Chapter 457
As soon as the ratings of the first episode of "I Am a Singer" were announced, the industry and the outside world were shocked.

It was so shocking that the audience doubted its authenticity a little bit.

But looking at the ratings of other satellite TV programs of the same period, everyone was silent.

The ratings of other programs in the same period were worse than the other. There was no worst, only worse.

The ratings have almost dropped to the lowest point in history.

Obviously, the ratings all went to "I Am a Singer".

"It actually broke 4!"

Countless people vomited blood, "Supercar" has such a wide audience, it can be said that the resources of Jiangsu Satellite TV have been exhausted, and the ratings of the first episode are only 3.7.

At that time, the audience rating of the first episode of "The Masked Singer" was only 1.602.

This "I Am a Singer" is simply against the sky!
Then, someone starts to analyze.

"At the time of "The Masked Singer", Bo Yu's production was not yet well-known, and there was no appeal inside and outside the industry, so the ratings of the first episode were much lower than that of the first episode."

"Well, "Supercar" has a wide audience, but it also went through a lot of publicity before the first episode aired, and Boyu has the qualifications of "The Masked Singer" in the production, so everyone believes it."

"Don't forget, Sanxiang Satellite TV is the satellite TV with the highest ratings overall, and they have the most viewers."

"Haha, didn't QQ pop up for "I Am a Singer" yesterday?"

"If the rogue QQ makes a move, you will know if there is one, hehe."

"The warm-up was too intense before, and many viewers knew about the rivalry with "The Masked Singer". With curiosity, they wanted to see what "I Am a Singer" would use to fight "The Masked Singer"."

"The time and place are right, but the ratings are too harsh. What will "The Masked Singer" do with it?"

"Has the spring of singing shows come?"

"Haha, I'm looking forward to the head-to-head confrontation between "The Masked Singer" and "I Am a Singer" next week. I don't know what the result will be."

"Although I used to like to watch "The Masked Singer", but now, I am more optimistic about "I Am a Singer."

"Looking forward to the next issue of "I Am a Singer". I heard that there will be a new song in the next issue. I don't know what song it is?"

"Zi Ang shot, it must be a good song, ouch."


Netizens were enthusiastic and analyzed the reasons for the explosive ratings of "I Am a Singer".

At the same time, everyone is also looking forward to the arrival of its second issue.

The second issue of "I Am a Singer" is the confrontation between it and the first issue of the second season of "The Masked Singer".

Previously, "The Masked Singer" has accumulated word of mouth and fans because it has been aired for one season, so if the first episode is against the first one, "I Am a Singer" will definitely suffer a big loss.

Now, "I Am a Singer" is broadcast first, and the disadvantage has been reversed.

Made by Bo Yu.

The staff of the "I Am a Singer" program team all had slightly red eyes after receiving the ratings data from Sanxiang Satellite TV.

This is due to excitement. Although everyone tried their best, they felt that the program quality and ratings would not be too bad.

But this 4.02 ratings still makes everyone a little unbelievable.

The previous ace programs, phenomenal programs, not to mention the overall ratings, just looking at the ratings of the first episode, are scumbags in front of "I Am a Singer".

The first episode of a variety show that broke 3 was six or seven years ago.

The first variety show that broke 4 was ten years ago.

But at that time, how can it be compared with the present?

"We set another record!" At the regular meeting, Fang Xudong couldn't hide his excitement, his face flushed.

"Well, long live Mr. Chen!" Sun Aiyue waved her fist.

Xiao Li also smiled happily, as if he had won a battle.

Before that, everyone felt that the confrontation with Youzhou Satellite TV's "The Masked Singer" would be [-]-[-], and even start to lose.

Now, one by one, their confidence has greatly increased.

"Fuck you Youzhou Satellite TV!" Someone shouted.

"Yes, fuck them hard!" Someone echoed.

They held this breath for too long.

At the beginning, everyone was a hero, working hard for Youzhou Satellite TV, working overtime day and night, groping forward, and pushing "The Masked Singer" to the altar.

"The Masked Singer" became popular, but Youzhou Satellite TV kicked them away and left them in limbo.

"Wait for a head-to-head confrontation next week to end all grievances." Fang Xudong's eyes were burning.

After the production of Lai Boyu, everyone made the "Super Run" program, and the weekends have long since disappeared, and the rest time is the time when others go to work.

On weekends, they are even busier, either running venues or coming to the company to work overtime.

At this moment, Youzhou Satellite TV is overcast.

From top to bottom, morale is low.

"I Am a Singer" is coming, let alone the quality of the program, the ratings speak for itself.

"The other party's ratings are so high, it just shows that the spring of singing shows has come." Wu Xiaochun encouraged the people below: "Singing shows have been silent for too long, and now the audience's love is back, which is a good thing for us. "

"Yes, our fan base is very large, and we have accumulated a season. The annual grand ceremony is a program that breaks the ratings of 7." Wu Xiaochun's deputy also echoed.

The eyes of the people below lit up.

that's true.

The ratings of the first episode of "The Masked Singer" are a bit shabby compared to "Supercar" and "I Am a Singer".

But the annual grand ceremony is a real existence of breaking 7.

"That's right, in the first episode of the second season, it's impossible for all fans to return, but recently the other party's program has been involved with our program topics, they have benefits, and we have too." Wu Xiaochun continued to encourage everyone.

You can't be afraid just because your opponent is too strong.

What the result is, at least you will know if you work hard.

Niu Wanli from Zhejiang Satellite TV is chatting with Wen Lanxin about the upcoming battle between "The Masked Singer" and "I Am a Singer".

""I Am a Singer" is really against the sky. Hey, even if it is given to us, it can't be so against the sky. The Sanxiang Satellite TV platform is too good." Niu Wanli sighed.

"Give it to us, breaking 3.5 should be no problem." Wen Lanxin said.

Niu Wanli's egg hurts, and it hit him where it hurts.

You must know that "I Am a Singer" is so against the sky, it is a dime for Youzhou Satellite TV.

Just hate it, follow what Youzhou Satellite TV thinks, and what the outside world says.

There is a saying that men don't care about loyalty, it's just that the temptation is not big enough!
Women don't care about betrayal, it's just that the chips are not high enough.

"It's hard work now, half of the fans of "The Masked Singer" will be able to surpass "I Am a Singer"." Niu Wanli didn't want to think about the past, and recognized the facts in front of him.

"Return to half? It's too difficult." Wen Lanxin shook her head.

"But there is a chance after all, isn't it?" Niu Wanli prefers Youzhou Satellite TV, and doesn't want to make himself regret too much.

If "I Am a Singer" really killed "The Masked Singer", it would be too depressing for him, a good opportunity, but he didn't grasp it.

Jiangsu Satellite TV.

King Lanling was very worried.

He never expected "I Am a Singer" to be so fierce. At the beginning, he felt that "I Am a Singer" was not qualified to compete with "The Masked Singer", which has been popular for a season.

Now, it's hard to say who will win the game!

 I have been on the road for the past few days, and I can almost settle down tomorrow, and then I will slowly add updates.

  Within a week, make up the four updates owed to the leader.

  Today's second post will be written later.

(End of this chapter)

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