Chapter 46
After the video was recorded, the students were stunned for a long time.

Although they have never been out of society, they have heard adults say that the world is dangerous.

It's just that it's never been so sad.

In their hearts, they are lawless and have been fighting all their lives. Finally, the Monkey King who was conferred the title of Fighting and Conquering Buddha, looked at it from another angle, and turned into a stone to end himself.

Chen Zi'ang glanced at his classmates, then walked back to say hello to everyone.

He wanted to tell them that society is not as beautiful as you imagined, and the outside world is not as wonderful as people say.

"What are you thinking in your head, you can still watch "Journey to the West" backwards like this?" When Chen Ziang came back, Dai Shuai looked at him like a monster.

Of course, Chen Ziang couldn't say that this story was very popular on the Internet in his previous life. I don't know which guy is really bored, so he studied "Journey to the West" from a different angle.

Not to mention, there are really people who have studied the four great classics for a lifetime, relying on studying this person who eats.

For example, in "Dream of Red Mansions", there are groups of red scholars who specialize in the study of this famous book and rely on this famous book for a living.

That night, Liu Yu was able to make this video and put it on Microwave.

"Haha, I finally got Da Neng's video."

"It's updated, is it still the original flavor?"

"Aww, I've been looking forward to Da Neng's Weibo update every day."

"Is it a joke video, haha, let's see it first."


Fans of Lin'an Da Neng happily clicked on the video to watch.

Everyone enjoyed watching it, and it was still the original protagonist.

Even the original class.

This class is so happy and happy, and the whole class loves life and video recording.

"Pfft~ Isn't it just a joke? Talk about life?"

"This guy is too good at pretending."

"Oh, I laughed so hard, it's not that jokes are better than jokes."

"Long story, look at the faces of those students below, they are all black, puff~"

"Haha, if it were me, I would have thrown the plate away."

"It's too good at water, too good at fooling people."


Netizens watched the first half of the video, although it was not a joke, but they were also very happy. At first glance, they thought this guy was from a leading figure in the education industry, and he spoke clearly.

But seriously, it's really good.

Very educational.

It is positive energy.

Everyone wants to know if this is the protagonist who talks back to the teacher in the first video.

Someone asked on Weibo, but Liu Yuneng didn't answer.

There were too many comments, so he replied one by one at first, but later found out that he really replied to all of them, so he didn't do anything for a day and just replied.

Regarding the matter of asking the protagonist, he also asked Chen Ziang if he wanted to answer, and many people asked.

Chen Ziang said don't reveal his identity now, let the netizens guess for themselves, it's not hard to guess anyway.

If you observe carefully, you can confirm whether it is the same person.

Moreover, if you don't answer directly, it can arouse the curiosity of fans and increase the topic.

Topics are an important source of popularity, and popularity and exposure are the life of an artist.

If one day, this artist is no longer discussed on the Internet, then this artist will be of little value.

In the video, netizens were shocked when they saw Chen Ziang get back to the topic.

After reading it, everyone was dumbfounded.

Chen Zi'ang's perspective on "Journey to the West" is simply unimaginable and unimaginable.

You can still do research like this.

Most importantly, in the video, his expression and his voice made everyone feel deeply sad.

He said that the superhero Monkey King in everyone's mind was dead, and he died so bleakly.


This is a great hero with immortality and unparalleled combat power. In the end, he was disappointed with the world, sealed off his cultivation, lived his life in a mediocre way, and finally turned into a stone.

This ending he said made people inexplicably melancholy, and even wanted to cry.

It mirrors reality and exposes the sinister and dark side of society.

People who have entered the society, who has no helplessness, who has never been helpless.

So true.

There is no denying that this is the dark side of society.

No matter how the media and the people praise the prosperity and heroes, the social phenomena exposed in the videos have always existed.

Light and darkness coexist, truth, goodness and beauty coexist with false, evil and ugly.

The first half of this video has been promoting positive energy, while the second half is boldly exposing the dark reality of society, which makes people helpless.

At the same time, it is also entertaining.

From this perspective, "Journey to the West" is unprecedented.

So weird.

If I really use one sentence to describe the mood of most netizens, it is to laugh and then cry.

Many netizens vomit bitterness and feel that society is dark.

"It's as if it's true, no, it's true."

"A bit desperate, how do we civilians live."

"This is society, and this is what "Journey to the West" wants to express."

"God man, let us re-understand "Journey to the West" and understand society clearly."

"Why do I feel that life is all gloomy?"

"Is society so scary? I don't want to go out. I plan to stay at home for the rest of my life."

"Don't tell me, staying at home is just to make money. It's too dangerous to go out. If you are not careful, you will be cheated of money."

"Money is a trivial matter, it's good if people don't get scammed to death."


The video had just been uploaded, and Liu Yuneng was very motivated. He spent the whole night checking Weibo and reading comments, but seeing that there was a lot of negative energy, he panicked and couldn't help but call Chen Ziang.

Since he was punished by the school last time, he is now scared, afraid of doing something wrong.

"A little bit of negative energy?" Chen Ziang was studying at home, when he received a call from Liu Yuneng, he quickly opened Weibo and used the computer.

After roughly looking at it, Chen Zi'ang comforted Liu Yuneng: "It's okay, most of the people who play Weibo are people who have been out of society, and they have never experienced any big storms. Just this point, they doubt that life is worth living, and they have died so many times. "

"Is it all right? If the teacher troubles me again, what should I do? If I punish me again, my health will bottom out and I will be expelled." Liu Yuneng is still worried that he is suspected of spreading negative energy.

Now the Internet control is very strong, spreading rumors is against the law, and if people repost the rumors of their walks for a certain number of times, they have to enter the bureau to drink tea, or even remake it again.

"I was punished as well. It's none of your business. Don't be a shadow of yourself." Chen Ziang said.

It was fine if he didn't say that, but Liu Yu was even more afraid when he said it this way: "Zi Ang, is it possible that his intentions will be investigated?"

Chen Ziang's head was full of black lines. It seemed that this child was still a good boy and a good student at heart. His three views were very upright, he knew what was right and what was wrong, and what was good and what was bad.

"The first half of the video is pure positive energy, and the second half is actually okay. It is telling the truth. No one should be unfortunate. People will feel sad and depressed when they see it. They will think that the unfortunate person is Negative energy, you want to accept criticism? He is already very sad, okay?" Chen Ziang comforted Liu Yuneng patiently, this guy is very important to his stardom, and he can't hold back at this time, if he dares not post his video again, it will be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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