Chapter 454

"Well, since someone is targeting Xu Jiahui, then I will narrow down the scope." Chen Ziang said with a smile: "No.3 was indeed created between Weiwei and Xu Jiahui. So, I regret to tell Jiang Yifeng Children's Shoes that you are not in the scope."

Jiang Yifeng was obviously a little disappointed. Although he knew that the people present were all masters, he was slightly inferior in terms of popularity and strength, but he also wanted to get a good ranking.

Not only he thought about it, but also for a singer like Lan Yeqing, who was indifferent to the world.

It's just that everyone's desire is different.

Knowing that they were in the No.3 range, Weiwei and Xu Jiahui became even more nervous.

Weiwei didn't perform very well, so don't think about No.1. Everyone thinks that Angela is the most promising.

For others, the chances are not great.

As a result, Weiwei is more concerned about the announcement of the rankings in the middle section, she hopes that she will be in it.

"Teacher Ziang, hurry up and announce." Jiang Yifeng's host was a little girl, and said coquettishly, he couldn't wait.

Others couldn't wait any longer, and it was very tormented.

The audience was very excited, and it was the first time to see a famous singer being punished.

"It turns out that everyone pays attention to ranking."

"Haha, for sure. Although the program team interviewed singers before, it's enough for the singers to sing good songs. The ranking is left to the audience, which is second."

"Well, while singing a good song, who doesn't want to be ranked high?"

"The main thing is that no one wants to be eliminated, haha."

Netizens and viewers will not be deceived by what the singer said when he was interviewed by the program group.

But everyone also understands that the singer said that he had to save face. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he said that he was going to be eliminated.

Weiwei said in the interview that she hopes not to be eliminated, and then she can sing well. This is the purpose of her coming to "I Am a Singer".

In fact, wherever it is, Chen Ziang knows that she wants to compete for the king of singers.

Even knowing that Angela is there, she still has the strength and determination to fight.

"Then, I will announce the No. 3 competition for the first phase of "I Am a Singer" now." Chen Ziang looked at Wei Wei and Xu Jiahui while holding the phone.

Everyone be quiet.

"No.3 of this issue is..." Chen Ziang said simply this time: "Xu Jiahui!"

The singers and hosts applauded with a "wow" and congratulated Xu Jiahui.

Xu Jiahui was a little surprised when she learned that she took the third place.

"Me?" She couldn't believe it: "Is it me?"

Those present, except for Jiang Yifeng who was on the same level as her, were all much more famous than her.

Her qualifications are even shallower than the shallowest Jiang Yifeng.

It has been five or six years since Jiang Yifeng debuted.

Xu Jiahui hasn't been there for two years since her debut.

"Congratulations." Weiwei stood up and congratulated Xu Jiahui.

Other singers also stood up one after another, or shook hands with her, or hugged her.

"Thank you everyone, thank you." Xu Jiahui was a little dizzy, this surprise came too suddenly.

Chen Ziang waited for everyone to sit down again before he began to speak: "No.3 has been announced, so let's announce No.4 now, as you wished just now."

The audience is very happy, this show is a bit bad, so full of singers.

"Natural nature is hard to change!" Xu Ran only found out tonight that "I Am a Singer" announced such a deceitful ranking.

He felt tormented watching it himself, let alone the singer sitting there.

On the TV, Chen Ziang said: "The No.4 singer looks like a girl tonight, she sings melodiously, she has a brave girlish heart..."

Everyone looked at each other.

girl heart?

Angela has it, so does Weiwei, and so does Lan Yeqing.

Doesn't it mean that they didn't say anything? All three of them sang melodiously tonight, and no one sang badly.

Even if Weiwei made a small mistake, ordinary people couldn't hear it at all, and still thought it was perfect.

"That's right, No.4 is still a female singer." Chen Ziang circled the area.

Everyone immediately looked at Chen Ziang eagerly.

"I guess Teacher Zi'ang is going to play tricks again." A host laughed.

"I think so too." Lan Yeqing said with a smile, the artistes she entertained in Boyu also knew Chen Ziang quite well.

Back then, Lan Yeqing joined Boyu Entertainment, although Wang Yu introduced him, but Chen Ziang invited him in person.

"You guys think too badly of me, I don't even want to be a good person." Chen Ziang laughed.

Huang Yihong said dissatisfied: "If you wanted to be a good person, you wouldn't make the ceremony of announcing the rankings so grand. Even if we were not nervous, you made each of us more nervous."

The audience laughed, you are not nervous, so what are we watching?

"Support Zi Ang!"

"Support Jin Daxia!"

"Time and space traveler, that's how they should be punished!"

The barrage of netizens was crazy, and they laughed from ear to ear.

"The grand ceremony is to show respect to everyone, please don't be ungrateful." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

The singer and host looked bitter, this respect is worthless.

"I will announce No.4 right now." Chen Ziang looked at the phone and said, "No.4 is..."

Everyone held their breath.

Chen Ziang stopped suddenly: "After talking so much, let me drink some water." Then he unscrewed the mineral water on the table and poured water into the water glass.

This mineral water is also one of the sponsors, interspersed with advertisements without any trace.


The hosts were more anxious than the singers, and they couldn't help standing up one by one, expressing that they couldn't take it anymore.

The singers all laughed, some were enraged, some were amused.

Anyway, I can only laugh with you, and I can only hold back my opinions.

"Don't worry, the one who should come will still come." Chen Ziang said with a smile, standing and talking without pain in his back.

Soon, he announced the No.4 competition: "No.4 is our underperformed... Weiwei!"

Vivi smiled and stood up.

Everyone stands up consciously, and etiquette is indispensable.

Good ranking, congratulations.

Those whose rankings are not satisfactory should be encouraged and comforted.

Weiwei fell short of her standard and finished fourth, which was both expected and unexpected.

This ranking is neither high nor low, just in the middle.

She is already very content.

If the public judges voted her higher, it would probably make all-powerful netizens complain.

Not to mention criticism from professionals, some semi-professional netizens are full and will study the video.

Once you study carefully, you will definitely find out where Weiwei made a mistake.

That kind of mistake can't let her be at the bottom.

But letting her take the top three places will make the audience doubt the authenticity of the program, or doubt the hearing of the public.

"Next, we'll announce No.1!" Chen Ziang took the initiative this time and didn't linger in this place anymore.

It is only interesting that the routine changes frequently.

"I feel uneasy."

"Are you playing tricks again?"

"I can't believe it's so refreshing!"

The hosts looked like I couldn't believe it at all.

Chen Ziang smiled and said, "Don't believe me? Then announce No.2."

The singer and manager were speechless, why did they listen to everyone so much this time.

The audience was overjoyed, and the deflated expressions of the singers and hosts on the stage made people happy.

"No.2 is a male singer." Chen Ziang narrowed the scope.

The three male singers immediately became nervous, but they all smiled gracefully.

No matter how you lose your ranking, you can't lose your demeanor.

(End of this chapter)

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