The superstar is here

Chapter 441 The Youth Chapter is Coming

Chapter 441 Youth Returns

Peking University Gymnasium.

It is adjacent to Zhongguancun North Street in the east, Zhibeizi Garden in the west, and the second phase of Pacific Electronics Building in the south. It is a golden treasure land with every inch of land and gold.

Back then, Peking University went through many hardships in order to build this gymnasium.During the construction process, in order to protect the ancient buildings and trees, the huge venue was tossed several times in this square inch.

Due to the small construction site and the Zhibeizi Garden and the thousand-year-old trees to the west of the venue, high requirements were put forward for the layout of the construction site, civilized construction, and environmental protection, which made the budget far from sufficient.

Standing outside the gymnasium, Chen Ziang made up his mind to build... an apartment building for his school in the future.

inside the gym.

Liang Xiaobai, the music director of the band, is rehearsing with Angela.

This band is the band of the first season of "The Masked Singer". Liang Xiaobai and Xu Ran have a very close relationship and have been friends for more than ten years.

Wu Xiaochun was on the verge of crying. He thought he had watched the first season of "The Masked Singer" himself, and understood all the procedures. He could make the second season of "The Masked Singer" well by replacing the original crew.

As a result, after more than a month of tossing, the original band could not be invited again, and I almost went blind.

That was Xu Ran's old buddy, even if the bid was higher than that of "I Am a Singer", Liang Xiaobai would not agree, so he recognized Xu Ran.

Liang Xiaobai is an excellent arranger in the industry, many songs of the kings and queens like to ask him to help arrange the songs.

Today, Angela has been re-arranging her famous song with Liang Xiaobai.

In the first scene of "I Am a Singer", I can sing my own famous songs, but after the second scene, I can only sing other people's songs.

Even if they sing their own songs, without Chen Ziang's request, the singers all know to re-arrange the song, otherwise it will be the same as the original version, and the audience may not like it.

Although the program team tried their best to downplay the tense atmosphere of the competition, and the singers also expressed that they only wanted to be on the stage and didn't think about the rankings, but who didn't take the rankings seriously at all?

Those at the bottom of the list will be eliminated.

Maybe singing and making the music you like is the first, and the ranking is the embellishment.

But this embellishment is also second, and they care more than the appearance fee.

When appearing on TV shows, artists rarely get high pay.

Because artists also need exposure, everyone wins.

In the commercial activities of an artist, such as appearing in an event held by a certain group or local tyrants, the appearance fee can be very high. If you show your face, say a few words, or sing a song, you can get hundreds of thousands.

But on TV shows, it’s not in the era when all kinds of reality shows dominate the screen. Wanting to get 30 in the first episode is simply whimsical.

The appearance fee paid to Wang Deng by "Super Run" is already extremely rare.

As a result, the appearance fee requested by the other party, which was exposed when inviting Jiang Yilang, made the industry ridicule.

Some netizens don't know much about the industry, and think it's not high, because people like Jiang Yilang are paid really high for filming.

But in fact, the sky-high salary of domestic actors, some of them are hype, not so much at all.

Do you really think domestic actors' remuneration can catch up with Hollywood?
Most of the capital is disgusting, malicious hype, stir up cold rice, wait for the fire, and leave by themselves, let the rest of the people pay the bill.

Tibetan mastiff is like this, mahogany is like this...

"Teacher Zi'ang!" Angela, who was singing on stage and rehearsing with the band, lost her rhythm when she saw Chen Zi'ang in the audience.

After saying "sorry" to the band, she ran off the stage.

Seeing that Angela ran to meet Chen Ziang halfway, the band didn't complain and paused.

This was the first time Angela saw Chen Ziang's true face in reality.

He has a smile on his face, people who like him will like it more, and those who hate him will hate him more, but he is him, a different fireworks.

"Angela, hello." Chen Ziang stretched out his hand to Angela who ran in front of him, and the person in front of him made him feel his youth returned!
Angela is very delicate, especially when she rehearses, she doesn't wear shoes that are too high, she looks very petite.

"Mr. Ziang, hello." Angela shook hands with Chen Ziang, wanting to hug, but the occasion was wrong.

This is not a stage, nor is it a private place.

It is a stage routine to meet on stage and be warm.

It doesn't matter if it's a private occasion, or you can be more enthusiastic.

But in this occasion, it is obviously not suitable to be too enthusiastic.

This is not Angela's character, nor is it Chen Ziang's character.

The two haven't had a relationship yet.

If it's an old friend like Xu Jiahui who hasn't seen each other for a long time and suddenly appears in front of him, it's normal to have a hug.

"Are you used to living in Youzhou these two days?" Chen Ziang asked with concern.

"I'm used to it. I'm going to the hotel gym to work out when I have nothing to do. I'm trying to recover." Angela is in good condition, her big eyes are full of excitement, and she feels that she has found someone who understands her and is in the same world as her.

"That's good. I'm really sorry. There are a lot of things. You came to Youzhou, and I didn't come to see you until now." Chen Ziang apologized, looking at Angela, her eyes were really big, the biggest eyes Chen Ziang had ever seen one of.

"Teacher Zi'ang is serious. I know you are very busy." Angela was flattered. Since she heard that song last time, she often had one-way friendship with Chen Ziang these days.

He is taller, handsomer and brighter than he imagined.

It doesn't matter how young you are, as long as you put it in a position that people look up to, you can make people ignore the problem of age.

After Angela's rehearsal was over, Chen Ziang and Fang Xudong specially invited her to a meal.

It is fair to predict that although Angela will make a strong comeback and be on a big stage like "I Am a Singer", it may not be possible for her to make it to the end without being eliminated.

It's a bit dangerous for her to come to this show.


The two stages from ten to 20 years old and over 60 years old have fewer audiences, both of which are fifty.

Such an audience group is relatively fair to the singers on stage.

Whether it is an old singer or a new singer, no one takes advantage of it.

Perhaps, the longer the fame, the more emotional votes the audience will give.

But maybe, the longer it becomes famous, the audience has long been tired of listening to its voice and songs, and they are unwilling to give tickets, hoping to hear some new voices.

In short, the singers who come to this show are racking their brains on how to arrange music and how to choose songs.

The singers in the starting lineup have two chances to perform, and the first one can sing their famous songs.

What about the second one?

Even if the recording of the first episode has not started yet, the preparation of the second song has to start in advance.

"Teacher Ziang." At the dinner table, Angela hesitated for a while, then suddenly said: "I want to sing your song for the first time, can I?"

Artists all know that most of the time they have no choice but to listen to the program group when they are on the show.

It's not that the program group is too domineering, but for the effect of the program and for the good of everyone.

Otherwise, if someone messes around and the show is ruined, how will the show crew explain to the other guests?

(End of this chapter)

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