and are very sincere, how can they refuse?

(End of this chapter)

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