Chapter 452
After Angela sang the song, many audience members had tears in their eyes, unable to control themselves.

What she sang was herself, and why not many people at the scene.

Even now, people in front of the TV or computer screen are still shedding many tears.

Her singing, with the desolation of the plateau in the ethereal, moved people to tears, and stabbed the weak side of many audiences in their pursuit of life.

Almost every dream chaser will have a strong sense of resonance when listening to this song.

It brings a kind of understanding and comfort to the lonely people who have been walking on the road, and it makes people feel relieved because of understanding.

Everyone seems to have experienced a baptism of the soul, and all the knots turned into tears, streaming down the cheeks, which is relief and relief.

After the silence, netizens barraged wildly.

"You say you are willing to be ordinary, but you are not willing to be ordinary. You use your way to break the frame set by everyone. Every soulful singing will bring us different surprises and shocks."

"You use your tenacious voice to sing about those extraordinary years. Start with singing, get stuck in appearance, and be loyal to attitude."

"Angela, I like your love and dedication to music, your fairy-like ultimate childlike face, your optimism and tenacity in life, your authenticity, your unpretentiousness, your humble quality and kind heart... ..."

"I like all the shining points on your body, just because your name is 'Angela', these three words are enough to make me feel proud and proud."

"The best Angela in the world, you grew up with me with your singing, and I will spend my whole life calling for you! In the future, we will definitely do better than now! The love is as good as ever, and the heart of youth is throbbing only because of you move."


At this time, on the TV, in the singer hall, the six singers who had finished singing sat on the long sofa and sighed.

"Angela is not easy, it is distressing!"

"Angela has been away from the stage for 11 years, and she is back!"

"Sister Angela is amazing!"

"Is this song Angela's new song?"

"Angela is so skinny, you've worked hard for her all these years."


The camera pans over the singers one by one.

When facing Huang Yihong, many people couldn't see his mood at that time, but Chen Ziang could tell that this guy was depressed.

In Chen Ziang's residence.

"It's beautiful!" Shi Jia sat on the sofa, watching TV, and praised her son next to her, while feeling a little regretful: "Honey, if you also go up and sing, this show will be perfect."

Chen Ziang smiled and didn't speak.

On TV, seven singers gathered in the singer hall.

That scene is something that "The Masked Singer" doesn't have.

The audience felt very happy just seeing the scene of the seven great gods gathering together.

"Angela, that's awesome!" Tong Dawei gave a thumbs up to Angela who rushed back from the scene.

"Thank you, Teacher Tong is amazing." Angela smiled,

Weiwei went up and hugged Angela: "Sister, you are the best."

"Sister Angela made me cry." Xu Jiahui also said from the side.

Congratulate Angela one by one.

"Thank you!" Angela thanked her sincerely. She sang very well, even better than when she rehearsed.

There are audiences, and the singer's feeling of singing is different.

Most people are afraid of crowds and get stage fright, but singers don't.

Usually, singers sing more passionately and energetically when they sing live.

The seven singers praised each other, and under the arrangement of the program group, the singers voted anonymously for each other.

In the mutual vote of singers, Angela won the first place without any surprise.

Everyone praised her interpretation of this song very highly.

Perfect level!

On stage, in terms of sound quality, it is not as good as in a recording studio.

But the emotion, tension, atmosphere, etc., are unmatched by the recording studio.

People in the circle were shocked by Angela's "A Diao".

This is a new song, and there are relatively few people who can fall in love with a new song as soon as it comes out.

Even musicians have to listen to some new songs repeatedly before they like it.

"I didn't pay attention to the subtitles just now, who is the songwriter?" Hu Ning was puzzled, feeling a little familiar.

"Lyricist: Ziang." Haimei's eyes lit up. She saw the subtitles before and remembered it.

"The songwriter is Teacher Ziang, what the hell, is this his new song for Angela?" Yi Chu's eyes widened. He had seen it before, but soon he listened carefully to Angela's singing, and now he came to his senses. , suddenly realized.

It turned out to be Ziang's song.

"A tailor-made song?" Luo Bin was surprised. He had been back to China for so long, and he had heard that Chen Ziang had this ability.

"Oh, if only it was him that night." Huang Xiqian sat on the sofa, her eyes were bright, but soon dimmed.

Back then, he was short-sighted and eager to return, so he let Dai Shuai sleep early.

If she could bear it and find a way to sleep with Chen Ziang, she would go further now.

Now Huang Xiqian has returned to the top, but the popularity list is still only first-line. Although it is very close to the super-first-line, it can be said to be quasi-super-first-line, but it is still the first-line, and there is no qualitative leap in appearance fees.

Crossing a line is a gear.

All seven singers finished singing, and the audience was hooked.

This kind of high-quality performance, with a large number of stars, is rarely enjoyed in a lifetime.

Concerts, evening parties, music festivals...

None of the singers work so hard.

This is the game!

If you can't sing well, you will be eliminated.

After watching the performance of the seven singers, Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun turned slightly pale.

The true meaning of me as a singer is revealed in this program.

Many famous singers now run programs and announcements just to deal with it and make money, and they have long forgotten their original intentions.

But this program allows singers to return to music.

"The Masked Singer" also uses this slogan, but without the sense of urgency of the competition, it cannot inspire the true strength of the singer.

The Masked Singer is in danger!

Not only Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun thought so, many viewers also thought this way.

Given a choice, they might choose to watch "I Am a Singer".

In terms of fun, "I Am a Singer" also has it, and the seven hosts are not for display.

The host understands humor better than the entertainer, and is more humorous.

Not long after, the votes of the [-] public judges were counted, and it was time to announce the rankings.

The audience is looking forward to it.

The seven singers all have many fans, and everyone wants to see what ranking their idols can get.

"Angela is first!"

"The emperor is invincible!"

"Fengshen, don't be too far behind, I feel sorry for Fengshen, compared with so many great gods."

"Weiwei may not get the first place, she didn't perform very well."

"Come on, Dawei, is there any hope for the first place?"

"Inspirational goddess, always number one."

"I like Lan Yeqing's indifference, giving people the feeling of being indifferent to the world."


As soon as the screen changed, two rows of [-] seats were arranged on the stage where the singer was performing.

The seven singers sat in the front row one by one, and the seven hosts sat behind their own singers.

(End of this chapter)

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